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I want to download the KJV bible online for free, so I can look up books, chapters, and verses when we are in Church we can look them up faster as the Pastor reads them. Need help.
Ears that hear, what day did the I AM that I AM begotten his son Jesus?
Revelation 3:14 ...... these things saith the Amen ( Revelation 1:8), the faithful and true witness ( Revelation 1:5), THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION OF GOD.
May the Spirit grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding
Hebrews 1:5 says, For to which of the angels said he at any time, and this is from Psalm 2:7: Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?
Right here is where people will say "begotten" means to give birth. How do we get out of that one? It sounds like it contradicts who Jesus claimed to be.
Well, Psalm 2 is what is called a Coronation Psalm. It is the day in which the Father passes the throne to His Son. And that's why He's called a Son. He didn't become a Son that day by birth. He became the inheritor of His Father's throne. And His Son is now the King. He became King on that day, His coronation.
So we have to be careful. The word begotten, its root word is also used for creation, which is where we get the term birth. But also it's used for creating the world. Anything that is generated out is represented by this word. So when a person becomes King, this word is used.
So to which of the angels did He say, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? To none of the angels! And again, from 2 Samuel 7:14: I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? To which of the angels did He ever say that? None!
Paul, you made a comment stating: that in the gospel of Matthew they were still under the old testament because Christ had not yet gone to the cross.
Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN suffereth violence, and the violent shall take it by force. (Jesus suffered the violence)
Matthew 11:13 For all the prophets (old testament) and the law (old testament) prophesied UNTIL John.
Hebrews 1-2 .......Hath in these last days spoken by his Son....
Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of THE KINGDOM ....
Luke 10:9 And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NIGH UNTO YOU.
John 17:21 That they ALL may be ONE; as thou, Father, art in ME, and I in THEE, that they also may be ONE in US......
Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ORDINANCES; for to make in HIMSELF of TWAIN ONE NEW MAN, so making peace.
1 Timothy 6:16 Who only hath immortality (LIFE) dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power, everlasting. Amen.
There were those that BELIEVED before Christ died on the cross they just didn't receive the Holy Spirit until pentecost.
We all read over thing in the scriptures or have been taught by others that have read over things in the scriptures. We all learn from each other; but always being taught by the SPIRIT.
There are is so much in the bible for truth and righteousness in the scriptures but remember at this point in Matthew we are still in the Old Testament, the Lord hadn't gone to the cross. He is referring to the jews who are still living under the law and the jews of today are still trying to live by that law, whereas our only hope is the Lord Jesus Christ, we are saved by the blood He shed on the cross, not by our own works.
And as far as eternal security goes just go to Ephesians 1:13 which says "...we are saved by that Holy Spirit of promise". We are part of Christ's body those of us who are born again. Our soul and spirit have been redeemed but our sinful flesh hasn't and we are still waiting for the redemption of the purchased possession. Our works cannot save us.
I would be interested to learn of which 'worlds' you're thinking of. I've heard of folk believing that other worlds or even another creation of people on this Earth, exist, so am always watchful of any true, biblical references that can support these theories.
Once saved always saved leaves out the work of transformation or sanctification which is necessary for heaven as Matthew 7 clearly shows those still working iniquity/sinning will be told to depart because they did not allow Christ His rightful place upon the throne of their heart to circumcise it, or cut the sin out which is the transformation we need to enter heaven for Revelation says those who keep the commandments (they are transformed from law breaker to law keeper ) they will enter in.
We who are born again of Gods spirit i.e. christians will be saved from the wrath or tribulation to come because Christ will come back to gather Us His body the born again believers.
Hi Alison from Mzansi. I believe you may both be slightly off course. Some Christians will go up in the Rapture while others will be left behind to go through the tribulation. Read Revelation 13 where it starts with the beast coming out of the sea. This takes place at the beginning of the tribulation. The overcoming Christians have already been raptured. Later in Rev 13vs7 the saints make war with the beast and the beast overcomes them. These saints missed the rapture because they have not overcome their carnal fleshly nature. Also in Rev 15vs2 they get victory over the beast and image and mark. Again this happens during the tribulation on earth (After rapture). So it is not either or but rather some will be raptured and some not. I will explain who goes in the rapture and who doesn't qualify if you respond to this reply.
People need to read the Bible and quit making up stuff that they think will happen because that is what is going to come down just what the Bible says! Just tell people to read John 3 16 that verse tells you in a very very simple way what you need to do to make it to Heaven! Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and if you truly believe in Him you are going to live like God wants you to! All you have to do is be a Believer, so simple! It is so easy for me to believe in God and his Son Jesus Christ just by looking at this world and everything in it! It did not just evolve like people say it was to complex for that! It was created by God and just say look at the Sun. It has burned at the same temp. from the day it was created also and has never ran out or low on fuel since that day it was created! Amen!!! I hope so much that I am pleasing God because I want to go to Heaven and just think of the best day you have ever had on earth ever and times that day by one million and that is what it will be like in Heaven and then some!! Amen!
Comments by Alex about the Rapture, We are gona be caught away but its in the spritual realm ,Remember John said he was in the Spirit on the LORDS day implies he was in the Spiritual realm but he was actually on the Isle of Patmos according to his body.If we walk in the spirit we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. When Jesus said unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in. The Kingdom of God will come as the new birth, a lil Child.The very fact that the Kingdom of God is gonna come and be with in us ( sinners ) is the real rapture and its gonna come as a birth, a heavenly birth as we have borne the image of the EARTHY we must also bear ( birth ) the image of the heavenly a new innerman which has to be born in us via that good seed the WORD. This is the real rapture that Jesus spoke about when he said unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil child you will in no wise enter there in, he was in essence saying we are gona birth our king and thats y Jesus always refered to himself as the Son of Man . There is BABY Christ in our future which can only come via his seed the WORD and that child is the Kingdom ,The Child of Promise. Thy kingdom come thy will be done is in essence th Rapture but it comes as a birth ,unless ya receive the KINGDOM OF GOD AS A LIL CHILD IS THE RAPTURE BUT ITS ALSO A BIRTH . A heavenly birth. We don't need to go anywhere Jesus plainly tells us the Kingdom is gona be within you, Its simply in the spritual realm as Jesus said that which is Born of the SPIRIT IS SPIRIT THATS THE H.G. the Kingdom of God and unless ya receive the KINGDOM OF GOD as a lil child. A lil child implies a birth . After the woman gives birth in verse 10 John says Now is come Salvation and the Kingdom of God and the power of his Christ ( her child ) which is the H.G. that is gona rule all nations as Jesus spoke about. When he the spirit of truth is come which is the H.G. TH MANCHILD IMPLING MANKINDS FRUIT UNTO GOD. GB
If I may. The kingdom is always changing. We who believe the word know these things because of history. The prophets declared , things and events in the old testament. We see these words also from John, and apostle are the revelation, are the compilation of events that would come to pass at sometime, and or in sometime! Gods word is eternal, and God wants all people to be saved. Because of this ,our God is longsuffering and wishes non to perish. Enoch and Elijah, were translated into heaven bodily. The new testament has described this to happen again ,"one taken and another left". Christ also teaches of his coming, while he is ever present with us. Understanding his words are paramount! we should add nothing to it nor take away from it, more than it says. Christ wants us to watch, to be patient, and you to know ,that you are in the palm of His hand! Is this not enough for you and I to serve Him?
Alison, this is a huge subject to deal with here, especially to cite supporting Scriptures. May I suggest you refer to this Site: calvarycedarrapids dot com & then go to their Media Tab & then Downloads. As you search there, you should see an option for Rapture/End Times & then, Pre-Tribulation Rapture. A very comprehensive lesson is given with plenty of supporting Scriptures. For your discussion with the SDA man, you may want to list the points down & their Scriptures & anything else that will help you in your discussion.
Now, there are plenty of fine believers that also hold to the other positions of Christ's Second Coming, also supporting their position with pertinent Scriptures. So we need to be open to the other's presentation, ask questions & follow through with research on what they share. The Lord bless you during your study & in your meeting.
Yes i hate to be Repititous but the Thief was baptised, made clean when he heard Jesus Words, Remember Jesus said you are made Clean by the WORD i have spoken unto you,abide in me and i in you . If any man hear my Words and keeps them my father and i will come and take our abode with him. k later
Alex's comments about the Thief on the Cross. He was baptised when he heard Jesus Words, remember Jesus said you are made Clean by hearing My Words . That i have spoken unto you, Aka as the Water of the WORD . That living water That Jesus explained to the woman at the well. Yes the well is deep . But Jesus was the WORD made flesh and blood thus its no wonder that the thief was made clean by hearing the WORD. Remember one of the writters says the Church has to be made clean by the water of the Word, that living water is simply the H.G . Remember John said when Jesus spoke of that living water it was the Spirit he speake of. The H.G. was not yet given b/c that Christ was not yet glorified. Thats y the Priest use to apply the blood to the tip of the right ear, It was prophetic that when the lamb of God wd come we wd be made Clean by hearing his Words which ARE spirit and life . the H.G. Our right ear is simply hearing and understanding his voice. divine understanding ,Flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you but my father in heaven which is divine understanding that living water etc. That good seed is sown in our hearts by hearing, As Mary was not penatrated by anyman but only by hearing was the good seed sown in her Womb Thats y she said be it unto me according to thy Word then was the word made flesh and blood, The living word not the written word ,as there is no blood in the written word but only in the living WORD. When Jesus said my words are spirit and life thats the living word that was made spirit and life, flesh and blood.But he wants to impregnate all of humanity with his precious seed the living Word. Thats y the prophets saw the world in travail and birth pains simply b/c of that good seed the Word ,the field being the world, our hearts being womb that is gonna birth a BABY CHRIST which is the H.G. the Child of PROMISE She brought forth a man Child that is gonna rule ALL NATIONS. WHICH IS TH H.G. that Child of promise thus he is trul the son of man
Hi John. You are correct to a degree but you don't have the complete picture. True, the thief on the cross wasn't baptized. He only received the blood. To this day that thief will remain a baby Christian as he never had the opportunity to grow in God. There are different levels in God's kingdom meant for different degrees of saved Christian. The thief went to paradise. this is only one level you can grow to in God. But if you want to receive the prize of the high calling ( Phil 3:14 and 1 Cor 9:24) you have to go beyond the gifts which is the common salvation ( Rom 10:9-10) and grow according to the tabernacle which includes baptism.When you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour according to Romans 10:9-10. He washes away our sins and creates a new BABY heart within our old heart. This NEW heart is perfect and cannot sin. ( Eph 4:24) Out old heart doesn't disappear automatically or immediately ( Mark 7:21). The journey now starts where the old heart has to die and the new heart has to grow. Only as we crucify the old heart (the flesh) daily can the new heart grow within us. Paul said die daily". This is why many Christians still exhibit anger, resentment, gossiping, betrayal" they haven't repented and died daily. It is a process of repenting, not an instantaneous gift of the spirit.
This is the principal of growing in God according to Moses' tabernacle which has 7 pieces of furniture and is laid out in the form of a cross. It is a picture of the more perfect tabernacle which is Jesus. ( Heb 9:11). First is the brazen altar where the sacrifices were slain (Jesus) A picture of accepting Jesus blood sacrifice. After the Sacrifice was slain, Fire came forth from God and lit upon the sacrifice, which is a picture of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire. Also, in the outer Court was the Brazen Laver where the Priests washed once, outwardly, which is a picture of Water Baptism in the Name, Death, and Life of Jesus Christ. The Priests returned to this Laver, daily, t
When you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour according to Romans 10:9-10. He washes away our sins and creates a new BABY heart within our old heart. This NEW heart is perfect and cannot sin. ( Eph 4:24) Out old heart doesn't disappear automatically or immediately ( Mark 7:21). The journey now starts where the old heart has to die and the new heart has to grow. Only as we crucify the old heart (the flesh) daily can the new heart grow within us. Paul said die daily". This is why many Christians still exhibit anger, resentment, gossiping, betrayal" they haven't repented and died daily. It is a process of repenting, not an instantaneous gift of the spirit.
This is the principal of growing in God according to Moses' tabernacle which has 7 pieces of furniture and is laid out in the form of a cross. It is a picture of the more perfect tabernacle which is Jesus. ( Heb 9:11). First is the brazen altar where the sacrifices were slain (Jesus) A picture of accepting Jesus blood sacrifice. After the Sacrifice was slain, Fire came forth from God and lit upon the sacrifice, which is a picture of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire. Also, in the outer Court was the Brazen Laver where the Priests washed once, outwardly, which is a picture of Water Baptism in the Name, Death, and Life of Jesus Christ. The Priests returned to this Laver, daily, to wash their hands and feet, which is a picture of dying daily to the fleshly, carnal nature within us. We today can return daily to the altar (repentance) and the laver (baptism) daily to be washed (cleansed) of our attitudes and flesh and receive fresh fire from God.
Linda, to answer your question simply put, no. Jesus said in ( John 3:3) "Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God." meaning that we must some how be reborn to go to heaven. Some will assert that ( John 3:5) shows that we must be baptized by water, and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit to be saved, This is easily refuted with scripture. Remember God cannot lie ( Titus 1:2) Therefore, Scripture cannot contradict itself. If God required baptism for salvation, then Jesus Christ lied to the thief on the cross. ( Luke 23:43) Jesus IS God ( John 1:1). He CANNOT lie. God made the way to heaven very simple, so easy that even a child can understand and accept. It is not based on our works ( Ephesians 2:8-9) but on our faith in Christ and His FINISHED work on the cross. We must first understand that we are a sinner in need of a Savior. ( Romans 3:23) ... When we see that there is a penalty for our sin. ( Romans 6:23) That we cannot pay the penalty on our own, but Jesus Christ, loved us so much that He came, lived the perfect life, fulfilled the law, and became sin for us on the cross to pay our sin debt for us. ( Romans 5:8) Then believing the gospel by faith, we accept the GIFT of God, confess our belief in Him, and ask Him to save us. ( Romans 10:9-13) There are MEN who will take God's gift and want to say that in order to receive it you will need to do this or that, but whenever we add WORKS to the equation the GIFT ceases to be a gift. Repentance is a turning from self and a turning toward Christ.
When you except Christ, when you take him into your heart, this is your baptism! You will be baptized with fire. Your soul will identify immediately with his holy spirit! The actual water baptism as Christ commands is when you make it public! A public confession, before the world! Before the angels of God! Water baptism is a declaration that you have died and risen again in the spirit of Christ resurrection. It is not true that you are required to have water baptism! If it were true, we would have to physically die before we could receive the spirit of God! And that is not true! The spirit of God is very much alive! These things you will know when he comes for you.
Hi Linda, to answer question, no there is no requirement to be born again, when you accept Christ as your Lord and savior you are baptised, baptised means to be Identified with, you are put in the body of believers, Its the Lord that baptises you. water baptism is ritual, thats why it comes after you are converted.
Well First the Renewal starts in your Mind. You have to be reborn and understanding the true meaning of repentance. ( Acts 17:30). Then After He requires of us to be baptized by water and of the holy spirit. ( Matt 4:17, John 3:5)
Read it with reverence for there are multiple BLESSINGS contained therein.
At the end of Revelation it is discussed with details. Revelation 21, Revelation 22.
God Bless.
Revelation 3:14 ...... these things saith the Amen ( Revelation 1:8), the faithful and true witness ( Revelation 1:5), THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION OF GOD.
May the Spirit grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding
Hebrews 1:5 says, For to which of the angels said he at any time, and this is from Psalm 2:7: Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?
Right here is where people will say "begotten" means to give birth. How do we get out of that one? It sounds like it contradicts who Jesus claimed to be.
Well, Psalm 2 is what is called a Coronation Psalm. It is the day in which the Father passes the throne to His Son. And that's why He's called a Son. He didn't become a Son that day by birth. He became the inheritor of His Father's throne. And His Son is now the King. He became King on that day, His coronation.
So we have to be careful. The word begotten, its root word is also used for creation, which is where we get the term birth. But also it's used for creating the world. Anything that is generated out is represented by this word. So when a person becomes King, this word is used.
So to which of the angels did He say, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? To none of the angels! And again, from 2 Samuel 7:14: I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? To which of the angels did He ever say that? None!
Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN suffereth violence, and the violent shall take it by force. (Jesus suffered the violence)
Matthew 11:13 For all the prophets (old testament) and the law (old testament) prophesied UNTIL John.
Hebrews 1-2 .......Hath in these last days spoken by his Son....
Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of THE KINGDOM ....
Luke 10:9 And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NIGH UNTO YOU.
John 17:21 That they ALL may be ONE; as thou, Father, art in ME, and I in THEE, that they also may be ONE in US......
Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ORDINANCES; for to make in HIMSELF of TWAIN ONE NEW MAN, so making peace.
1 Timothy 6:16 Who only hath immortality (LIFE) dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power, everlasting. Amen.
There were those that BELIEVED before Christ died on the cross they just didn't receive the Holy Spirit until pentecost.
We all read over thing in the scriptures or have been taught by others that have read over things in the scriptures. We all learn from each other; but always being taught by the SPIRIT.
The Spirits wisdom and understanding be on you.
And as far as eternal security goes just go to Ephesians 1:13 which says "...we are saved by that Holy Spirit of promise". We are part of Christ's body those of us who are born again. Our soul and spirit have been redeemed but our sinful flesh hasn't and we are still waiting for the redemption of the purchased possession. Our works cannot save us.
GL from WC (RSA)
Now, there are plenty of fine believers that also hold to the other positions of Christ's Second Coming, also supporting their position with pertinent Scriptures. So we need to be open to the other's presentation, ask questions & follow through with research on what they share. The Lord bless you during your study & in your meeting.
This is the principal of growing in God according to Moses' tabernacle which has 7 pieces of furniture and is laid out in the form of a cross. It is a picture of the more perfect tabernacle which is Jesus. ( Heb 9:11). First is the brazen altar where the sacrifices were slain (Jesus) A picture of accepting Jesus blood sacrifice. After the Sacrifice was slain, Fire came forth from God and lit upon the sacrifice, which is a picture of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire. Also, in the outer Court was the Brazen Laver where the Priests washed once, outwardly, which is a picture of Water Baptism in the Name, Death, and Life of Jesus Christ. The Priests returned to this Laver, daily, t
This is the principal of growing in God according to Moses' tabernacle which has 7 pieces of furniture and is laid out in the form of a cross. It is a picture of the more perfect tabernacle which is Jesus. ( Heb 9:11). First is the brazen altar where the sacrifices were slain (Jesus) A picture of accepting Jesus blood sacrifice. After the Sacrifice was slain, Fire came forth from God and lit upon the sacrifice, which is a picture of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire. Also, in the outer Court was the Brazen Laver where the Priests washed once, outwardly, which is a picture of Water Baptism in the Name, Death, and Life of Jesus Christ. The Priests returned to this Laver, daily, to wash their hands and feet, which is a picture of dying daily to the fleshly, carnal nature within us. We today can return daily to the altar (repentance) and the laver (baptism) daily to be washed (cleansed) of our attitudes and flesh and receive fresh fire from God.