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Seeking, sitting at the right hand of the Father represents that Christ is the body that does all things the Father shows him to DO.
There is only one throne:
Revelation 3:21 He that overcometh will I (Christ) grant to sit with me (Christ) on my throne, even as I (Christ) overcame, an am set down with my Father own his throne.
John 17:21 That they all may be ONE, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in you, that they also may be ONE in us: that the world may believe that thou has sent me.
You've said well, and I also agree with Mishael. If I might say something about the very next verse, it says "For our God is a consuming fire."
The writer of Hebrews is speaking to Hebrew (Jewish) people and saying, "You want to go back under the Old Covenant? The only thing you have to look forward to is the consuming fire of God." That's it!
The writer is telling them that through Christ, you'll have eternal life and be part of the heavenly city where God dwells. But for those people who don't want to identify with Christ, they will suffer the judgment of God.
Hello Roger. Hebrews directly connects to the previous chapter, a chapter which is generally referred to as the 'Gallery of Faith Heroes'. In there, as you would know, is a lengthy description of some well known Old Testament saints, of their faith, their love for God in spite of the many troubles they faced. But all these "received a good report through faith" but did not receive the promise: "God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect." ( Hebrews 11:39,40). They might have known the promises of God & certainly knew of God's Presence & Power with them, yet those Promises did not find their fulfillment in their lifetimes. But they continued undeterred IN FAITH, knowing that God had something special that lay ahead for them.
So then chapter 12 comes into focus (for us). Seeing then that we are surrounded by such a great (eminent) group of witnesses, how are we to behave. So departing from the personal exhortation the Hebrews writer gave in chapter 10:22-25 towards holy living, he now implores us by the witness of these saints of old. Here, it is difficult to discern whether the writer believed that we have all these sages looking down upon us & our behaviour, or more likely, that we have yet another imperative to godly living because of the lives that these men & women lived, in spite of the odds against them. They didn't even consider their lives of any worth in comparison to what God had for them in the afterlife.
Hebrews 12:1,2 then reminds us that we not only have these great examples of faith, of perseverance & resilience before us, but even much more than all this, we have JESUS, Who not only is the Designer, the Forerunner & Completer of (our) Faith, but the One Who took the meaning of suffering to its fullest extent (much more than what those in chapter 11 had done), in that He willingly laid down His Life for us. "He Who knew no sin became sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him".
Good for you! A worthy goal. And I'll just second Richards starting book, John.
Regarding Greek words, get a Strings Concordance. It's as big as a dictionary. I have had this volume for decades for reference. More recently I've been using an the eSword app on my iPad, iPhone and desktop. It is FREE. As I recall, it comes loaded with the King James version and you can download Strongs for KJV. Strongs contains dictionary-like pronunciation guides and phonetic spelling of the Greek. Many other translations are available to download.
In my opinion I would lead a student to read the book of John first. As this is my favorite of the four accounts of the Lords life and very unique to the other three. As all of the four books are unique, Matthew, Mark and Luke are close but have their own details. So it is good to read all. I would have them read John first then Matthew and then Mark & Luke.
Of coarse this is my personal opinion. Maybe others would like to share what they feel with other details. All for the Glory of the Lord.
God Bless and thank you for teaching children about the Lord.
I want to know how to pronounce the word in greek and other language beside english that I speak, also I want to teach middle school student about faith and fear and how to study the bible were do I start Matthew,Mark, Luck and John
Hi Zybejta, I'm unsure about the dreams, May i ask have you received Christ as your Lord and savior? I do Know he would want that, and Hebrews 10-25 says do not forsake the assembly. and When and if its safe he do want you to find a good bible teaching church and fellowship
I was born into a communist country and raised athiest. when I was 23 yrs Old I defected communism! March 21, 1991 immigrated to the USA. Dec 8 got baptized & married in church! That nigh I see God and Jesus in my dream. Since then I kept seeing dreams! I Jesus healing me, John the Baptist, Haven, rapture, one months before the tsunami happened I see it on my dream! During the election 2016 when I voted for Trump because GOD told me to vote for him, and although I voted for Hillary 1st time & 2nd Time Romney! I was democrat for the past 25 yrs! I feel thirsty for knowledge of god but I don't feel going to any church! I really like to know what all this mean?
Give it to God stop seeking answers from anybody else people even with the best intentions can you scripture tell you the wrong answer even when they think it's right only God knows you situation your future plans Etc nobody even comes close to having an understanding like God there's only one unforgivable sin God loves and forgives all of his children Jesus frees you this death and Sacrifice by his blood because of is as Father's Love When You Believe in except this can you love God does it mean to take the easier they almost always get harder especially when you can't forgive yourself let go of your past trust in him let him have control deny own understanding and have faith pray to God about it and that's God take care of it his will be done it's only one unforgivable sin God might want you to start a new life being born again a new plan a new marriage and happiness cetera or he may want to restore what you had or the one you have everything is going to be okay and no matter what I may have decided and does for your life it will be good let go of everything set your eyes on God heaven give it all to him ask forgiveness and repent you can start anew if that's what he wants for you and can be free of all the things that he removes and let's die on the cross with the old you honor all of what you receive to the best of your ability don't expect things to be easy perfect are for you not to have to make a serious effort be grateful and thankful even though you've really been saved by grace and not by works love God with all your heart and soul love others do your best to follow the Commandments even though your free of the law
"Yet once more" will I shake not only the earth, but the heaven also signifies a great shaking of peoples secrets, hidden agendas, 'powers of the air' and desires for world DOMINATION ...
Eph'6:12 " for we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of the air in high places"
Ergo see Trump 2020 that exemplifies this
Rom' 2:13-16 ".......when on that day according to my gospel God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus"
A great shaking is taking place in America right now!! And not America only!! and the very aftershocks are shaking this PLANET to its very foundations....even to we in 'down under' land
Mat'10:26 "So have no fear of them, for there is nothing that is covered that will not be revealed...."
Mat 13:41
"the son of man will send out his angels, and they will weed out all causes of sin and corruption and all evil doers"
The weeding out of corrupt people, hidden systems is hapenning before our very eyes!
Michelle, what a sad story you've shared. Your situation would rank high on a list of the many griefs a person can experience: that of not receiving love in a marriage, rather "manipulations & abuses". You have been despised & rejected & to then find solace, love & understanding in another, is indeed a natural human tendency. But the conviction & despair resulting from your actions has brought you now to this point of sorrow as well as the gnawing sense of the Spirit's absence.
Your sorrow which must lead to repentance WILL find the Father's forgiveness. 2 Cor 7:10, "For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death". This speaks of the difference between a true sorrow that comes from a heart that belongs to the Lord as opposed to the World's sorrow (here, means 'regret') which avails nothing. You are truly under conviction of your actions & this conviction can only be from the Holy Spirit Who longs to draw you back into cleanliness & harmony with the Lord.
As much as you now feel the love & companionship that has been missing in your life for so long, the Word of God is clear about entering into a second marriage: 1 Corinthians 7:10-16. Divorce is an extreme permissible act, but re-marriage is not allowed. And that, as you will know, is because the marriage bond is of God & for a reason: Mark 10:7-12. You have been both physically & mentally faithful to your husband for so many years whilst under trying conditions; if at all possible, you need to go back to him & remain faithful in your vows, thereby being God's witness to him that might alert him to his errors. But if you have to leave, then God requires you to remain single. Many Christians in such a situation would prefer to re-marry, but then their position is not for us to judge.
Scabies needs to be treated quickly & the home decontaminated. Anything that might cause us to become alert to sin is useful, but not necessarily a result of it.
If your current husband is an unbeliever: NOT a Christian; you may be divorced on grounds of: alienation of affection.
1 Corinthians 7 teaches you and a Christian husband may declare a fast from sexual relations for a time (but not years!).
Do not commit adultery. Repent of any impure thoughts. Commit yourself to God to settle this issue. We are not constrained by Old Testament laws. Matthew 5, Jesus restates issues of divorce.
Satan is accusing you in your head. He wants everyone to be clueless and commit sexual sin.
See a Christian marriage counselor, or your Pastor. It helps in court to show you sought advise. Get your own attorney.
After reading Chapter 12 Hebrews, I'm more deeply convicted of my sin. I've been married for 35 years, 20 years without affection or sexual relations with my Husband. Many unfortunate types of manipulations and abuses, etc. And I stayed cause I wanted to triumph over this, honor my marriage, and God hates divorce. A few years passed, and I sought the Lord more diligently, more time, more prayer etc. The voice of the Holy Spirit was strong, although, my past Pastor didn't trust or believe when I reported a Jezzabel in the church and a witch oppressing prayers at that church.
Since then, I've sinned grievously and I can't hear the Holy Spirit anymore. The devil know us quite thoroughly, and there was only one person I would have been tempted with. OF course hindsight is 20/20. Good boundaries and no problems with this for my entire marriage. A happenstance of an old friend, we started speaking, and I began a relationship with him emotionally and physically. Now, I love him and want to be with this person. My character was not of someone that would do this, never would have thought I would ever do this. But here I am and sorrowful I've sinned against my Holy Heavenly Father.
I'm frightened that I may have given my Heavenly Home birthright away, and I'm destined for hell. Father God please No. Esau was sorrowful too. He grieved as I have, and I want to hear the Holy Spirit again. This chapter convicts me more- is there no hope for my salvation now? Is it lost forever? How do I know if I have fallen permanently from the Grace of God? Hell :'(
This man was divorced, but I am not. I have not had relations with my Husband for many years. Do I divorce my Husband and marry my Friend. (act of my sin, is like marriage)?
I've prayed to God for help, and have spoken of regret and help to know what to do. The last 6 weeks, my friend & home have scabies and I caught them. :'( Can I make this right by marrying my new love? Are the pests warnings and of what?
Christian Persecutions Ramping Up on Hebrews 12 - 4 years ago
Stop Turkey From Turning Historic Christian Church Into a Mosque
This is an attack on the Christian faith.
Hagia Sophia (named after God's Holy Wisdom) in Istanbul was originally built as a Christian church, about 500 years after Christ walked among us, and has also served at the center of Orthodox Christianity. It's been designated as a U.N. World Heritage Site.
Now, it's being turned into a Muslim mosque for the second time in its history. Its beautiful Christian mosaics will be covered up or even sandblasted - literally covering up the story of the Gospel. We know what's coming next. Hagia Sophia will become a symbol of Islam conquering Christianity.
Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood have already cheered this. Turkey has already said that Athens, Greece, "is next" and then Al-Aqsa (the Temple Mount) in Jerusalem, Israel.
Turkey must be given notice that the world will not tolerate the eradication of the Christian faith at the whim of a hostile government. This Christian church must not be erased.
We've mobilized our legal and Government Affairs teams to fight back. We are preparing to take action at the U.N., urging international pressure on Turkey to protect this historic Christian church. But we need you. ACLJ to sign the petition.
Verse 2-We need to focus on Jesus and imitate him in the way that he endured. He focused on the joy and this helped him to endure. We must do the same in order to endure.
As Christians we receive either praise or chastisement from our Father God. I have come to appreciate both
Chastisement helps me keep my feet firmly planted on Holy Ground in Jesus's Presence Praise tells me that Jesus is pleased that I am grounded where He has planted me.
How is it that Jesus is a mediator twixt humans and God. Say that when he walked with us, he turned many to the Father. I suspect he would not venture again to earth, so full of unrepentitent sinners who create a political movement surrounding him, but dishonor his teaching. Now, for those who understand Revelations, we have the Antichrist, or one who exhibits no qualities of zChrist, but only lies thru his teeth while assuming a position of power over Jesus's flock. For those with ears to hear, let me say that if you fall under his spell then doom awaits you. God will not be mocked. He is a heartknower and will recompense those who turn from the One God in heaven. The hypocrit who has power over you will delight in your ruination. He will pick your flesh from his teeth with your blood dripping from his sarcasic mouth. The hour is near where safety and complacency is over in America. I am not anyone but I read the Word and can tell when he lies. I don't give him cover or pass it off that"Oh everyone lies. Look how powerful he is. He will defend us! No he won't. He is hellbent on destroying. All will have to face the Father to explain yourselves. The choice has become binary in America. With one there is a return to hope and justice. The other there is only corruption and death of the Spirit.
Thanks Christine ; you highlighted the essence of the use of 'bitter' in this context that I have been trying to find i.e any sin , though it seems to satisfy for a moment , always fades & the result is greater desperation to fill that empty space inside AT the expense of anyone & everything . Yes, the grace of God( The Lord Jesus) is what keeps us from going down that path.
A New Heaven and a New Earth on Hebrews 12 - 4 years ago
Revelation 8
10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell A GREAT STAR from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
11 And the name of THE STAR is called WORMWOOD, and the third part of the WATERS became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!
This isn't poetry from the Book of Revelation!! Those of you intent on following False Prophets!! You will not have water to drink.
NASA already is taking photos and measurements of a star headed straight towards planet EARTH. Lots and lots of photos on Google. Guess what it's named?
The Wormwood Star. It's not a comet and it's too big to be an asteroid.
Since God is guiding it, they aren't going to be able to blow it up.
It's going to make all the water bitter and not good for drinking.
You're right about the garbage "islands" floating in our oceans now: extending itself towards Alaska currently.
What does a GOOD and LOVING God do about this mess? He offers His Son Jesus to pay for our Sins and bring us into the family of God. We are about to embark on the greatest Mystery, the salvation of souls, and seeing Earth restored to its original beauty.
The Godhead made all of this! He will do it again. Throw your unbelief out the window & grab onto Jesus NOW. Don't miss out so great a salvation.
"And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God REQUIRE of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,"
1. What is the very first thing GOD requires of all man to do? Where can I find it in scripture?
My thoughts is, Exodus 20:3, but a preacher said it is "TO LOVE" all.
2. Why are we not noticing or focusing on all these Satanic Statues that are being raised right in front of us with little to no protest? I believe Arkansas has an 85' Statue of Satan with 2 little kids happily smiling as they look up to him, sitting right next to the 10 Commandments. These Statues are raised up throughout the world as they are in many States in this country. GOD told us all in the bible he is a jealous GOD, and will tolerate no other GOD before him. I think Satan has always used racism to keep everybody in the world off focused. (Off course racism is extremely important) however, I know GOD is watching us make him 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.. in order off importance, you get the picture. The world needs to STOP, take a look around, because if what people see is all they see, they don't really see all there is to see. Man has always been nasty and wicked towards each other, and GOD deals with these issues. On the other hand we are foolishly ignoring his first Commandment. Thou shall have no other GOD before me, for I am a jealous GOD. We are going to pay an enormous price for what we are allowing to occur. In fact we are presently paying a heavy price. (COVID 19) We must FAST and PRAY nationwide, worldwide with true Godly leaders, to stop what we are overlooking. Please shed thoughts on this as I am upset that this gets no NEWS ATTENTION, when in fact it is the most important and urgent thing happening in the world, YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMORROW.
There is only one throne:
Revelation 3:21 He that overcometh will I (Christ) grant to sit with me (Christ) on my throne, even as I (Christ) overcame, an am set down with my Father own his throne.
John 17:21 That they all may be ONE, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in you, that they also may be ONE in us: that the world may believe that thou has sent me.
Why did Jesus sit down at the right hand of God and not sit on Gods throne ?
Stephen say Jesus at the right hand of God in Acts as well .
The conclusion must be there is only one God sitting on His throne .
Jesus is sitting by him at his right hand , not at all the same thing .
Jesus certainly is the Son of God sent to be the Christ or messiah , by God sitting on the throne .
You've said well, and I also agree with Mishael. If I might say something about the very next verse, it says "For our God is a consuming fire."
The writer of Hebrews is speaking to Hebrew (Jewish) people and saying, "You want to go back under the Old Covenant? The only thing you have to look forward to is the consuming fire of God." That's it!
The writer is telling them that through Christ, you'll have eternal life and be part of the heavenly city where God dwells. But for those people who don't want to identify with Christ, they will suffer the judgment of God.
So then chapter 12 comes into focus (for us). Seeing then that we are surrounded by such a great (eminent) group of witnesses, how are we to behave. So departing from the personal exhortation the Hebrews writer gave in chapter 10:22-25 towards holy living, he now implores us by the witness of these saints of old. Here, it is difficult to discern whether the writer believed that we have all these sages looking down upon us & our behaviour, or more likely, that we have yet another imperative to godly living because of the lives that these men & women lived, in spite of the odds against them. They didn't even consider their lives of any worth in comparison to what God had for them in the afterlife.
Hebrews 12:1,2 then reminds us that we not only have these great examples of faith, of perseverance & resilience before us, but even much more than all this, we have JESUS, Who not only is the Designer, the Forerunner & Completer of (our) Faith, but the One Who took the meaning of suffering to its fullest extent (much more than what those in chapter 11 had done), in that He willingly laid down His Life for us. "He Who knew no sin became sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him".
Good for you! A worthy goal. And I'll just second Richards starting book, John.
Regarding Greek words, get a Strings Concordance. It's as big as a dictionary. I have had this volume for decades for reference. More recently I've been using an the eSword app on my iPad, iPhone and desktop. It is FREE. As I recall, it comes loaded with the King James version and you can download Strongs for KJV. Strongs contains dictionary-like pronunciation guides and phonetic spelling of the Greek. Many other translations are available to download.
In my opinion I would lead a student to read the book of John first. As this is my favorite of the four accounts of the Lords life and very unique to the other three. As all of the four books are unique, Matthew, Mark and Luke are close but have their own details. So it is good to read all. I would have them read John first then Matthew and then Mark & Luke.
Of coarse this is my personal opinion. Maybe others would like to share what they feel with other details. All for the Glory of the Lord.
God Bless and thank you for teaching children about the Lord.
Thank you for your return answer.
Matthew chapter 3; Mark chapter 1; Luke chapter 3; and John chapter 1.
"Yet once more" will I shake not only the earth, but the heaven also signifies a great shaking of peoples secrets, hidden agendas, 'powers of the air' and desires for world DOMINATION ...
Eph'6:12 " for we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of the air in high places"
Ergo see Trump 2020 that exemplifies this
Rom' 2:13-16 ".......when on that day according to my gospel God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus"
A great shaking is taking place in America right now!! And not America only!! and the very aftershocks are shaking this PLANET to its very foundations....even to we in 'down under' land
Mat'10:26 "So have no fear of them, for there is nothing that is covered that will not be revealed...."
Mat 13:41
"the son of man will send out his angels, and they will weed out all causes of sin and corruption and all evil doers"
The weeding out of corrupt people, hidden systems is hapenning before our very eyes!
God bless America!
Your sorrow which must lead to repentance WILL find the Father's forgiveness. 2 Cor 7:10, "For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death". This speaks of the difference between a true sorrow that comes from a heart that belongs to the Lord as opposed to the World's sorrow (here, means 'regret') which avails nothing. You are truly under conviction of your actions & this conviction can only be from the Holy Spirit Who longs to draw you back into cleanliness & harmony with the Lord.
As much as you now feel the love & companionship that has been missing in your life for so long, the Word of God is clear about entering into a second marriage: 1 Corinthians 7:10-16. Divorce is an extreme permissible act, but re-marriage is not allowed. And that, as you will know, is because the marriage bond is of God & for a reason: Mark 10:7-12. You have been both physically & mentally faithful to your husband for so many years whilst under trying conditions; if at all possible, you need to go back to him & remain faithful in your vows, thereby being God's witness to him that might alert him to his errors. But if you have to leave, then God requires you to remain single. Many Christians in such a situation would prefer to re-marry, but then their position is not for us to judge.
Scabies needs to be treated quickly & the home decontaminated. Anything that might cause us to become alert to sin is useful, but not necessarily a result of it.
1 Corinthians 7 teaches you and a Christian husband may declare a fast from sexual relations for a time (but not years!).
Do not commit adultery. Repent of any impure thoughts. Commit yourself to God to settle this issue. We are not constrained by Old Testament laws. Matthew 5, Jesus restates issues of divorce.
Satan is accusing you in your head. He wants everyone to be clueless and commit sexual sin.
See a Christian marriage counselor, or your Pastor. It helps in court to show you sought advise. Get your own attorney.
Commit your path to the Lord. Listen.
Since then, I've sinned grievously and I can't hear the Holy Spirit anymore. The devil know us quite thoroughly, and there was only one person I would have been tempted with. OF course hindsight is 20/20. Good boundaries and no problems with this for my entire marriage. A happenstance of an old friend, we started speaking, and I began a relationship with him emotionally and physically. Now, I love him and want to be with this person. My character was not of someone that would do this, never would have thought I would ever do this. But here I am and sorrowful I've sinned against my Holy Heavenly Father.
I'm frightened that I may have given my Heavenly Home birthright away, and I'm destined for hell. Father God please No. Esau was sorrowful too. He grieved as I have, and I want to hear the Holy Spirit again. This chapter convicts me more- is there no hope for my salvation now? Is it lost forever? How do I know if I have fallen permanently from the Grace of God? Hell :'(
This man was divorced, but I am not. I have not had relations with my Husband for many years. Do I divorce my Husband and marry my Friend. (act of my sin, is like marriage)?
I've prayed to God for help, and have spoken of regret and help to know what to do. The last 6 weeks, my friend & home have scabies and I caught them. :'( Can I make this right by marrying my new love? Are the pests warnings and of what?
HELP please
This is an attack on the Christian faith.
Hagia Sophia (named after God's Holy Wisdom) in Istanbul was originally built as a Christian church, about 500 years after Christ walked among us, and has also served at the center of Orthodox Christianity. It's been designated as a U.N. World Heritage Site.
Now, it's being turned into a Muslim mosque for the second time in its history. Its beautiful Christian mosaics will be covered up or even sandblasted - literally covering up the story of the Gospel. We know what's coming next. Hagia Sophia will become a symbol of Islam conquering Christianity.
Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood have already cheered this. Turkey has already said that Athens, Greece, "is next" and then Al-Aqsa (the Temple Mount) in Jerusalem, Israel.
Turkey must be given notice that the world will not tolerate the eradication of the Christian faith at the whim of a hostile government. This Christian church must not be erased.
We've mobilized our legal and Government Affairs teams to fight back. We are preparing to take action at the U.N., urging international pressure on Turkey to protect this historic Christian church. But we need you. ACLJ to sign the petition.
Chastisement helps me keep my feet firmly planted on Holy Ground in Jesus's Presence Praise tells me that Jesus is pleased that I am grounded where He has planted me.
10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell A GREAT STAR from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
11 And the name of THE STAR is called WORMWOOD, and the third part of the WATERS became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!
This isn't poetry from the Book of Revelation!! Those of you intent on following False Prophets!! You will not have water to drink.
NASA already is taking photos and measurements of a star headed straight towards planet EARTH. Lots and lots of photos on Google. Guess what it's named?
The Wormwood Star. It's not a comet and it's too big to be an asteroid.
Since God is guiding it, they aren't going to be able to blow it up.
It's going to make all the water bitter and not good for drinking.
You're right about the garbage "islands" floating in our oceans now: extending itself towards Alaska currently.
What does a GOOD and LOVING God do about this mess? He offers His Son Jesus to pay for our Sins and bring us into the family of God. We are about to embark on the greatest Mystery, the salvation of souls, and seeing Earth restored to its original beauty.
The Godhead made all of this! He will do it again. Throw your unbelief out the window & grab onto Jesus NOW. Don't miss out so great a salvation.
"And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God REQUIRE of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,"
My thoughts is, Exodus 20:3, but a preacher said it is "TO LOVE" all.
2. Why are we not noticing or focusing on all these Satanic Statues that are being raised right in front of us with little to no protest? I believe Arkansas has an 85' Statue of Satan with 2 little kids happily smiling as they look up to him, sitting right next to the 10 Commandments. These Statues are raised up throughout the world as they are in many States in this country. GOD told us all in the bible he is a jealous GOD, and will tolerate no other GOD before him. I think Satan has always used racism to keep everybody in the world off focused. (Off course racism is extremely important) however, I know GOD is watching us make him 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.. in order off importance, you get the picture. The world needs to STOP, take a look around, because if what people see is all they see, they don't really see all there is to see. Man has always been nasty and wicked towards each other, and GOD deals with these issues. On the other hand we are foolishly ignoring his first Commandment. Thou shall have no other GOD before me, for I am a jealous GOD. We are going to pay an enormous price for what we are allowing to occur. In fact we are presently paying a heavy price. (COVID 19) We must FAST and PRAY nationwide, worldwide with true Godly leaders, to stop what we are overlooking. Please shed thoughts on this as I am upset that this gets no NEWS ATTENTION, when in fact it is the most important and urgent thing happening in the world, YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMORROW.