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Hebrews Chapter 1 Discussion Page 10

Hebrews Chapter 1 Discussion Page 10

  • Sandra gatula on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    God is telling us who he is and that we ought to worship him and letting us know that we do not worship angels.
  • Ogbonna on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    It's simply showing the simplicity of God and his love towards mankind and then the reason to acknowledge our source.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    God became a man, so that by the grace of God, He could taste death for every man. God loves righteousness, and hates wickedness. We see Elohim at creation. God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. If you receive the witness of man, then the witness of God is greater. There is one mediator between God, and man. Jesus is that mediator, and He shed His blood, so that He could purge our sins. Receive the Son by faith, and you will be born again into the family of God. Jesus is the first born of creation, because he died on the cross, was buried, and rose the third day. He is coming again, to judge the living, and the dead. Receive Him now, and He will be your Savior. If not He will be your Judge.
  • Ronald Blair on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    Looking to this chapter, I’m led to ask; Who Is God?
  • Seeking on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    I believe differently...
  • Seeking on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    Using verses 1 and 2, someone told me the Lord doesn’t speak to us anymore through tongues, dreams, visions and hearing His voice.
  • M.KAMALANATHAN on Hebrews 1:9 - 12 years ago
    I think that God created the world in word according John 1:1 and again 1 john 5:7 says for there are three who bear witness in heaven the father, the word, and the holy spirit; and these three are one so that now we are seeing the Hebrews 1:8 Father and Son relationship only ....
  • Anonymous on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    Living according to the word will bring many afflictions, tribulation and persecutions but his grace is sufficient.
  • Charles james on Hebrews 1:1 - 12 years ago
    God is the same today and forever, what he did then, he does today, but he does it through his people,and the power of God in us.
  • WML on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    What if a prayer, which actually is a request for norm to happen but not a special request, has been said for years but still no response from above?
  • WML on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    What if a prayer, which actually is a request for norm to happen but not a special request, has been said for years but still no response from above?
  • Lenora on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    it appears to me that Hebrews1 was written to encorage the Jewish people who had beome Christan, not to go back, and to reaffrim that Chirst is God's son in whom God is well pleased with and to hear him, according to Luke 9:35 and to saty the course because in due season they will be rewarded. which also applies to us today to take up our corss and fight the good fight of faith which sometimes will be diffcult, but saty on course, so that in the end we will receive that MANSION ROBE AND a CROWN.
  • Monique on Hebrews 1:9 - 12 years ago
    If you stay away from wrong doing the Lord will always bring you happiness, more than the wrong do'ers which know right from wrong in still choose wrong..God's extra gift shines upon you as an example.
  • Robert on Hebrews 1:13 - 12 years ago
    Here again GOd him self gives his son a place by his side, the word is true and there is no where one can dispute that this sets the fact that Jesus Christ is his son, NOT GOD. clearly any one can see that there is but one GOD and ONE Christ JESUS.
  • Robert on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    D's Listen to him this a man after Gods heart. I know there is only one God, and only one sinless son. Then came the Holy Spirt and with them the gifts which are covered well in D,s lession.God Bless every one that seeks and rejoices in the truth as I do, don't add, or take away anything from the word of God and yes it well set you free. May God Bless you in truth in your quest of truth.
  • Michael Benoit on Hebrews 1:1 - 12 years ago
    God no longer speaks to us? There are no more prophets today? God the same yesterday, today and tomorrow? What about all these prophets today, that ae showing signs and wonders in the name of God?
  • JR-SEER on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    ELOHIM<>plural name, more then one/ H2O <>PLURAL NAME,more then one<>waterliquid-waterice-water vapor, one H2O<>ONE GOD
  • Leanna on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    Greetings to all, God and Jesus Christ is one first of all the Trinity the father the son and the holy spirit is all the same those are the titles of God remember their were not one perfect man on earth that could die for our sin son God. Had a plan to put himself in a human body remember God is spirit he can do all things he is the almighty therefore Jesus is God son which is servant so this man Jesus is flesh and blood remember also when Jesus said to get to the father you first must go through him now read reverlations chapter 1 verse 1 it telling you about Jesus Christ and about what will take place then go yo verse 7 and continue reading the scriptures fl not lie Jesus said call every man a lie but the word of God is truth.
  • Louis on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    I have read some of the preceeding comments and I find it a litle disconcerting that the discussion is revolving so much around the trinity. Remember when Yahweh casts them(Adam and Eve) out in Genesis if they were to eat of the tree of life then they would be like us! When they scatter and confuse the languages from nimrod...The reference is in the plural! But enough...I believe Hebrews to be such a poetic work in scripture, tying all the aspects of both old and new testament together giving the vivid picture of Jesus as both Son and God in that he accomplished his work on earth and also shows that he is the physical creator (the Word),... and Yahweh spoke...and it came into being...This is all clearly portrayed for our benefit to understand as best we can, the will of Yahweh...
  • Warrant4 on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    The comments here indicate a real lack of study. Please do not go into the accusatory mode unless you have done some WORK. Read supporting documentation such as Josephus, read the bible translated from the original Aramaic, look at a Greek interlinear, read the apochrypha. Compare the KJV with the 1611 version, Wycliffe and Tydale.
    You might not see the word "TRINITY" laid out on a nice clear silver platter surrounded by flashing lights and bright red arrows and a good wiki-read explanation using short words. That does not mean its not there. Study the way authors of the bible canon address God and Jesus Christ(and the Holy Spirit) directly and indirectly. Look at instances when God speaks in the plural. Compare OT and NT passages. Read how God communicates with man and how Jesus communicates. READ.
  • Ryan on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    The word rapture isn't in the Bible either. Clearly the rapture is talked about in 1 Corinthians 15........ Immanuel-- meaning GOD is with us..... Jesus and the Father ARE ONE.
  • D on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    'Trinity' is found NOWHERE in the Bible. the Trinity concept was created in 325 A.D. by the Catholic Council of Nicea. In fact the early church never had a question about who GOD was and who Jesus was. The Jewish faith believes in 1 Most High God and that a Messiah will come in the flesh to bring salvation. This makes 2 people. NOT 3. Jesus himself claimed to be GOD's SON - not GOD. and GOD spoke out of heaven proclaiming Jesus as 'MY SON in whom I am well pleased'. the demons who were cast out of people recognized Jesus as 'the SON of the Most High'. and 1 John warns us about those who don't believe Jesus is the Messiah who comes in the flesh - he calls them 'anti-Christ'. Read the 1st 15 chapters of John and just look at the relationship Jesus has with his Father and how they talk - it will be UNMISTAKEABLE that they are 2 separate beings and that Jesus is lesser than GOD. So you have the statements of GOD, Jesus, the Jewish Leaders, the demons ALL agreeing that they are 2 separate beings and that the MOST HIGH GOD is greater than Jesus. If someone believes in Trinity - than they are 'against' the concept of the Messiah ('Anti-Christ'), and are calling GOD and Jesus liars.

    Even the old testament gives us an example that help us to see the Truth. the Ark of the Covenant had 2 cherubims on top with wings touching (2 not 3) and stated that 'the covenant of Peace was between them both'. Jesus stated that 'the Words I speak are not mine, but the Fathers' and 'the Works I do are not mine, but the Fathers' and 'know you not I must be about my Fathers business?' and that he came to do 'the WILL of my Father' and he told the disciples 'NO man has heard the Father's Voice or seen his shape' (would have made Jesus a liar if he really was GOD- and we all know that GOD doesn't lie.)

    Read Hebrews 1 - verses 1-9 -- and you will clearly see who Jesus is. and who GOD is.

    Simply put:
    1.) GOD made Jesus. Jesus was the first thing GOD created (the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the beginning of the creation of GOD, the First Begotten, the ONLY Begotten).
    2.) Then GOD gave Jesus the WORD and the Power and 'thru him made he all the worlds'. so Jesus did the work, but it was GOD's work and resources and power.
    3.) Jesus gave up his life in Heaven to become FLESH - spent 33.5 yrs conquering ALL Sin (a living example of the WORD - pure OBEDIENCE to GOD)(the WORD made Flesh)
    4.) returned to Heaven to 'share' GOD's throne (sitting on the right hand of GOD)(Revelations 3:21 if you overcome all your sin - you get to sit on Jesus's throne with him, just like Jesus overcame all sin and sits on GOD's throne WITH him!)
    5)Jesus sent back the Holy Ghost for the Believers. the Holy Ghost is a power, it is GOD's LifeForce. All created things exist in it/because of it. Jesus received it 'without measure' it is the force that is 'greater is he that's in me, than he that's in the world'. the Holy Ghost is a Gift, and it is 'how' GOD and Jesus make their abode in you. when you receive it - it is planted in you, your sinful spirit is Re-Born and the Holy Ghost is with you 24/7. we are commanded to 'stir it up', to pray 'in' it, and the Holy Ghost has 'operations and administrations', and 'was present to heal'. The Holy Ghost knows the Mind of God and knows your mind - it prays with your spirit to get things done for you. it is compared to a 'wind', 'smoke', 'oil', 'fire', 'water', 'still small voice', and is what Anoints everything. Jesus said that without the Holy Ghost - you couldn't 'see' the Kingdom of God and couldn't 'enter' in. it is the Holy Ghost thru which 'all revelation comes' -- you just simply won't be able to understand the mysteries of the kingdom without it. When you get the Holy Ghost - the 1st sign is that your tongue will speak out in other languages (including stammering lips and an unknown language). this will happen without you 'practicing' or 'faking' it - it will come upon you and burst up from within you - you will FEEL such a Freedom, a Joy, a lifting of burdens, and will feel Light and Happy - with a certain 'glow' about you. If this hasn't happened - you have NOT been Born Again yet. This Gift is for ALL believers. Don't let anyone lie to you and steal it away. You MUST receive it to be saved.

    Much of the 'churchworld' has been deceived by the trickiest trickster there is - and they preach, teach and believe lies mixed with truth's. but that is NOT a solid foundation - and this is why so many people get frustrated and give up on GOD - because when they try to live the teachings, do what is taught them to be right, and it Doesn't work - they lose faith. You MUST have a SOLID FOUNDATION in order for your faith to stand the tests and trials of life and to be saved in the end. Common Sense shoots down 1/2 the 'doctrines' of many churches and the HOLY SCRIPTURES absolutely tear apart the 'doctrines' of many churches. Yet people go on believing for many different reasons and simply overlook the Contradictions in the WORD by saying 'its a mystery' and we will understand later. I am here to tell you that GOD's WORD CAN BE UNDERSTOOD NOW. and the 'mystery' spoken of is referring to the fact that GOD's Truth is hidden in plain sight - and the majority of the world (including churches and denominations) are deceived.
    check out: morethanineed . weebly . com

    it will start you on the Trail of Truth.

    Remember Jesus himself warned that there would be many many believers who choose to go 'into destruction' because the followed the teachings of 'wolves in sheep's clothing' those that claim to be called of GOD, but Jesus doesn't know them. (read Matthew 7 verse 13 - end of chapter)

    Don't let someone steal away your salvation, because you simply didn't bother to check it out and read it for yourself

    With Love in Christ
  • Apostiolic on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    John 14:8-9 "Philip said unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it will satisfy us.
    Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
  • Anthony on Hebrews 1 - 12 years ago
    Every1 speaks of the Trinity. I've never, ever read the word Trinity n the Bible. Please some1 help me find the verse that states, Trinity or Holy Trinity n bible. Thanks.
  • Big John on Hebrews 1 - 13 years ago
    Hebrews 1:8-9 is God the Father speaking to God the Son. (v9:Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.) the word 'fellows' means companions.. God the Father chose Jesus to be His Son from among His companions..
    We are so steeped in what we have been taught as the whole truth, that we cant see past what we already know. God is not One God.. the word God can be singular or plural, depending on which person or persons of the Trinity God is referring to. God is three:( 1st Jn 5:7= For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.)
    If God is one, how can God be three..
    God says my wife and I are 'one' flesh: ( Gen 2:24= Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.) As long as we are in agreement one with the other, my wife and I are one flesh, no matter where we are physically.
    This is how The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost are three persons in one God.
    God [Father, Son, Holy Ghost] and the other 'gods' that were Jesus' "fellows" when God chose Him are beings that have no beginning or end to their lives.. God/gods 'are'.( 1st Cor 8:5= For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) gods = [theos]
    This is why God tells us: ( Ex 20:3= Thou shalt have no other gods before me.) God is not jealous over some piece of wood or stone or gold or silver man shapes into an image or idol.. it is the god that is inside the image or idol that man bows to and worships that God is jealus of.
    Melchisedec is a god and priest in heaven even at this moment. ( Heb 7:3= Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.) [THIS IS MY PERSONAL BELIEF: I THINK Melchisedec is the one that sprinkled Jesus' blood on the holy of holies at the ceremony in heaven after Christ was crucified.]
    There was a time before the beginning of creation when God the Father chose Jesus over other gods to be His Son. The Father adopted Jesus and anointed Him with the oil of gladness[the spirit] in a ceremony with other gods were present, before Jesus created anything. His Spirit the Father anointed Jesus with are represented by the seven Spirits in The Revelation: ( Rev 5:6b= and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.) Is 11:2 lists these 7 spirits: 1-the spirit of the LORD.. 2-the spirit of wisdom.. 3-the spirit of understanding.. 4-the spirit of counsel.. 5-the spirit of might.. 6-the spirit of knowledge.. 7-the spirit of the fear of the Lord.
    The Spirit of God has seven parts', but there is only one Spirit. ( Eph 4:4= There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;) The Spirit of God belings to the Father. The Father gave of His Spirit seven parts to Jesus that Jesus is equal with God in the Kingdom of God.
    The Spirit of God is the mind of God. The Spirit of God is not a person or a being.. it is an 'it'.. the Spirit of God is the means by which God is everywhere.. sees all.. knows everything.. and is all powerful.. all while sitting on His throne in heaven.
    The closest thing man has made that we can relate to God's Spirit is RF [radio frequency]..
    the difference between God's Spirit and the Holy Ghost is the Holy Ghost is the third Person of The Trinity. God's holy Spirit is an 'it'.. it is a thing.. The Holy Ghost has been sent from heaven to be with us on earth. It is through His Spirit from God that we have power from God. We are not saved by His Spirit.. we have salvation through Christ's Spirit.. ( Rom 8:9= But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.)
    The book of Hebrews is a very interesting book that tells us a lot of very deep things about God if we take the time to dig them out. Jesus was the Word of God before creation. Before anything happened, the Word telling all about it already was. Before Adam was, God wrote it. This is why Man can rewrite what he thinks God should have said but God's Word was before the earth was.. God wrote the Word and had two witnesses that His Word would not change. God gave us a copy of His Word through His prophets without errors today. ( 2nd Pet 1:21= For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.)
  • Dingaan on Hebrews 1 - 13 years ago
    is quite complex to really tell who exactly wrote this book. im tempted to say morethan 1 servant of God were involved in this book. when i read i can see mostly paul authority in manifestation, probably the peter authourity.
  • Hoeras on Hebrews 1:9 - 13 years ago
    That scripture is the death knell of the Trinity.

    His fellows, his partners, are clearly other angels and the Father has elevated him well above, far above, his fellow angels. And somebody anointed is also appointed, by somebody higher than them-self. That is why it says a few verses later it says "he was obliged to become like his brothers in all respects." BROTHERS ???
  • Ely on Hebrews 1 - 13 years ago
    Hebrews 1, refers quite clearly who is the Lord Jesus Christ, the begotten, Son of God,when He was born, the Angels worshiped him, then He bought our life with his life, When He goes to heaven, He is made God because He loved righteousness, God the Father once again says, Let all the Angels worship him and sit at any time at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool, no Angel has been called God, they are ministering spirits. We will be made gods when the time comes, Jesus said to the scribes, in your scripture to whom God said you are gods, if I am Son of God because I am and He said also I will be not ashamed to confess you are brothers, but Jesus is superior than all of us, He sits at the Right hand of God, given full power over all his creation and He says only my father is greater than me, no Angel no human. But we all be joined by the purity of Love through the Holy Spirit of God because we are not anymore but Jesus Christ's.
  • Wendell on Hebrews 1:9 - 13 years ago
    I think that god had a god that anointed him.
  • Donald Hasselman on Hebrews 1 - 13 years ago
    As you read the book of Hebrews, beginning with chapter one, think of the word "BETTER". Starting with the angels, and all the way through the book, Jesus is simply better, better than whatever you were trusting in before, better than anything you could be trusting in now, better than any other thing there will ever be to trust in. He is simply the fulfillment of all we need, forever. Christ is BETTER!!!

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