Genesis Chapter 50 Discussion

  • Nsituma on Genesis 50 - 1 year ago
    HI everyone
  • Hope This is Helpful - In Reply on Genesis 50 - 2 years ago
    Manasseh was, according to the Book of Genesis, the first son of Joseph and Asenath ( Genesis 41:50-52). Asenath was an Egyptian woman whom the Pharaoh gave to Joseph as wife, and the daughter of Potipherah, a priest of On ( Genesis 41:50-52). Manasseh was born in Egypt before the arrival of the children of Israel from the land of Gershwin.

    Machir was the son of Manasseh, grandson of Joseph, and father of Gilead. Joseph lived to see and to play a part in the up-bringing of Machir and his children.

    In the Torah's account of the journey of the Israelites after the Exodus, Machir (the individual) is portrayed as conquering the territories known as Gilead and Bashan, which had previously been occupied by Amorites. Half of the tribe of Manasseh, those descended from Machir, are described as having settled in Gilead and Bashan,and consequently they were important in Gilead's history.

    According to the Books of Samuel, Machir son of Ammiel was the name of a descendant of the Machir mentioned above, who resided at Lo-Debar. The text states that here he looked after Meribaal, the son of Jonathan, until David took over his care, and also looked after David himself, when David found himself a fugitive.
  • Udodirim Amaefule on Genesis 50 - 2 years ago
    The name of the son of Manasseh Machir was mentioned in chapter 50. My question is , where was Manasseh at this time?.
  • Jcbu undercover on Genesis 50 - 2 years ago
    Joeseph and the coat of many colours shows all people that forgiveness is a key to the kingdom of heaven and peace on earth.From a prisoner to the most powerful man in Egypt with God's wisdom ,and guidance when you do God's will you will always be blessed abundantly with gifts from the Holy Spirit.Faith Hope Charity.Now that's true prosperity.
  • GiGi on Genesis 50 - 2 years ago
    And so I come to the end of the book of Genesis! Here in ch. 50 we learn of the way a person is mourned in Egypt. Jacob was embalmed (something that the did not generally do).The people mourned for 40 days. Perhaps it took that long for the embalmment to be complete enough to put the body in a tomb. Joseph asks Pharaoh to be permitted to take his father's body back to Canaan and be buried with the others that had died before him in the cave of the patriarchs (as it is called). Pharaoh permits this, even releasing all of the male leaders of the tribe of Jacob to go back to their prior home. At the gravesite, Jacob is mourned for 7 days (probably the custom for the Israelites?).

    After returning from Canaan, Joseph's brother begin to worry that Joseph will take revenge on them now that their father has died. After 17 years you would think that they would know that Joseph had no such intention. But, perhaps they did not have very much contact with Joseph considering is position in the government. Joseph once again assured them that he will treat them with lovingkindness because he had truly forgiven them, thus exemplifying Christ.

    Joseph must have been about 55 when Jacob died. He lived another 55 years. He saw his sons grow up and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Interesting one was named specifically saying he was brought up on Joseph's knees. Macher must have been a favored grandchild.

    Joseph provided for his family and his brothers and their families for all the years he was them. When he was close to death, he promised his brethren that God would visit them and take them back to Canaan. He asked his brothers to take an oath to carry his remain back to Canaan and bury them with his forefathers. It doesn't recount him giving a blessing on his children, perhaps because is father already had done so.

    The story of Joseph's life is a truly amazing. God never left him forsaken, but blessed him richly in every circumstance, making him a man of God.
  • !Q on Genesis 50 - 3 years ago
    I love love love love love jesus jesus jesus or lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!!!!!!!
  • Danny on Genesis 50:2 - 3 years ago
    What was the reason for 30 days that Joseph mourn for Jacob his father
  • Dejanique on Genesis 50 - 3 years ago
    This is so spiritual
  • Eric on Genesis 50 - 3 years ago
    Day 16 of Bible in a year! I did it! I can now say I've read the entire book of Genesis. I believe it was in the commentary that states Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel) and Joseph are the prophets that are spoken of in revelations? Very interesting the lives of the beginning to see where we came from. It goes to show not much has changed. Some of us are good and others are bad hearted. Joseph's perspective that good came out of his brothers evil deed for the better. I/we need to have this perspective to prevail and make the world a better place.
  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 50:8 - 4 years ago
    Hi Sean, here's a page that might be useful: Link
  • Mishael - In Reply on Genesis 50:8 - 4 years ago
    Sean, have you admitted that you've sinned and desire to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

    After the new birth begins, the Holy Spirit will be in your life to help you pray, get free from things that hold you back; read a Bible and understand it. Start in 1, 2, 3, John in the back of the Bible (in front of Revelation).

    If you have YouTube you can watch some ministry programs by Charles Stanley. If you have any fears or questions, you're person to run to is Holy Spirit. He will never leave you or forsake you (quit on you). He will give you strength. Confess as you feel the need and you'll be free of it forever.

    Ask Holy Spirit to help you find a church nearby.
  • Sean O39Neill on Genesis 50:8 - 4 years ago
    No I have never snd read the Bible. Just reading that was hard for me. Once again G planted a seed that us gonna grow into a flower. I would love a Bible.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 50:23 - 4 years ago
    Genesis 50:23 please click scripture is says brought up, in this translation. To me it speaks personally about the children like myself (for example) were brought up very young, closely on the knees of my Dad & Granddad. Where you see what they read, what they watch , near everything they did. It is in an amazingly close relationship.
  • Ike on Genesis 50 - 6 years ago
    According to verse 20, they thought evil against him; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to deliver and recue much people.
  • Anne on Genesis 50 - 6 years ago
    Joseph had a dream, he trusted God through his trials and temptations and at the appointed time that dream was fulfilled. He became great and was instrumental in saving many lives.
    "Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass (Ps.37:5)

  • BG on Genesis 50 - 6 years ago
    End of day 16 Daily Bible reading. The people - nation of Israel are now now connected together as a people. Their spiritual journey will lead them to be a nation.
  • BSP on Genesis 50 - 7 years ago
    Verse 15: Joseph's brothers still had a guilty conscience. Making bad decisions can cause us to have a bad conscience many years after the decision has been made.
  • Gloria on Genesis 50 - 7 years ago
    Grace and mercy was showed to a brother that was left to die in an unknown land. God will always be for you when the world turn against you. Joseph was blessed before any thing happened to him. His father Jacob had already told him that his brothers would be his servants and they hated him for the blessing his father had put on his life. In the end he still showed the love he had in his heart.
  • A disciple on Genesis 50 - 7 years ago
    Death is a terrible thing, and it was not God's first idea for man. God made us to be His children and to live for ever. It is a very sad that we have to die. Sin is cannot be taken lightly; for we all can see its real nature, and the terrible end we all must come to because of it. Because of Jesus, we can be reconciled to God, and the sins taken away; and we will live again. This life is not all.
  • Nnenda on Genesis 50 - 7 years ago
    this teaches us about forgiveness, despite the hatred of Joseph's brethren on him, he forgave them of their past and dealt kindly with them. He had hope that one day his people will return to canaan.
  • Kari the cupcake on Genesis 50 - 7 years ago
    This is a pretty nice story, i read these stories to my children lots and they love 'em and are tickled pink
  • Vjgg on Genesis 50 - 7 years ago
    The mouring of Jacob(1-6)
  • Kitten on Genesis 50 - 8 years ago
    Truly an amazing and heartfelt story of the bible.
  • BSP on Genesis 50 - 8 years ago
    Joseph had truly forgiven his brothers. He saw the bigger picture of the salvation of his family instead of focusing on the past wrongs of his brothers.
  • Mel james on Genesis 50 - 8 years ago
    The word is aliv
  • Joseph essien on Genesis 50 - 9 years ago
    God is good
  • Vincent on Genesis 50:26 - 9 years ago
    joseph live a blessing life that he was being reward by God, Egypt 110 years is a blessing live is 70 years after that it is a reward .
  • Anonymous on Genesis 50:25 - 10 years ago
    Joseph was a man of faith. He kept his hope alive that one day, his people would leave Egypt for the promised land.
  • Anonymous on Genesis 50:25 - 10 years ago
    Joseph was a man of faith. He kept his hope alive that one day, his people would leave Egypt for the promised land.
  • Ty Hesford on Genesis 50:20 - 10 years ago
    I have to learn this for school

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