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Genesis Chapter 30 Discussion

Genesis Chapter 30 Discussion

  • John on Genesis 30 - 2 years ago
    What did Jacob do to make the animals turn out the way that they did? vs. 25-43
  • Rick - In Reply on Genesis 30 - 3 years ago
    Gigi Many have tried to figure out the mandrake deal, anytime in the old testament I see a situation where God tells a believer to do something that doesn't make sense its always revealed knowledge specific revelation to bless the individual and to achieve Gods Will same thing with the walls of Jericho, same thing with Elijah pouring water over a burn't sacrifice that God burn't up, these men believed what God said to do and got the results because they believed and did it. Things haven't changed in regards to what God will do for us when we believe and act on the information given. God doesn't change man does. It is walking by the spirit.
  • GiGi on Genesis 30 - 3 years ago
    Well, this is just as interesting as the last chapter. yes, Jacob had sexual relationships with 4 women who were given to his household. He didn't go out of what was his to find more women. I think the problems between Rachel and Leah are expected. I was surprised for the bargaining Rachel and Leah did- mandrakes for a lay with Jacob. It must have been Rachels turn to have time with Jacob sexually. Leah's sons were old enough to provide some sustenance for the family. Rachel had not much as much leverage as Leah. Jacob didn't seem to object to the deal, even though he loved Rachel more than Leah, but he cared for both of the

    Unlike Jacob and Esau where Jacob was the child of promise and Esau was not, all of Jacob's sons were equally children of the promise, even the children of the maids. God was fulfilling his promise of multiplying Abraham's seed by giving Jacob 12 sons and one daughter. That daughter had to be one tough cookie to grow up among twelve brothers! Notice that she did not have a tribe named after her.

    I think that Jacob was told by God what to do with the flocks to ensure that his own would be built up far exceedingly to Laban's. He was not neglecting Laban's flocks at all, but living by the bargain made between them. I think Jacob was still learning how to hear God's voice and act on faith. So, perhaps the 'trick" with the branches was a test of faith.

    On the other hand, being a shepherd, he may have known something that Laban did not know, as it was Rachel who shepherded Laban's flocks.

    Either way, God was faithful and blessed Jacob and in the process of blessing him, God blessed Laban, too, and Laban noticed.
  • David - In Reply on Genesis 30 - 3 years ago
    Hi T. Lewis What you stated is absolutely correct many times in the old and new testament men of God did or told others what to do to Get Gods results and they did not question they just did it. Noah was told to build an Ark because the earth was going to be flooded by rain and until that time there is no record of rain upon the earth also he was given specific instructions on how to build a boat. New testament Jesus Christ ask the disciples how are we going to feed over 5 thousand with a few loves of bread and fish then told the disciples what to do and God supplied the need. In our day and time when we dare to believe whats written or told to us and act we can have the same results. I know a women who stopped in the middle of a teaching prayed for her son who at that exact moment had a loaded gun in his mouth pulled the trigger and the bullet discharged and turned into powder, later on he called his mother about it and she told him she prayed at that time and the result was him being born again. Our Job is to Let Go and Let God Work!
  • Leea - In Reply on Genesis 30 - 3 years ago

    I thought the rods were a switch from the wood of a certain tree that was known to affect lambing / birthing due to the substance it excreted into the water and the animals drank it
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 30 - 3 years ago
    Hello Don. That's a great question that I have never been able to figure out. I had to resort to a commentary but confess that I still don't understand how placing these rods before the flocks could produce offspring of certain colouring. So I will copy Albert Barnes' comment on this for your consideration:

    "Jacob devises means to provide himself with a flock in these unfavorable circumstances. His first device is to place party-colored rods before the eyes of the cattle at the rutting season, that they might drop lambs and kids varied with speckles, patches, or streaks of white. He had learned from experience that there is a congruence between the colors of the objects contemplated by the dams at that season and those of their young. At all events they bare many straked, speckled, and spotted lambs and kids. He now separated the lambs, and set the faces of the flock toward the young of the rare colors, doubtless to affect them in the same way as the pilled rods. "Put his own folds by themselves." These are the party-colored cattle that from time to time appeared in the flock of Laban.

    In order to secure the stronger cattle, Jacob added the second device of employing the party-colored rods only when the strong cattle conceived. The sheep in the East lamb twice a year, and it is supposed that the lambs dropped in autumn are stronger than those dropped in the spring. On this supposition Jacob used his artifice in the spring, and not in the autumn. It is probable, however, that he made his experiments on the healthy and vigorous cattle, without reference to the season of the year. The result is here stated. "The man brake forth exceedingly" - became rapidly rich in hands and cattle."

    I hope this helps you somewhat - I'm still unsure how this could work & just accept this account as given.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 30 - 3 years ago
    I've wondered that too. GOD directs some people to do out of the ordinary things & out of the ordinary things happen when they've done what GOD directed them to do. I think we're thinking too much into it like 'if we tried it will it work' here's some other examples

    Exodus 17:6, Numbers 20:1-11, notice Numbers 20:8 GOD said "speak to the rock" , Numbers 20:12, Numbers 13 & 14,

    Genesis 31:12,
  • David - In Reply on Genesis 30 - 3 years ago
    Hi Don It had nothing to do with what he fed them it had everything to do with following Gods instructions and seeing the results. It is a great example of receiving information or instruction from God its like when the children of Israel marched around Jericho seven times then blew trumpets and down came a wall. By the five senses natural mind it doesn't make senses but they followed the man of Gods instructions and got Gods deliverance. Throughout Gods word when people listened to men of God believed and acted they always got deliverance. When the man of God Elisha in 2 Kings 4:1-7 ask a widow what can I do for you, she explained she was broke and he gave her specific instructions and she did them and got Gods deliverance. He ask her yo do something that made no sense but she obeyed. In the gospels this happened many times between Jesus Christ and the disciples where he ask them to do something that by the senses made no senses but he walked by the spirit and knew God would always meet the need.
  • Don Swaringen on Genesis 30 - 3 years ago
    How did Jacob's trick with the rods before the animals while mating cause them to have different offspring?
  • Katrina dean on Genesis 30 - 4 years ago
    Bible question
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 30 - 4 years ago
    If it's for your phone (& it's very handy to have one there), you can get it from the Apple Store or Play Store. Make sure it's the King James Bible Online App, as there are many choices out there.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Genesis 30 - 4 years ago
    I just googled KingJamesBibleOnline.ORG

    After it opens, drop toe bottom to the box with an arrow pointing up.

    Open that and it's saved to your Google Page.
  • Confused - In Reply on Genesis 30 - 5 years ago
    They were all his wifes. It's not as if he raped them. In fact his wifes was fighting against each other to see who would get to sleep with him.
  • Ann Anglin on Genesis 30 - 5 years ago
    To Sparkle answer tour comment onGen.ch30 It was always One Man One Women and will be period But because of the hardness of human hearth, want to write their own story book. They cannot Waite on God n His mercies so they try to give God apush along It always turn bad ButThe Father God in His Great Mercies turn it into something good We should Always Waite on Gods timing n not ours B
  • Pastor Wilson - In Reply on Genesis 30 - 5 years ago
    What is your point by this? Abraham, Issac both did the same thing.
  • Chase Marriage on Genesis 30 - 5 years ago
    Four..Jacob had sex with four different women in this chapter
  • Spongebob squarepants on Genesis 30 - 5 years ago
    Jacob literally has sex with three women in this chapter and I'm not sure what to think.
  • Marilyn on Genesis 30 - 6 years ago
    All these are part of God's plan.
  • Frank jett on Genesis 30 - 6 years ago
    and it came to pass, whensoever the stronger cattle did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the cattle in the gutters, that they might conceive among the rods.
    But when the cattle were feeble, he put them not in: so the feebler were Laban's, and the stronger Jacob's.
    Jacob took away Easu's blessings and now with witchcraft the best of Lebans cattle. Jacob don't seem very honest
  • Unknown on Genesis 30 - 6 years ago
    Nowhere does God say it is ok to take more than one wife. 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. As we can know by reading the scripture their are work's of man.
  • BSP on Genesis 30 - 6 years ago
    Verse 43~Jehovah God saw the injustice that Jacob faced with his father-in-law and he blessed Jacob for his endurance and faith.
  • BSP on Genesis 30 - 7 years ago
    Verse 1: Rachel had very strong feelings about having children and not being able to. She felt as if she would die if she could not have children.
  • Hebrew Israelite on Genesis 30 - 7 years ago
    I get it that's where the 12 tribes comes from
  • Seven Trumpets on Genesis 30 - 8 years ago
    The beginning of God's bringing to pass His promise to Abraham was the increasing of Jacob's sons, and of all his wealth, as a hired servant among "brethren" according to the flesh; and how God shows the superiority of His Elect and Beloved Ones, over the others who may appear to be greater in this world. When Jesus comes, He will take away all that the ungodly trust in, and give it to His Saints.
  • Kemar on Genesis 30 - 8 years ago
    God Promise that he would bless Jacob seed and that was fulfilled here Jacob had 12 sons...always trust in God Words because he never fails...we fail to fulfill promises some times but God never fails
  • HENRY S STEWART on Genesis 30 - 9 years ago
    god is still working behind the scenes. as he continue to bless jacob
  • Yosev Adzungweh on Genesis 30:24 - 9 years ago
    The Circumstances Surrounding The Birth Of Joseph Shows That If We Pray With Sincerity Of Heart To God He Will Surely Answer Us.We Should Also Have Faith In God That No Time Is Late, With All Mockery, Rachel Prayed Earnestly And With Sincerity Of Heart That God Should Give A Son And God Finally Granted Her Heart Desire. She Conceived And Gave Birth To A Son And Named Him Joseph Saying God Has Taken Away Her Shame And May God Add To Her Another Son, To God Be The Glory, Joseph Grew Up And Became The Lord Of Egypt.
  • Lucien Ayite on Genesis 30 - 9 years ago
    I am somewhat disappointed by the profane behavior of barren Rachel who, for some few mandrakes, forfeited an opportunity to conceive in favor of Lea who seized it and had a 5th child, Issachar. In so doing, Rachel acted just like Esau who sold his birthright to Jacob for some lentils. In this perilous time we are living, it is capital to fight against intemperance and shun all gratification of our appetites so as not to forfeit spiritual blessings, the lost of which might have eternal consequences.
  • Lilian on Genesis 30 - 10 years ago
    Seek the Kingdom of God 's first into your heart and all things that you need in thine heart will be follow. Seek deligently Jesus in to your life for He is the door, any man who inter 's in will be save. Dont be afraid trusting God and trusting Jesus also for nothing is impossible with God. Whe who loves God will keep his words and obey his commandments until rapture. Be blessed and keep rejoicing and thanking God for everything he have done into your lives. Jesus loves you
  • Leron on Genesis 30 - 10 years ago
    We were talking the other day how Leah felt that with the children she had born to Jacob that he would bonded to her more. The thought came to me that if we really want to be bonded to Jesus Christ that we should bring as many people into the kingdom of God as we can.

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