To Ibrahim
Jesus Christ in His humanity like you and me was terrified of the death of deaths; all the sins of mankind poured upon Him; separated from His Father. The Cross was hard for Him to face so He prayed and cried to God and God heard Him because of His godly fear. Nevertheless He went to the Cross, He died and He rose again on the third day according to Scriptures. He endured the Cross.
V.12 After receiving the Holy Ghost and being baptized in Jesus' name we become examples (teachers) of how to live before sinners but we can't pass the tests' God allows to come our way because we take things personal, we don't have the experience to be able to teach our brother how to live. We have to practice what we preach. We can't stay babes forever. We have to overcome our flesh!
I strongly, believes that every believer after coming to the knowledge of the grace of God, repented of our sins and being baptised should seek God to be filled with the Holy Spirit, because it's the power from on high, and we are lifeless without the power of God. A car without an engine won't be able to drive, so we ad Christians do need the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
This chapter informs us that only Jesus qualified to represent all humanity before a holy God as our great high priest. Though he suffered a physical death he didn't experience the penalty of spiritual death. Jesus's suffering and anguish as a human represented the points in which humanity suffers and he met the righteous requirements of God in his physical death but was raised in victory Rom 5-6.
vs 5 "today I have begotten thee" means the firstborn. And as the firstborn son He had more of an inheritance. This is great news for those who trust in Jesus for their justification and sanctification. They will rule and reign with him in the millennial kingdom.
If Jesus prayed and cried out loud to the one who would save him from death and his prayers were heard and answered, it means he didn't die but God raised him up to himself alive, correct or not? Please explain it to me further more, I mean it's confusing.
I really didn't know what to think of the chapter. However, that's why am still consuming milk and not strong meat. Lord help me to grow in your word. For I am blind.
Mine s I believe all the childern of the Lord Jesus Christ have felt like u so u are not along that when we need to ask our comforter the Holy Ghost to help us and lead us to all truth that is his job u no that why Jesus said he Would leave us a comforter so we must pray for the Holy Ghost if we don't have it we need to have christian friend to support us as well and know that Jesus is all ways there he said he would never leave us alone and his Angles are camp all around Us always even when we cannot feel Jesus he is right there praise the Lord Jesus for his Love always
I totally agree with all comments because is our higher power and can to all things and we are here to spread his gospel. There are time I feel like a baby and when I feel like needing milk I pray a little pray and ask for meat of the word to know and understand what I need do.
A NEW VISION: I cannot see the mortal's flesh nor hear the mortal sigh. Mine eyes love not vain glory now nor list I to carnal minds. But by the grace of God mine eyes behold a fairer land and all the beauties of this earth have naught on which to stand. Nor do pleasures here I seek, but joys beyond compare for which my Savior died for me...that I might have a share. And now mine heart holds things devine, by prayer thru darkness apan. And Jesus intercedes for me and lays them in my hands....
Hebrews tell us that God ordains men for the priesthood for the things of God. That they may have compassion on the ignorant, and on those that are away from God. This honor is not chosen by man, but by God. God choices men for the priesthood from generation to generation, and even for today. They are to be the mediators between God and his people. We are chosen by God to preach the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. That we may turn the people back around to God? God calls us his priesthood and his holy people. God the Father said that Jesus was the high priest forever after the order of Melchisedec, Aaron etc. It is only by study the word of God that I find understanding. I pray before I do anything in the name of Jesus. And by believing that Jesus will help me understand is when I find the meaning to his words. Sometimes I feel like I 've been in the same place for to long. Then when trouble comes I don 't have enough of the meat of the word to know what to do. I feel like am still a baby and have need of milk from the word of God.
These means Jesus Christ came as a man made by God to take a position of high priest with flesh and blood in suffering and sacrifice himself ones and for all because in him we have two options the Holy Spirit and man Spirit that 's breathed Gen 6vs3 Matthias 5vs48 LEVITICUS 19vs1to 3 Holiness.
Jesus brought us our heavenly manna the word of God. Blessed are those who believe in Jesus that he is the Son of the Living God and obey his words will not be perish but have everlasting life. Man does not live by bread alone but by every word of God. We must obey what Jesus says and follow and live like Jesus. He loves us so much and he is faithful to his promises that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Thank you Jesus for your precious blood that shed for us. Amen
Try and find the "meat " in today 's varied church meetings! Hungering for something more substantial than milk will be the driving force behind perfecting our characters!
Even as the the purpose of the intent of God is from the beggining of creation that man should be in likeness and image of God, that through the second man Adam that we be sons of God to know both good and evil
When we are children in the kingdom or basically we are young in spiritual matters we tend to think everything cheeply just like little kids who cannot digest solid food, we should grow iin the things of the kingdom and we grow according to the spiritual but not the flesh.
Jesus showed compassion on ignorant and vulnerable people. Jesus never took the glory upon Himself but He glorified God, the father. All His prayers were with crying and years for us. We could see implicit obedience to His father in all His deeds and speech. He is the author of eternal salvation and He gives it to those who obey to His laws WE should not be dull of hearing the words of God. We need growth in our spiritual life .As child grows and become a perfect adult ,we must also grow to the full stature of Christ 's perfection.
Heb 5 speaks of d need for christians to grow in d character of d gospel by perseverance patience humility and faithfulness as be coming a matured christian
This verse shows that spiritual maturity does not depend on one's age, but on how one uses their perception. The person has to be able to perceive what is right and wrong from God's standpoint even when there is no direct Bible command.
I have always appreciated this verse. It helps me to see that constant study of God's word is vital to my spiritual maturity. Also, it shows that God certainly wants us to use what we learn from his word to be able to distinguish wrong from right.
Children need to be taught word for word, "don't do this..... do that". As we mature our knowledge from God's word will be the basis for knowing wrong from right! Just love it!
solid food for strong people not for babes that become shaky at the slightest sign of affliction.the word lives in them that are strong irrespective of their chronological age -they are dependable teachers.
TILAK CHANDRA SEKARAN on Hebrews 5:14 - 12 years ago
I agree with People's bible Notes. Here the age doees not pertain to that of biological, but that of mind and the wisdom level. Only the matured mind can understand the deeper truths in Bible and conver that knowledge to it's and the benifit of the brotherhood.
So the spirit world can be understood in Christ's perception only by an enlightened soul.
Verses 12-14 have a heading spiritual immaturity in the New King James. The bible is clearly saying when we are saved and reborn, we have a lot to learn from the oracles of God also known as the torah or the Old Testament. So, anyone thinking that the new covenant did away with the 10 commandments needs to read Acts 21:24, John 10:15, 2 Timothy 3:15-16, 2 Peter 1:20, Mark 2:28, Mathew 7:21-23, Mark 7:6-9. At the time of the oracles or scriptures mentions, there was no New Testament. The only law nailed to the cross is Sacrificial and Ceremonial. The Moral Law (10 commandments) were written in stone because they are forever. John 14:10 says if ye love me keep my commandments. So why would he make them void after saying this? Would Jesus really say it's ok to have false gods? Kill, steal, commit adultery, bear false witness? That what doing away the OLD LAW means. The new covenant is no animal sacrifice or circumcision and other ceremonial law and tempering the moral laws and scriptural doctrine with love and compassion. Something the Pharisees lacked. That’s why he called their teaching bad leaven, or leaven to be avoided.
Mel-chis'e-dec who is without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God. Mel-chis'e-dec was God and what the writer is saying here that the Hebrews here knew the Law but didn't understand the Law therefore their understanding was that of a child and not that of an adult.
This chapter tells that Christ our saviour did a wonderful work for us (mankind) in the salvation and redemption of man from sin; even though He came spotless. Judging from the two chapters of Hebrews chapters 5 and 7, the two priests from Judah are priests that reign forever, (powerful) but there's a big difference between them. I think Melchizedek wouldn’t have saved us (done it perfectly well) even though in Hebrews 7:7, He blesses Abraham but He never had human feelings (wasn’t given birth to). Considering that fact as it was recorded in Genesis that Man kept on sinning against God, continually even after our sacrifice to God, He wouldn’t have had pity on us but Jesus did it. Another lesson from this chapter is that we got to equip ourselves with de word of God, so as not to be a victim in de hands of de devil. I praise you Redeemer.
Jesus Christ in His humanity like you and me was terrified of the death of deaths; all the sins of mankind poured upon Him; separated from His Father. The Cross was hard for Him to face so He prayed and cried to God and God heard Him because of His godly fear. Nevertheless He went to the Cross, He died and He rose again on the third day according to Scriptures. He endured the Cross.
Children need to be taught word for word, "don't do this..... do that". As we mature our knowledge from God's word will be the basis for knowing wrong from right! Just love it!
So the spirit world can be understood in Christ's perception only by an enlightened soul.
Tilak Chandra Sekaran