King James Version (KJV)

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As Israel went into captivity, so to did Judah also go into captivity to Babylon, about 150 years later.
Jesus Christ will fufil this charge "on that day." And most likely will be the start of the millennium as the days of God are as 1000 years.
As to Solomon, he typifies the succession of worship as God confirms by fire. But the fufillment is in Jesus. Only he will execute vengeance, establish righteousness, true judgement on earth. This far exceeds the Incarnation and it easy slide into ritual pagan religion
1:9 Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity - Thou art infinitely pure and holy. Therefore God - Who, as thou art Mediator, is thy God. Hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness - With the Holy Ghost, the fountain of joy. Above thy fellows. Above all the children of men.
1:10 Thou - The same to whom the discourse is addressed in the preceding verse. # Psa 102:25,26
1:12 As a mantle - With all ease. They shall be changed - Into new heavens and a new earth. But thou art eternally the same.
1:13 # Psa 110:1
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You cannot know the Father except the Son reveal him,
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father but by me, if you had known me you should have known my father also from henceforth you know him and have seen him, Philip said Lord show us the father and it sufficeth us, Jesus said have I been so long time with you and yet thou does not know me Philip he that has seen me has seen the father. How saith show us the father.
Isaiah said his name would be called wonderful counselor the Mighty God the Everlasting father the Prince of Peace
Emmanuel God With Us.
God put himself in that body, Jesus is the only God you will ever see God is a spirit he is eternal you cannot see him except in the body of Christ
Seeing your question I just felt to give a reply. As of coarse you probably have seen there are some people who would say "Jesus is God" and some who are against that and only want Him to be the "Son of God". My feeling on this would be maybe right in between. Probably not heard of much. I believe Jesus Christ was more than just a man on earth. Believing He existed with God the Father before the stars and moon were created. Being our eternal Lord and Salvation sent to us by our Perfect Father. I believe the Father and the Son are One but Jesus Christ and the Father are not the same. That may be confusing but just how I perceive them. If I am wrong I will find out one day. I love them both the same. With all my heart.
God Bless you brother.
The Bible speaks for it self. If you look at the Bible with natural eyes, you can not see.
There is a big difference between Jesus and the Lord Jesus Christ. Saying Jesus is not the Word of God is 100% correct. Jesus is the name of a human body. Jesus Christ refers to the Divine which became manifested in such a way that we can interact with It just like you interact with your wife or children. This manifested Divinity is also called the Word.
Peace & Love in Christ
God spoke his word by the prophets
In the last days God spoke through his Son
Here we can see that Jesus is not the word of God himself .
But the Lord God used the prophets and His Son to speak His word .
This chapter completely states that Jesus is His Son and that The LORD GOD also known as the father of all things , is creator and in full control .
God spoke his word by the prophets
In the last days God spoke through his Son
Here we can see that Jesus is not the word of God himself .
But the Lord God used the prophets and His Son to speak His word .
The Son of God , first begotten !
do not be anxious
do not worry
you are absolutely correct, this is the day God commanded us to keep. God, Jesus said remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. Remember Millisa in Iasiah 8:16 how He told him to seal up His law. He also knew who his disciples were going to be. He had mentioned "my disciples". It is this day that He Himself ordained, sanctified, blessed, and hallowed. He Himself is currently doing this in heaven, because he rested from all of His work (creation). Hebrews 4 is very plain and distinct, of what God is telling us what and how to keep, His holy day, as our creator redeemer, and king, all at the same time.