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You are correct. Adam was put in charge of the Garden. The spreading of sin to all of mankind has resulted from the inability of Adam to uphold the Law of God and resist what Satan was offering him.
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Romans 5:12
Eve, however, was also there. In fact, Eve was the first person to accept Satan's proposal, look at Genesis 3:6.
Both Adam AND Eve received punishment for what happened in the Garden, look at Genesis 3:16.
The transgression that took place in the Garden of Eden had nothing to do with a piece of fruit. Both Adam and Eve were wholly seduced by Satan.
After the act took place:
Eve's punishment concerned child birth.
Satan's punishment concerned the separation of "seed" from the woman ( Genesis 3:15).
Eve found Satan to be "desirable" and "pleasant to the eyes" ( Genesis 3:6, 2 Corinthians 11:3). The punishment by our heavenly Father upon Eve, (and all of womankind) included her desire to now be focused upon her "husband, and he shall rule over thee" Genesis 3:16.
A few minutes of research into Scripture and a Bible Concordance will likely bring this topic into better light.
A man should not blame a woman for a mistake he made. Neither should a woman blame a man for a mistake she made.
It seems like nobody is doing their job anymore, male or female. How far ahead would mankind be if we took responsibility for our actions!!!
Luke 6:42
After Adam & Eve sinned & through them sin was passed onto all people, as the initial population multiplied, their transmitted genes would have become further diverse as the gene pool increased. This would have led to abnormal mutations within humans, producing severe deformities. Man would have stopped interbreeding long before God's law was given against this ( Lev 20), but this initial interbreeding, which would have had negative medical effects had it been allowed to continue, would have gone on for some time for the population of the Earth. Yes, we are all inter-related going back to Adam & Even, but after the Flood, our relationship to our forerunners are more correctly, towards Noah & his offspring.
That would be like marrying his daughter. And if God created everything and everyone then we are all related in some sort. We only know of incest now because we were taught to recognize it as a sin but in those times the main importance was to multiply and fill the earth with souls for the glorification of God.
Revelation 6:2 Ps 45:4
Lucis trust about: History "The Lucis Trust was established by Alice and Foster Bailey as a vehicle to foster recognition of the universal spiritual principles"...."A publishing company, initially named Lucifer Publishing Company"
Support of the United Nations: "The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and World Goodwill is recognized by the Department of Public Information at the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)"
The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.
If so then there is no doubt what they truly are - if you are willing to understand the evidence and the logic. Trust me.
Arriving at chapter 6, Satan's angels that got kicked out of heaven with him, started taking wives from Adams lineage. They were giants (like Goliath). Scientists have actually excavated skeletons of them.
Genesis 6:5-7, God was grieved at his heart that he had made man.
Enter Noah. Genealogy picked back up through Noah's decendents. Genesis 9:18
You have to read and take notes about all the Genealogy. God keeps track of all humans born in a book. Even the ones who didn't get born. All the days of our life is recorded in a book: miscarriages, abortions and live births. There's a scripture in Psalms that God oversaw the child being knit together in the womb, in secret. It's incredible to think about
Romans 5:13 says "For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law." So sin was not imputed before the law was given because there was no knowledge of sin. Nobody knew what sin was, though sin was there.
What it is showing us is that as a nation we are unprepared to react swiftly to disasters. Also that in crisis we turn to God for our help. Psalm 91.
The word pandemic is not in the Bible. I think many people have been blissfully living their lives without God for a long time. The Bible and prayer were kicked out of school in the mid 60's.