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Hebrews Chapter 2 Discussion

Hebrews Chapter 2 Discussion

  • Doug - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 2 years ago
    It is referred to as being lower than the angels because they suffered death. Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
  • Postmyers567 - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 2 years ago
    If we take the words as referring to Jesus Christ, then they must be understood as pointing out the time of his humiliation, as in Heb 2:9; and the little lower, in both verses, must mean for a short time, or a little while, as is very properly inserted among our marginal readings. Adam was originally made higher than the angels, but by sin he is now brought low, and subjected to death; for the angelic nature is not mortal. Thus, taking the words in their common acceptation, man in his present state may be said to be lessened below the angels. Jesus Christ, as the eternal Logos, or God with God, could not die, therefore a body was prepared for him; and thus , for a short while, he was made lower than the angels, that he might be capable of suffering death. And indeed the whole of the passage suits him better than it does any of the children of men, or than even Adam himself in a state of innocence; for it is only under the feet of Jesus that all things are put in subjection, and it was in consequence of his humiliation that he had a name above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, Php 2:9-11. Therefore he must be infinitely higher than the angels, for they, as well as all the things in heaven, bow in subjection to him.

    Thou crownedst him with glory and honor - This was strictly true of Adam in his state of innocence, for he was set over all things in this lower world; all sheep and oxen, the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth over the paths of the seas, Ps 8:7, Ps 8:8. So far all this perfectly applies to Adam; but it is evident the apostle takes all in a much higher sense, that of universal dominion; and hence he says, he left nothing that is not put under him. These verses, collated with the above passage from the Epistle to the Philippians, mutually illustrate each other. And the crowning Christ with
  • Robert Scott Catuska on Hebrews 2 - 2 years ago
    Hebrews 2:6-7 In 6 it talks of man and Christ in 7 it says thou make him lower than the angles. I thought that man and Christ were above the angels am I understanding this wrong? No offense to the Angles.
  • English Sacha - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    You are very kind Raymond . I know it's an old cliche but it's so true that if we are ever in doubt about what to do , all we need to ask is : what would Jesus do ? All the discussion about this verse and that verse , we drive ourselves and each other crazy some times . Christ is the perfect example , of love and kindness and patience and gentleness .He shows us the way . He is the Way , all we need to do is follow . Much love in Christ .
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    Sister Sacha, God is Willing, and His Will,will, be done.
  • Raymond. T. Murray on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago

    Thankyou for the lovely comments. Like you, I have been reading the bible for a very long time, 41 years in fact. I also like to read commentaries because every now and then, I pick up a fact or two that had completely eluded me. If the commentary is not correct or unholy in any way, I rely on the Holy Spirit to give me discernment as to what to do --- usually ditch and forget. I tend not to get so carried away with the Greek & Latin meanings and leave that to other erudites who have nothing better to do. We must all focus on Jesus because he will lead us, now, and at the end.

    For myself, I can never get enough of Christ and am constantly wanting to learn. God Bless you.

    Keep Looking Up.
  • English Sacha - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    You have hit on the very reason I never ever read commentaries . I just keep reading the Bible , everyday for the last 27years . Slowly I connect the dots , it may take me a while but I know for sure that they are my dots , I connected them , I can unconnect them if I find out that I've made a mistake and I'm certain I still have a way to go but I'm convinced by my own studies , of my own beliefs . We are all on the same path , some of us are walking , some trotting ,some sprinting , God willing we shall all reach our destination and see each other there .
  • Raymond. T. Murray on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    14 - 18. The mention of the Angels gives one the impression that all the Angels have fallen when this is not so. The commentary is not clear on the fact that only a third fell from grace and went AWOL.

    Someone unfamiliar with their bible could easily assume all Angels were bad eggs.
  • Philip Christian Parks on Hebrews 2:9 - 3 years ago
    Hebrews 2:4; signs and wonders = The Greek noun (; pronounced "say-MI-on") translated here into "signs" often translates into the noun "miracle" (23 times) in the New Testament. The reader may understand these "signs" as extraordinary events that defy natural laws which indisputably proves the results of supernatural powers.

    The Greek meaning of the word translated here into "wonders" (; pronounced "TER-as") literally means anything or any occurrence that is extremely difficult, or even impossible to explain, other than admitting its existence or occurrence happened supernaturally beyond human power.

    Attempting to distinguish signs from wonders proves difficult at best. In this context, one attempt may explain signs as literal, tangible, physical proofs which the eyes actually see, and realized by the rest of human senses. By distinction, "wonders" wildly stir human imaginative thought processes within the mind as to their interpretive reasons and purposes, especially in the realm of religion.

    Scriptures record the expression "signs and wonders" twenty-nine times (15 times in the Old Testament; 14 times in the New). With few exceptions, the majority of these references link "signs and wonders" directly to GOD as the PERFORMER, or performed indirectly through HIS prophets or apostles whom GOD empowered.
  • Philip Christian Parks on Hebrews 2:9 - 3 years ago
    Hebrews 2:4; GOD with divers miracles = The adjective "divers" is an obsolete Old English term which means "many", "various", and/or "different" kinds and types of miracles.

    Here, "miracles" translates from the Greek noun root (transliterated "dunamis"; pronounced "DOO-nam-is"), meaning inherent raw strength, ability, and prowess. "Dunamis" derives the English noun "dynamite."

    Dunamis also translates into other terms as well in the KJT New Testament: "power" (77 times), "might or mighty" (17 times), "strength" (7 times), and "miracles(s)" (7 times).

    From the human perspective, Dunamis power is that wielded by a muscularly strong person. The one who possesses and exercises dunamis power potentially does so with all other types of power.

    Relating to GOD, HIS miracles are supernatural, far beyond any human comprehension, much less any explanation from man.
  • Philip Christian Parks on Hebrews 2:9 - 3 years ago
    Hebrews 2:4; gifts of the HOLY GHOST = The Greek meaning of the word (; pronounced ("mer-is- MOS) translated here into "gifts" literally speaks of "The LORD" (v.3) "dividing" the abilities of performing super- natural miracles (or "powers") among HIS prophets and apostles to prove and confirm the truth and legitimacy of the Gospel of Salvation (v.3) and Doctrines of LORD JESUS as HIS CHRIST.

    The dividing of these different Gifts speaks of The HOLY SPIRIT's distribution, not of the actual "Gifts differing according to the Grace that is given to us" ( Rom. 12:6).

    Additionally, in First Corinthians 12:4-6 (cp. 1Cor. 12:11), Paul qualified the "dividing" of these Gifts with the adjectives "diversities" and "differences":

    + "diversities of gifts, but the same SPIRIT" (v.4);

    + "differences of administrations, but the same LORD" (v.5); and

    + "diversities of operations, but it is the same GOD Which worketh all in all" (v.6).
  • Lauren - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    Thank you for this testimony of God's amazing grace! Yes, One drop of his love, one moment of his real Presence, melts years of self-hate, and years of self-defence... Sending you many blessings today.....
  • The Love Jesus Has For Us - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    You had a vision of Jesus's love. I had one too not long after I had been saved and delivered out of the occult (astrology). Friends would laugh and tell me, that anyone that had done the things I did, could not possibly be saved! I hid myself and grieved. Then I could feel myself hardening with loss.

    I had the vision. In it, I saw Jesus's Cross upon the ground. He was upon it and nailed to it. He was looking at me. I felt this outrage flame up within me. How dare He love me?! I saw a rock, picked it up and resolved to prove that I could make Him hate me too. I was loved by no one.

    I hit the nails in his hands with all my strength. EVERY time I hit him he said, I Love You. His eyes looking into mine, as I knelt by his chest hitting the nails. I threw the rock away and fell across his chest, and his arms were free to hold me as years of self-hate left my body.

    Jesus's Love for us will never leave us. We are adopted through the spirit of adoption. Legal children. We aren't a mistake. He sees us healed and filled with the Jesus kind of love. There are no restraints on our ability to take His love to others. His kind of love is there for anyone who desires to experience and be filled with His love.

    Say what you need and get ready to receive it. Our souls are all peculiar to just us, and different.

    That's how I know Heaven is going to be full of unique people. Different personalities, Not all alike, as some fear. I believe we'll all be truly surprised. All unique and full of the love of Jesus. Worldliness and frustration will just be gone.

    Song of Solomon
  • Ministry of RECONCILIATION - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    Genesis 3:15

    "And I will put enmity between thee (Satan) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it (Jesus) shall bruise thy head (power), and thou (Satan) shalt bruise his heel."

    Satan won the power to inflict suffering on mankind when Eve was tempted to rebel against God and take a bite from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    Both Trees were protected from that day forward, until the Cross of Christ. Tree of Life is one of Jesus's names; as in meaning, eternal life, through Him.

    The nail through Jesus's feet, was the fulfillment of the prophesy. Satans power and authority over mankind's sin was over. All he has left is Lies, to cause us to rebel against the Truth of what Jesus accomplished. (Satan is the FATHER of LIES)

    During the 3 days Jesus's body was in the tomb, Jesus descended in Hell to lead captivity, captive. He set those prisoners free. By doing so, he proclaimed His Victory over spiritual death, hell and the grave.

    We need to have complete confidence in what Jesus accomplished. The power of Gods love and acceptance of us (gentile or Jew), reigns supreme.

    Our lives are bombarded every single day by Satans lies. Each lie is crafted to make us fall into "APOSTACY." He uses any media or voice available to accomplish the LIES. Like... don't leave the house, go to church: you might get Covid. It's cheating time for the devil. Are we aware of that? Satan cheats us out of our lives by trickery with Lies. Start telling Satan his destiny is the LAKE OF FIRE, every time he tempts you

    Pray that no one you know falls into Apostacy! Find out what that is, and begin warning those you love. Do it in the spirit of Love. All preachers of righteousness need to reveal the lies of Satan that seek to destroy our love for our Savior, Jesus. Teach relationship; not Religion.

    We're not called to be a generation of "John the Baptist's." We are called to the Ministry of Reconciliation. Be reconciled to God.

  • Lauren - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    Praise God! I can't read even a brief comment on this topic without

    shouting inside for joy..... Blessings!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago

    Through Jesus dying on the cross, He destroyed the power of Satan to hold people in the bondage of death.

    In 1 John Chapter 3 Verse 8, he that committeth sin is of the devil. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

    The word destroy in 1 John 3:8 means to unloose, unbind, untie.

    So basically, Jesus came to destroy the work of the devil, and loosen, and unbind, and set people free from being underneath his influence and being a slave to sin.
  • Jim on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    HEB. 2:14 says that Jesus destroyed the devil. Is that literal ? Is it the seed of the serpent that we fight against?
  • Philip Christian Parks - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    Of the adjective "all" recorded twice in First Corinthians 15:22 = As with all Scriptures, Biblical hermeneutics requires interpreting this verse within its context. First, Paul spoke strictly to "ye [which] are saved" (v.2), identifying only believing Christians. Next, he used the exclusive pronoun "our" (v.3) to apply CHRIST's death strictly for the sins of those whom HE saves.

    Obviously, CHRIST's Salvific Work is sufficient to save all, but proves efficient only for the elect (e.g. 2Thes. 2:13; 1Pet. 1:2).

    Paul dedicated the entire context of this chapter ( 1Cor. 15) to the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of CHRIST (vv. 3-9) as irrefutable proof (vv. 20-21) that all GOD's people will experience the same Resurrection as did CHRIST (vv. 22-23; 42-44; cp. Rom. 6:5).

    The unsaved will not experience this glorious "Resurrection of Life", but rather and sadly, "they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation" ( Jn. 5:29).

    Paul used the all-inclusive adjective "all" to include every individual whom GOD saves in CHRIST JESUS. First, every individual believer ("all") will physically die because all inherit Adam's sin nature at birth ( Rom. 5:12). Second, CHRIST will make every individual believer ("all") alive at the eschatological Resurrection ( Jn. 11:24-25).
  • Philip Christian Parks - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    The expression, "in CHRIST shall all be made alive" ( 1Cor. 15:22), most certainly does not teach or guarantee universal Salvation for every individual born into this world, for Inspired Scripture does not so much as even imply such a heresy. Such repugnant false doctrine blasphemes GOD's Righteous Justice.

    Actually, Scriptures repeatedly prove most will not come to JESUS CHRIST, GOD's MEDIATOR ( 1Tim. 2:5) for Salvation as CHRIST proclaimed ( Mt. 7:13): "For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat."

    The adjective "all" does include every individual "whosoever" of whom CHRIST included in HIS Salvific Proclamation, "whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have Everlasting Life" ( Jn. 3:16).

    Even JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF clearly stated HE did not come to provide universal Salvation, for two Gospel writers quote CHRIST as proclaiming of HIMSELF, "The SON OF MAN came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give HIS Life a Ransom for many" ( Mt. 20:28; Mk. 10:45). In these two verses, the adjective "many" translates from the Greek adjective (transliterated "polus"' pronounced "po-LOOS") which speaks of a well-defined selection of individuals out of the whole whom CHRIST chose and elected to save.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    Phillip, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    In you comments you quoted:

    1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam ALL die, even so in Christ shall ALL (redeemed) be made alive.

    Do you think the ALL in Adam, is a different ALL than the ones made alive; or is it the same people being delivered from death to life. IS ALL, ALL; or is ALL, SOME.

    The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.

    1 Timothy 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, WHO IS THE SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN, specially those who BELIEVE.

    Is the ALL in this verse the same ALL as in 1 Corinthians 15:22; or is it a different ALL (maybe it to only means some).
  • Philip Christian Parks - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    HE (CHRIST) might destroy him (the devil); v.14 = Here, the Greek verb root (; pronounced "kat-arg-EH-"), translated here into "destroy", does not mean to totally "annihilate" the devil into nothingness, for Satan ("the devil") will eternally endure the torments of the Lake of Fire ( Rev. 20:10). Yet, the devil will always retain his evil essence, nature, personality, character, and reputation in his opposition.

    The verb "destroy" describes GOD removing Satan's power over death, particularly his power of death over the redeemed saints of GOD. GOD has abolished Satan's power over death for their sake making death ineffective and powerless over them. The physical fleshly bodies of the redeemed will continue to wither and die due to their carnal sinful nature, "for as in Adam all die" ( 1Cor. 15:22). Yet, for the redeemed, physical death ushers them into the very Presence of their REDEEMER to experience and enjoy Eternal Life.

    GOD rescues ("saves") HIS people from ultimately dying eternal death ( 1Cor. 15:22 & 25-26):

    "[22] in CHRIST shall all (the redeemed) be made alive. [25] For HE (CHRIST) must Reign, till HE hath put all enemies under HIS Feet. [26] The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."
  • Carleton - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    Amen brother Evangelist, Amen.
  • Evangelist - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    Hallelujah! Glory to God!
  • Carleton - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    Hello Phillip Christian Parks, Thank you. The Church is a gathering of born again Christians that love each other so much that separation from one another is painful. There should be an immediate witness upon seeing even two or three gathered in His name in almost any situation. For example, a few walking together in an airport terminal. Regarding buildings where they meet more regularly, when I first walked into a place of the same as a seeker, I only made it around 15-20 feet inside when I met some elders visiting with one another. I immediately knew that whatever these people have is what I am searching for.

    God bless our meditations.
  • Philip Christian Parks on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    "In the Midst of the Church ..."; v.12 = The word "church" translates from the Greek noun (transliterated "ekklesia"; pronounced "ek-klay-SEE-ah"), meaning a specific group of people called out and assembled for a particular purpose. That particular purpose is to worship and glorify GOD and LORD JESUS CHRIST and to preach the Gospel.

    The Church is not the building wherein the Church meets, but rather, the redeemed saints are the Church whom CHRIST has quickened ( Eph. 2:1) from their state of "dead in trespasses and sins" ( Eph. 2:5) to actively preach and spread the Gospel of Salvation.

    The Greek New Testament records "ekklesia" 118 times. Of those occurrences, it translates into the English noun "church" 115 times, all identifying GOD's people assembled as a church body.

    In Ephesians 2:22, Paul described the Church as "an habitation of GOD" wherein GOD "dwells" with HIS people (cp. Rom. 8:9; 2Cor. 6:16; Eph. 3:17; 1Jn. 4:13). Rather than a passive place, a habitation is a building wherein much activity takes place. Living people actively live there, communicating with one another, and intimately interrelating within the family and carrying on with their private lives.

    The "Church" is a living, breathing, animate organism because it is the "habitation" of "The Living GOD".

    This same scenario occurs within "the Church of The Living GOD" ( 1Tim. 3:15), which is GOD's habitation. The Church does not exist passively, but GOD performs and accomplishes HIS purposes in the world through the Church as HIS base of operations.

    The Greek New Testament records "ekklesia" 118 times. Of those occurrences, it translates into the English noun "church" 115 times, all identifying GOD's people assembled as a church body.
  • Philip Christian Parks on Hebrews 2 - 3 years ago
    But now we see not yet all things put under him (man); v.8 = Due to man's sinful nature, compounded with the curse GOD pronounced upon creation due to Adam's sin, man has yet to fully subdue, manipulate, and control creation, his environment, and even himself.

    While man is able to tame wild animals for domestic use, he does so with great difficulty and even potential peril to his limb and life. Even now, man traverses land, sea, and air with simply a whim and will, yet these elements still pose great risks and hazards that regularly cause unspeakable disasters and deaths. Man relentlessly attempts his vain efforts to control the weather and climate to no avail. His attempts to cause the clouds to rain ultimately mock him. He lies helplessly under the demolishing power of tornadoes, hurricanes, and tsunamis to his own destruction. Man has yet, nor will he ever, formulate a flawless government under which every citizen lives in a safe utopian society, wherein his every need and want are met, and he lives in happiness, contentment, and fulfillment. Every man has his enemies over whom he has no influence or control. Although man spends untold fortunes during his lifetime to slow the process of aging, he continues to march relentlessly to his ultimate grave. Man has yet to cure certain diseases that ravages the body unto death. Man has no control over his own sinful penchants that diminishes his "glory and honor" (v.7). Death is the greatest enemy man faces, yet he has no power over his own inevitable demise.

    Only when "in CHRIST shall all be made alive" ( 1Cor. 15:22), will man finally and fully experience one MAN, The GOD-MAN, LORD JESUS CHRIST, WHO "hath put all things under HIS Feet when all things shall be subdued unto HIM" ( 1Cor. 15:24-28; 2thes. 1:7-10). Only then, when HE shall make "Righteousness the girdle of his loins" shall HE tame the wild animal and man alike to live in perfect harmony (read Isa. 11:5-9).
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 4 years ago
    If you could then you could have been the sacrificial lamb that take away the sins of the world instead of Jesus. Think about that.
  • Charles Barefoot on Hebrews 2 - 4 years ago
    Can you live a sinless life?
  • Chris - In Reply on Hebrews 2 - 4 years ago
    The Hebrews writer is stating that what the Lord Jesus spoke about directly from God & about how men must be saved, this very same message was heard & received by those around Him. So, Jesus' disciples, who became His apostles, were primarily the first messengers of this great Salvation & they conveyed that message to others, the Church being established initially in various nearby countries of Asia Minor, Greece & Italy as well. Then the Church took out the Gospel to reach others.

    As we're unsure who the Hebrews writer was, many believe that it was Paul, whose apostleship was confirmed by the Spirit & accepted (& instructed further no doubt), by the other apostles. So, the "chain" begins with Christ, through His apostles & to the Church, which was predominantly of converted Jews & living either in Palestine or Italy.
  • Charlotte Blevins on Hebrews 2 - 4 years ago
    In Hebrews 2:1-4...what was the chain of individuals through which the message of salvation had come from the Lord to the readers of the letter?

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