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Genesis Chapter 22 Discussion Page 2

Genesis Chapter 22 Discussion Page 2

  • Catherine Taylor on Genesis 22:14 - 3 years ago
    Where does it say in the bible to mourn birth and celebrate death?
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 22:14 - 3 years ago
    Hello Byron. As you know the account prior to verse 14, Abraham subsequently named that place in the land of Moriah as "Jehovah Jireh". And we generally know this Name as another compound Name for God: Jehovah Who Provides - just as God provided the ram to be sacrificed in lieu of Isaac.

    And also in verse 14, Moses quotes a proverb that was used during his time in remembrance of that wonderful day of God's provision to Abraham: "In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen". In Hebrew, Jehovah Jireh (at its root) translates to "God is seen, or God has seen". So, because of the all-seeing Eye of God, He is always aware of every need, & particularly so in this matter of Abraham taking his faith & obedience to the extreme point in raising his knife against his son. His faith didn't flinch because he trusted in Jehovah Jireh to be present at that time & would provide or intervene or even bless him with another son. There was a very active faith shown here. But because his son was spared, Abraham named that place as he did, & others after him knew that place as the 'mount where the Lord's Presence & Intervention was seen'.

    And of course, this speaks to us of God's faithful Presence in each of our lives, no matter what we're going through in life or what 'mountain' of griefs lie before us; and it can only be the seed of real faith in God that provokes Him to do what is best & in His Will. We can be assured that His Arm of Salvation & Providence will be "seen" before our eyes during our trials & God becomes very personal & precious to us as our YHWH Jireh.
  • Ron - In Reply on Genesis 22:14 - 3 years ago
    Byron, In the mount of LORD, it shall be seen, means to see, or, to see to a thing, or provide. It means in faith we can be fully confident without any doubt that our needs, God will Himself see to it the same way He did for Abraham. That is why Abraham called the place Jehovahjireh, meaning the LORD will provide.

    I was not blessed with children so I can not even imagine how Abraham was feeling. God had told him to travel to this place to sacrifice his only son. Isaac asked his father, where is the sacrifice and Abraham told him God will provide himself a lamb. When he had placed Isaac on the wood and had the knife in his hand God sent an angel and stopped him and provided a ram. What faith it took for Abraham to have in God. There was another sacrifice, same as God asked of Abraham but God did not stop it, and His only begotten Son He gave provides us salvation, being rescued from the power and penalty of sin and eternal life with Him, in His Son Jesus the Lamb God provided Himself, for us.

    God bless, Ron
  • Byron Lisenbee on Genesis 22 - 3 years ago
    Have any of you ever been to this site? I am wondering if Calvary can be seen from here.
  • Byron Lisenbee on Genesis 22:14 - 3 years ago
    What do you think this means? "In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen."
  • Sacha - In Reply on Genesis 22 - 3 years ago
    I believe you are correct ,Isaac carries the wood just as Jesus carried his own wooden cross ,he was old enough to be scared but it seems that he quietly just obeyed his father and the ram in the thicket is just like Jesus with a crowm of thorns ,these things are very much more than coincidences ,as you say they foreshadow Christ crucifixtion ,Abraham even says that God will provide a ram for the sacrifice ,how did he know this ?Many things in the old testament are much more than coincidences ,they are there for us to use to strengthen our faith and understanding ,may God bless you with both .
  • BSP on Genesis 22 - 3 years ago
    This chapter really was a foreshadow of part of what Jehovah God would go through in offering his beloved son, Jesus Christ.
  • 4READY 21 Bricks - In Reply on Genesis 22:8 - 4 years ago
    Better stay there playing with JESUS
  • Sacha - In Reply on Genesis 22:8 - 4 years ago
    Check out verse 13 ,Jesus is the lamb ,who was it that provided skins for Adam and Eve to wear after they had sinned ? Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world .
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 22:8 - 4 years ago
    So true. He did indeed: the Word of God Who became the Lamb of God.
  • Tessie Miller on Genesis 22:8 - 4 years ago
    I see it as a Prophecy that Abraham made, that God would provide His self as a sacrifice.
  • Gary Lee - In Reply on Genesis 22 - 4 years ago
    At death, a sinner suffers a threefold separation of his being:

    his body goes to the grave, his soul goes to hell (sheol), and his spirit ascends upward to God. [ Ecc 3:21]. Each sinners death loosens another wicked spirit which increases the number of spirits that war against Christians. Ghosts are demons meant to "copy" the spirit of an unbeliever. A believer (saved sinner's) spirit can't return to earth. The body goes the grave and the spirit and soul returns to God.

    In the Old Testament Dispensation, upon the death of a believer, his body went to the

    grave, and his soul and spirit went to Paradise, also called death and Abraham's bosom. After the Blood of Jesus was applied to the Mercy Seat in Heaven, the spirit and soul of a believer could go directly into the presence of the LORD ( II Corinthians 5:8).
  • Celia Hill on Genesis 22 - 4 years ago
    Did Abraham tell Sarah what he planned to do to Isaac?
  • Dinah latcham on Genesis 22 - 4 years ago
    In the light of what our Lord God said thet with evil things he wouldn't test anyone and the law that was given to Noah about killing anyone, and the demand that Satan made that the hedge should be taken away from Job so that he could test him ,and Job said "should I not take what is good from Almighty God and not what is bad also" and he was given a scolding by God for saying that.

    Also that the sacrifice should be on Mount Maria thus desecrating the place that the Lord God had designated for his temple and the land that he took as his portion for the seed to be take care of that produce Jesus the messiah (as Satan had won his right to be ruler of the word over Adam sin )

    And by no means last the Lord said about the people passing their children through the fire ( Molach) that it has never ever come up into his heart to ask them to do that.

    "Let God be found true though every man prove to be a liar".

    Thank you for you reply to my first question... I was surprised it ever got to you this is all new to me and I haven't yet worked it out how to corrispond.

    May the Holy Spirit be with you in all you do Dinah
  • Bob on Genesis 22 - 4 years ago
    Here again we see the friendship between Abraham and God. Abraham waited so long for a son from Sarah and God wants to take him away. Abraham submits after hearing clearly from God and does not argue. He just trusts God and obeys even though he does not fully understand. God himself would have been amazed at the faith and obedience of this man. "would he sacrifice his son, his only son if I ask him to", The answer was yes and God honored him for it because in the future God himself would sacrifice His only son for all the sins of the world. The only difference would be that God would actually go through with it and free mankind from the chains of sin and death by placing it all on His son. Who of us could reject such a great sacrifice and not receive Gods gift to us of "life for life...blood for blood..sinless for sin" on that cross.
  • Joan - In Reply on Genesis 22 - 4 years ago
    One thing that is true: Isaac contained the seed of Christ who was to be THE Sacrifice.
  • Alex on Genesis 22 - 4 years ago
    The reason Issac was born was that Abraham might be multiplied as the sands by th seas giving God a special ppl but natural Israel was not a righteous ppl, there was none righteous no not one and that what God wanted a righteous ppl like himself the Promise was 2 fold about a heavenly ppl coming that wd be righteounsess in all the world as the stars of heaven thus the need for a heavenly son Christ JESUS an Israel of God th Father needed a good seed to sow in his ppl thus the sower and his precious seed th field being th world humanity God so loved the world, that good seed being th WORD a much greater seed then abrahams seed resulting in a ppl that cd not sin. ( them that are BORN of God can not sin ) But the Father swore by his very self when made that PROMISE to Christ impling that the seed of christ wd resultin n God being born in a man thats y Jesus said to whom the WORD came it made them Gods ( God swore by his very self when he made that PROMISE ) impling he was gonna multiply his veryself in humanity th world. Jeremiah saw all men in travail and birth Pains th world and he said this when spoke of the New Covenant . The child that comes from Christ seed is spirit thats y he said that which is born of the spirit is spriit which is the H.G. THAT Y HE REFERS TO THE H.G as the PROMISE THE H.G COMES BY HIS WORD HE SAID MEANING THE CHILD WILL COME VIA HIS SEED TH WORD AND TH WORD IS TH SEED OF GOD, thats y God swore by hisself he knew that real righteousness wd come via the seed of his Son. Thats y the Woman in rev. 12 is giving birth she heard the word that good seed, her child is the H.G. TH PROMISE CHILD. Thus God will be multiplied in us Sinners,to whom the word came ( that good seed it made them Gods ) One of the facets of his death was Multiplication, when a seed dies it multiplies, smite the shephard and the sheep will be scattered then i will TURN MY HAND TO THE LITTLE ONES HIS OFFSPRING THE CHILDREN OF PROMISE THE H.G. PLURAL AS TH STARS OF HEAVEN GBU.
  • Jayden Gaines on Genesis 22 - 5 years ago
    Why do we have to do the Bible.
  • Alex on Genesis 22 - 5 years ago
    Because of Abraham's obedience a Nation was born that wd become as the sands of the seas in multitude which was an allegory that God wd offer up his only son CHRIST JESUS resulting in an Israel of GOD,ITS God himself that wants a posterity, A lil one shall be come a 1000 and a small one a strong nation I the lord will hasten it in its time which is the Israel of GOD THE H.G. PLURAL born in humanity that woman in Rev 12 is humanity ya remember Jesus said the field was the world where that good seed wd be sown impling humanity God so loved the world etc. Jesus said smite the shepherd and the sheep willl be scattered then i will turn my hand to the lil ones impling multiplication, th PROMISE GB
  • Alex on Genesis 22 - 5 years ago
    When god made that promise to abraham about multiplication he swore by his very self meaning he was gonna multiply his very self in humanity via the seed of christ which is the living word, thats y jesus is saying to whom the word/seed came it made them gods and that which is born of the spirit is spirit as god is spirit which is the h.g.the promise child ( our new innerman has to be born in us ) which is the h.g. th promise child that good seed is his word his breath thats y jesus refers to the h.g. as the promise he is the multiplcation of god in us sinners th world etc.jesus cd not refer to the h.g. as the promise if he were not the multiplication of god. seeds always results in a birth.
  • ALEX on Genesis 22 - 5 years ago
    Jerry the trinity is the very kingdom of god as abraham offered up his only son isaac so did god almighty offer up his only son christ jesus thats what abraham means exaulted father thus abraham issac and jacob are a perfect picture of the kingdom of god which is father son and granson that is gona initiate the israel of god a greater israel then abrahams seed a heavenly israel th kingdom of god.
  • Stanjett on Genesis 22 - 5 years ago
    Well, If it was me and my only child daughter , I would be in Hell now, because I would not do it. Sorry Lord. She would still be alive.
  • ALEX on Genesis 22 - 5 years ago
    Just as abraham issac and jacob were father son and granson that resulted in the nation of israel the sand by the seas that promise that god made to abraham etc the heavenly kingdom is also father son and granson that will initiate the israel of god which is the h.g. the promise seed that is gona be sown in humanity resulting in a birth of th h.g in us, being bornagain of an incorruptible seed gbu
  • Teri on Genesis 22 - 5 years ago
    yes, we definitely have to look on the passage with the character of God in mind to see that Abraham knew God would intervene, somehow?
  • Alex on Genesis 22 - 5 years ago
    Natural israel was the result of abrahams seed but the israel of god is the result of christ and his seed the word. i will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven thus the sower and his seed planted in humanity, jesus said the field was the world humanity thats y jeremiah saw the world in travail and birth pains 27 times the prophets saw this world in travail and birth pains i.e the israel of god
  • Lou on Genesis 22 - 5 years ago
    Many lessons from God here. First, God wants Mercy, not sacrifice. No sacrifice of self or another. GOD WANTS MERCY. He shows it to Abraham freely. Secondly, only God can provide The Lamb He will accept
  • BSP on Genesis 22 - 6 years ago
    Verse 3~Abraham did not fully understand Jehovah God's request but he showed great faith in being willing to obey.
  • Lauren on Genesis 22 - 6 years ago
    DBL: Child-sacrifice is not being promoted here, nor is the promise threatened. God already planned out that Isaac wasn't going to actually die and the promise given to Abraham would still be fulfilled. Regardless of the seemingly contradictory command, Abraham still trusted that God wouldn't break his promise, which was what truly demonstrated his faith. ( Hebrews 11:17-19)
  • DBL on Genesis 22 - 6 years ago
    Genesis 22 is a controversial passage in the Bible as it is a representation of the savagery of God. The undeniable request of Abraham contradicts the ideals of God. First, the concept of child-sacrifice later abhorred by God is promoted in this passage. Also, the violation of God's covenant to expand the Israelites through Isaac is obviously threatened. How can God ask contradictory things?
  • ALEX on Genesis 22 - 6 years ago
    We see a beautiful picture of the kingdom of God in Abraham Issac and Jacob just as Abraham offered up issac his only son God almighty offered up his only son Christ Jesus, the Ram caught in the thicket by his Horns was symbolic of Christ and his Crown of thorns,thus we see the Kingdom of God in Abraham Issac and Jacob, thus its CHRIST that is gona be multiplied as the STARS OF HEAVEN BY HIS SEED.

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