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So, it appears that Moses (as generally attributed to be the main author of Genesis), had deduced that from Adam's words 'that this woman has come out of (made from) me & now one flesh', that in marriages after Adam & Eve's creation, the unity of husband & wife are also seen in similar manner: that before God, they are one, though two distinct beings with their own personalities, special functions, & inclinations. This unity was to be indissoluble except by death. And Jesus also quoted Moses in this matter: Matthew 19:3-6. And so the question that was raised by the Pharisees, 'if this is so, why did Moses allow for a writing of divorcement?' And Jesus went on further to explain this special concession given to a demanding Israel was never in God's Plan for marriage & the union of two people.
[ Col 2:16 KJV] 16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath [days]:
no work was to be done on that sabbath to picture Christ, no work is to be done to get into heaven we just rest and trust in Christ Jesus
Some confuse that with when the body of Christ assembles. The first century church met on the first day of the week Acts 20:7 so some churches modeled after that. But it does not say its a command or anything. We are to follow Christ every day.
the original language given, some very inspiring details come out. Also don't read quick everything is there
for a specific reason and its like looking at a spiritual Gold mind.
given breath life i.e. inhale and exhale and help meet and occupation and what NOT to do. The last one he blew it!
This means the rest of the chapter 2 is referring to what God performed the first 6 days in Chapter 1. It dispels the notion that man was created before Adam and Eve. It's a continuum not a different creation. I missed this verse in my past readings as well. I decided I would take it slower and digest what was being written. This verse makes sense when read in context. Hope this helps.
Certainly the different "races" came from the descendants of Noah and family after the flood, since his family is the only people left alive after the flood. There were a few generations from the sons of Noah to the Tower of Babel incident.e
I believe that the dispersment of peoples after the Tower of Babel was the major factor in the development of "racial" diversity among humans. I believe that God intervened in the gene pool to select out specific genes for specific groups of peoples to become dominant (i.e. eye color, air color and texture, skin tone, height, facial features). These genes wee present in Noah's DNA but God had to "turn them on" in future generations for them to manifest in certain groups.
Genetics is pretty fascinating. I read about this "turning on or off of genetic markers". I think that God is in control of this turning on and off of certain attributes in people when he create a new person at conception.
I have seen photos of Negroid children with blonde hair and blue eyes, Asian children with blue eyes, etc. So the genetic possibilities are there for God to select. We are all one race with the same genes that can be expressed differently to produce variants of features. These variants do not change anyone's humanness, just how they look outwardly.
By dispersing mankind across the world, God produced such variations repeated in select people groups according to the regions they migrated to, perhaps as an aid for the peoples to adapt to the climate and environment they migrated to or as a way to distinguish one group from another when they interacted. But then again, we really cannot know God's reason for this, on'y speculate.
Genesis has to be read very SLOW. Sometimes a thought in chapter 1; writes on something different. And then the thought gets picked up in the next chapter and added to the first.
I always teach: you will need notebook and paper.
You will GREATLY BENEFIT with a KJV Reference Bible WITH a center of each page reference column. It points to additional info, prophesies past and future; and more.
With Moses writing it shows the leaps ahead and the resuming of an earlier statement.
The Geneologies have references as well. Those are the most interesting stories. That's why I said make lots of notes. Hod allowed it and we must study it and understand the Bigger Picture.
Adams name, means "red" He was ruddy skinned and maybe red-headed.
The Bible does not speak on races. In Nimrods day everyone Spoke the same language. They were building a tower so nimrod could shoot arrows at God. The Godhead ( Romans 1) confused the languages. The people couldn't finish the tower. They migrated to other regions so they didn't have language conflicts.
It's my OPINION, that's when skin tones changed according to other regions and sun exposure, the pigment in skin changed. You'd have to read some books on the evolvement of skin pigmentation?
God is not a color. He is a consuming Fire. He is spirit. Jesus is Son of Man: Human and God. The Holy Spirit is Spirit.
Satan is invisible because he is a created being; that is not HUMAN. He stole DOMINION from Adam&Eve. Jesus got it back on the Cross__because he was born human through Mary. He legally stripped Satan. Again, Satan is not human. Ephesians 6
God likes COLORS. Look at creation!! Animals, bugs, flowers, birds, etc. You cannot accuse God for different colors of people. All colors come from the DUST God used to make MAN. It's in the DNA.
And the second problem: the Apostle Paul speaks of the first man Adam ( 1 Corinthians 15:45) as opposed to the last Adam (Christ), a quickening (life-giving) spirit. This would be incorrect, as according to some folk's understanding, that Adam was not the first man at all & there were other human (& animal) creations before them. The question that comes to bare upon is, why were those 'first' created beings not referenced in any other way; did they get lost into oblivion, God showing them no care, except upon this special second creation of Adam & Eve?
The third problem: we have the sin question coming up as well. If we see Adam & Eve commit sin & that sin nature transmitted to all mankind as a result, was that first creation of mankind spared from being caught up in Satan's snare? I say 'spared', as no doubt, in time, Adam's sin would have eventually passed onto them through inter-marriage. And if so, maybe the Great Flood didn't engulf them, as the Flood was God's Wrath upon a faithless, God-forsaking world.
I realize that we don't have answers to such questions, but they are worth considering in light of our separate understandings of this Genesis account & what other questions are raised that should cause us to examine our beliefs & utterances. If there's little support for the 'one creation only' belief, there would also be little support of a 'dual creation' belief, don't you think?
In Chpt 1:26 He was speaking to his children "Elohim" meaning God and His children)
Chapter 1: 27 God created them simultaneously and sent them out ...He told them to be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth and he gave them dominion as fisherman, hunters and caretakers. (Notice he sent them out and did not place them in a certain place, garden)
Chapter 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. Here it explains that everything was finished, plus all the host (races) of them.
Then He states that
2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (This is a specific man, God breathed into his nostrils...this is where Christ genealogy will come from. In the Hebrew scriptures, this man Adam is Et Ha Adam (specific man).
If you think about it, if it was just Adam and Eve that we all came from, women would be giving birth to all different races of children now also.
There is so much information in the book of genesis that God has given us; all we have to do is put aside what man has told us and let God speak to us as we read His word.
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Genesis 1:22
And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
This was before the human.
Be blessed in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ
Ill hope u see the Spirit of Jesus in there too. When u do u understand that He Is. And tell us I Am. He was with the beginning of the foundation of the earth.
Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
The confusionion are when ppl only look Adam and Eve.
From the very beginning they are really the pedigree of Jesus, if you can see that it will be profitable for you. Please remember that Adam was made of dirt, and God blows His breath into Adam who gave Adam life. But Jesus is from the Spirit, very simple explanation.
1 Corinthians 15:45
And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Adam get the word from God.
Genesis 3:19 "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
That was when God close the Garden for men.
And the darkness come.
Ill hope u get som answer on the confusion. Be blessed in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Please read the Holy scripts for undersanding. Not only the old testament.
They were not Adam or Eve who were living souls and who were told to replenish the earth after they were removed from the garden.
Confusion, on my part, please explain
Man was not made to know or have the knowledge of good and evil.
We were made in the image of God. Follow God. Following the devil is going against God's image.
Here is my study of the second chapter. I have read so many different ideas in the comment section. So much to think about! Many ways I could respond. Praying that I can discern what God would want me to share.
I tend to think that chapter 2 is a deeper explanation of how man and woman were created. Then again, since the Bible is the story of Jesus and his ancestral lineage, the theory of there being creation of mankind generally in Chapter One and then the special creation of Adam and the lineage of Jesus may have merit also, especially since only Adamic descendants through Seth were saved through the flood. Since this lineage is the lineage of "all the living" primarily and secondarily the Bible gives some history of the lineage of those who were "dead in sin" - Who knows but God.
The Jewish writings say that Adam had sexual relations with all of the animals and found not a suitable companion. The text never says that! The Jewish writings have many diabolical ideas. God would have kept Adam from having relations with animals because his design was for each kind to be fruitful and multiply. God could have kept Adam completely satisfied with his relationship with Himself, but God wanted to populate the earth, especially with mankind, since the earth was created specifically for man to inhabit and fill.
Here we have in the beginning God's primary reason for sexual intercourse-procreation. What a privilege it is to be made part of the creation of new humans! Today, our society has denigrated this wonderful God-ordained purpose and substituted a lustful attitude in place of the one God intended. I believe God made sex pleasurable in order that we would engage in this act in marriage so God's purpose can be accomplished-two flesh coming together and becoming one in a child. A most beautiful power God entrusted to us! He has never rescinded this command in all of
Scripture. Let us pray for God to give us godly thinking on this.
God bless you!