Bill, I just want you to know that I'm praying for you. I cannot begin to understand what you must be going through but The Lord does for sure. So I asked Him to help you.
At least god saved my life and my girlfriend Danica Patrick will not give up on me about our future and the baseline and citrus car accident that a Marie or Maria with State Farm insurance had when she caused the baseline and citrus Ave act of terrorism. She the terrorist and her friends started out on baseline she was behind all the traffic heading East when we'll she was behind me will I was watching in my side and rear view mirrors everything she was doing. She went into oncoming traffic a police man passed by going south in citrus Ave she proceeded to run the red light going head on with a newer dark blue Volkswagen hitting the vw head on on the drivers side she continued up baseline after colliding with the dark blue vw sedan of some kind going up baseline making a u turn to the traffic she collided with where I saw her do everything and so I moved into the left turn lane to try and catch a hit and run situation l. She then blew through the baseline and citrus traffic light going west on baseline making a right turn into a neighborhood to the north of citrus and baseline and could not see her so I told my self let's go get a coffee at at one in Azusa off baseline and Azusa. Myself remained in complete control of the situation at hand where I made a left turn onto the citrus on-ramp heading westbound to the 210 freeway. The Marie or Maria terrorist was now back at a street off of citrus and baseline a bmw with gullwing doors flew by me on the citrus and baseline on-ramp at a high rate off speed. The 210 freeway was jam packed early in the morning between the hours of 8am and 10am in the morning
The Maria or Marie with State Farm insurance was to my right as I was entering the on-ramp to the 210 freeway wear something went over my vehicle after the bmw gullwing door car passed before me the Marie or Maria jaber vehicle sic of some type a strange mixed up ford or explorer the smaller type not the full size type. I was going to pull up to the one car per green.
When I was a young believer, I would read Hebrews 7:3, and I believed this was speaking about Christ Himself. Learning that Melchisedec meant king of righteousness caused me to believe it even more. Today, I don't believe that way anymore.
Some believe that Melchisedec was a "Christophany," an appearance of Christ Himself in the Old Testament, because his name means king of righteousness. The only problem I see with that is that in Joshua 10:1, there's another king called Adonidedec. Adoni is lord, and Zedec is righteousness, lord of righteousness.
As for Melchisedec, it says he was the king of Salem. Salem was the city of the Jebusites. And guess what city that was later on? Jerusalem. Salem is from Shalom which means peace. So since he was the king of Salem, and king of peace.
And then the characteristics we see in Hebrews 7:3 don't help the matter much. But if I look closely at how it is translated, it doesn't say that he didn't have a father. The Greek text indicates that there is no record of a father, and no record of a mother, or descent. Obviously he came from somewhere. He was a man. But there was no record.
Then it says "having neither beginning of days, nor end of life." It sort of makes it sound like he is eternal. But that's not the case. There's just no record of his birth or his death, or who his parents were.
There's a parallel between Melchisedec and Christ. It says that he was made like to the Son of God. It doesn't say he was the Son of God. That's important. He abides a priest continually. We know that Jesus had a birth. We know who His mother is and who His Father is. But that's not the parallel. The parallel is that Jesus Christ never had a beginning, and doesn't have an end.
That's why the Lord's priesthood is according to Melchisedec, because Melchisedec is parallel to the eternal existence of Christ. If you want a reference for Salem being Jerusalem, Psalm 76:1 would give you that information. Hope this helps!
I try to understand who Melchisedec was or is, and what happened after Abraham had paid tight to him. How is he likened to, or compared, with our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Heb. 7:16-18 = These verses provide additional reasons the priesthood required a "change" (v.12) from the Levitical priesthood through Aaron to the "Order of Melchisedec" (v.11):
1st, the death of former Levitical priests always required subsequent replacements (v.23).
The repetitious replacements of the Levitical priests necessitated a "change" (v.12) in the "Order" of the priesthood from the temporary "the Order of Aaron" to that of the permanent "the Order of Melchisedec" (v.11; Ps. 110:4).
LORD JESUS CHRIST occupies this "changed" priestly Order, for "HE taketh away the first (animal sacrifices by the Levitical priests), that HE may establish the second (CHRIST's own bodily Sacrifice)" ( Heb. 10:9).
This "second" establishment effectively and permanently "sanctified [the believing worshippers] through the offering of the Body of JESUS CHRIST once for all" ( Heb. 10:10; cp. Heb. 7:25).
2nd, the Law, through "commandment" provided the process of priestly succession. Note, here, this commandment is described as "carnal" (v.16) {pertaining to the flesh}, meaning the commandment only applied to human priests in the blood line of the Levitical tribe.
The term "carnal" also speaks of each of the Levitical priest's brief temporariness in office. Death ended each priest's tenure in contrast to that of Melchesidec's (v.3), and of CHRIST's Eternal Priesthood (vv. 16, 21 & 24-25).
3rd, while Levitical priests received their authorization merely through a "carnal commandment", JESUS CHRIST received HIS authorized Priestly appointment through a DIVINE Heavenly Proclamation (v.17).
4th, the very fact that this "commandment" is "carnal", meaning as it pertains only to the sequentially authorized replacements of human priests, it is inherently characteristic of "weakness" and "unprofitableness" worthy of "disannulling" (v.18).
Of Hebrews 7:10 = Note that Levi's birth, as well as that of the Tribe of Levi, came "out of the loins of Abraham" (v.5). Contrast that with the Birth of JESUS CHRIST. JESUS CHRIST did not come from any man's loins, whether of Joseph's ("as was supposed"; Lu. 3:23) to be JESUS's father, or even of the great Hebrew patriarch Abraham, for JESUS CHRIST is Eternal. Mary actually declared this truth when she questioned her Heavenly visitor (Lu. 1:34): "Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?"
Yet, while Apostle Matthew and Doctor Luke record JESUS CHRIST's human genealogy ( Mt. 1:1-17 and Lu. 3:23-38 respectively), it was actually The HOLY GHOST WHO "conceived" JESUS, The Incarnate GOD "in" Mary ( Mt. 1:20). Furthermore, Joseph literally was not JESUS's father, but rather JESUS was "being (as was supposed) {customarily believed to be} the SON of Joseph" (Lu. 3:23).
Commentary of Hebrews 7:10 (continued) = Language such as refers to Mary as "the mother of GOD" is indescribable high blasphemy, for it falsely describes Mary as an extra-ordinary woman, even on the level of supernatural. In contradiction to this false doctrinal heresy, note Mary's self-description as simply "HE(The LORD) hath regarded {looked upon} the low estate {humbleness; unworthy of any special attention} of HIS handmaiden {literally, a female slave}" (Lu. 1:48).
The angel Gabriel clearly described to Mary of her humble humanity void of any inherent exalting qualities (Lu. 1:28):
"Hail, thou that art highly favoured, The LORD is with thee: blessed art thou among women" (Lu. 1:28).
In the verse above, the word "among" in the expression "among women" qualified Mary as equal to, no better or no worse, than the thousands of Jewish women of her generation. Her only distinction was that The LORD "favoured" and "blessed" her with the grand privilege of carrying JESUS The Incarnate SON OF GOD to term.
Luke 1:46-47 also requires the exegete to consider Mary's praise to The LORD for her own personal Salvation:
"My (Mary's) soul doth magnify The LORD, And my spirit hath rejoiced in GOD my SAVIOUR."
Giving to the poor and needy is a wonderful thing and should be encouraged. However, you mentioned tithes. In the Old Testament God required tithes in order to support and maintain the temple for worship and support of the priests. Today we have many churches going under because of lack of attendance and support. The churches I am familiar with are in need of tithes to support their pastor and maintain a place of worship. Satan is working hard to close all churches to reduce the preaching of God's Word and he is making greater strides every day. You might consider this when making your decision.
God will honor the giving of tithes to the church as He did the widow that gave two mites, Mar 12:42. He will honor you even more if you give to the poor in addition to your giving to your church.
The sum of the things treated of in the seventh and following chapters is contained, Heb 5:7-10; and in this sum is admirably comprised the process of his passion, with its inmost causes, in the very terms used by the evangelists. Who in the days of his flesh - Those two days, in particular, wherein his sufferings were at the height. Having offered up prayers and supplications - Thrice. With strong crying and tears - In the garden. To him that was able to save him from death - Which yet he endured, in obedience to the will of his Father. And being heard in that which he particularly feared - When the cup was offered him first, there was set before him that horrible image of a painful, shameful, accursed death, which moved him to pray conditionally against it: for, if he had desired it, his heavenly Father would have sent him more than twelve legions of angels to have delivered him. But what he most exceedingly feared was the weight of infinite justice; the being bruised and put to grief by the hand of God himself. Compared with this, everything else was a mere nothing; and yet, so greatly did he ever thirst to be obedient to the righteous will of his Father, and to lay down even his life for the sheep, that he vehemently longed to be baptized with this baptism, Lu 12:50. Indeed, his human nature needed the support of Omnipotence; and for this he sent up strong crying and tears: but, throughout his whole life, he showed that it was not the sufferings he was to undergo, but the dishonour that sin had done to so holy a God, that grieved his spotless soul. The consideration of its being the will of God tempered his fear, and afterwards swallowed it up; and he was heard not so that the cup should pass away, but so that he drank it without any fear.
People's Bible Notes for Hebrews 5:7
Who in the days of his flesh. Christ, while on earth, is referred to. When he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying
By standard orders and the bibile principles,if we as a nation and mankind had pursuant to the carnal commandments he Christ would not gave up is life to restore us from sin,in order for the new law to be restablished on Love,that is what we ought to be doing,and Forgiving one to another, this world is misguing them selves from great er spiritual power of understanding forgive and love,the scripture is real it s Law
7:11 The apostle now demonstrates that the Levitical priesthood must yield to the priesthood of Christ, because Melchizedek , after whose order he is a priest, Is opposed to Aaron, # Heb 7:11 |- 14. Hath no end of life, # Heb 7:15 |- 19, but remaineth a priest continually. If now perfection were by the Levitical priesthood - If this perfectly answered all God's designs and man's wants For under it the people received the law - Whence some might infer, that perfection was by that priesthood. What farther need was there, that another priest - Of a new order, should be set up? From this single consideration it is plain, that both the priesthood and the law, which were inseparably connected, were now to give way to a better priesthood and more excellent dispensation.
Comment:There are many scriptures on Melchizedek. His Priesthood was superior to the Aaronic Priesthood.
7:11 The apostle now demonstrates that the Levitical priesthood must yield to the priesthood of Christ, because Melchizedek , after whose order he is a priest, Is opposed to Aaron, # Heb 7:11 |- 14. Hath no end of life, # Heb 7:15 |- 19, but remaineth a priest continually. If now perfection were by the Levitical priesthood - If this perfectly answered all God's designs and man's wants For under it the people received the law - Whence some might infer, that perfection was by that priesthood. What farther need was there, that another priest - Of a new order, should be set up? From this single consideration it is plain, that both the priesthood and the law, which were inseparably connected, were now to give way to a better priesthood and more excellent dispensation.
Comment:There are many scriptures on Melchizedek. His Priesthood was superior to the Aaronic Priesthood.
Melchisidec, the King of peace: who was he? An apparition or manifestation? God, is not divided into 3 parts! Likewise, El Shaddai, the God of Israel is not limited to celestial places. As a God of mercy, He manifests where He feels like, To Moses, to Abraham, to Jacob, in dreams, to Jesus, His Faithful, to Paul on the road to Damascus, to Ishmael. He, the God of creation, will have His doubters in derision!
Jesus is the Son of God, he isn't his own father, they asked Lord teach us to pray, Jesus said say Our Father who art in Heaven. Jesus said it isn't mine to give to sit on my right and left hand, but my Father.
Remembering that we are all pilgrims here. Priests and saints. With no beginning and no end, witnesses unto life everlasting ,through faith in our lord and savior. We are here to extend the true church ,that man may come to the truth and gods kingdom would grow and overcome the adversary.
Chapter 3 could refer to Melchizedek ministry. Is it possible to forfeit all prior relationships while serving the lord in the priesthood . ex. Christ had no honor in his own country. Or beginning of days or end of life, This could refer to his total dedication in that he took up the cross hoping for nothing in return concerning his life and death for God while on earth.He was in Christ reconciling the world , While abiding a priest continually. The revelation given to his priests, teaching the truths of gods word,such as the prophets of old. How blessed we are to have true dedicated priests and their wives! Pray that they will not be swayed in these last days.Pray for your pastors!
Samuela KBND Koro Veitala on Hebrews 7 - 5 years ago
If a new covenant with its new priesthood is in place,then giving should be freewill and not tithe-centric as is the common practice in the church then now.
I Am that Michael Isaac Dale on Hebrews 7 - 6 years ago
It is not for the wicked who walk after the flesh to understand. But now, it pleases my Holy Father for me to glory in the knowledge given me by the Spirit of Christ. For it is written, But let him that glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, says the LORD.
Who can understand the mechanics of the Supreme Being. Noone! We don't even fully understand the mechanics of being alive in a body which has a end, but the Spirit which enlivens us doesn't. Melchidec appeared out of nowhere to Abraham as an emissary and is never heard from again. You say he was Jesus walking the earth on a recon mission. I say that Jesus was born of woman, Melchisidec wasn't
Bet, because Melchizedek is a type of Christ comparing the Levitical law or mt. Sinai law which was given by God to Moses in contrast to the N.Testament law grace and truth by Christ Jo:1:17 Henry's commentary of this chapter indicate he was a priest and a king just like Jesus. He had no parents...mostly referring to no documentation of his human history. I don't see enough to say Christophany.
These 2 immutable things are the 2 oaths made by God and Melchisedec blessing Abraham with multiplication/children. Immutable means something that cannot be changed which are the 2 oaths made by God and Melchisedec ,Resulting in natural Israel, Our strong consolation that Christ might be formed IN US WHICH IS the H.G WHOM JESUS REFERS TO AS THE PROMISE ,The Israel of GOD, MULTIPLICATION OF GOD .
Hello Eutychus, WHERE IS MELCHIZADEK? Psalm 90:2 "from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God". Jesus is God, John 20:28, and therefore Melchizadek seems to be an Old Testament appearance of Jesus before He appeared in the New Testament as baby Jesus. Very, very deep.
"Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually." No beginning, no end of is the mystery...regarding which I will not attempt an answer. WHERE IS MELCHIZADEK? If he has no end of days, he must be alive...where is he? On earth? In heaven? Where then is Melchizadek?
Jimmy; He that denies Jesus Christ having come in flesh is Antichrist. But the whole testimony of the Scriptures is that the Anointed would come in flesh, born of a woman, to save the world and undo the works of the devil. Your hostility is nothing new; it started with Cain, and spread over the whole earth because of Nimrod, and is the root of the fierceness and rage of the heathen against Christ!
Jimmy a disciple of Jesus on Hebrews 7 - 7 years ago
sorry "a disciple" you are wrong..plainly vs 3 says he didnt have a mother or father without beginning or end...just cause our peanut of a brain cant fathom it doesnt mean to make up things just to ease our thinking or to fit our religion!!!
We will pray with you that God gives you comfort.
God bless you.
The Maria or Marie with State Farm insurance was to my right as I was entering the on-ramp to the 210 freeway wear something went over my vehicle after the bmw gullwing door car passed before me the Marie or Maria jaber vehicle sic of some type a strange mixed up ford or explorer the smaller type not the full size type. I was going to pull up to the one car per green.
When I was a young believer, I would read Hebrews 7:3, and I believed this was speaking about Christ Himself. Learning that Melchisedec meant king of righteousness caused me to believe it even more. Today, I don't believe that way anymore.
Some believe that Melchisedec was a "Christophany," an appearance of Christ Himself in the Old Testament, because his name means king of righteousness. The only problem I see with that is that in Joshua 10:1, there's another king called Adonidedec. Adoni is lord, and Zedec is righteousness, lord of righteousness.
As for Melchisedec, it says he was the king of Salem. Salem was the city of the Jebusites. And guess what city that was later on? Jerusalem. Salem is from Shalom which means peace. So since he was the king of Salem, and king of peace.
And then the characteristics we see in Hebrews 7:3 don't help the matter much. But if I look closely at how it is translated, it doesn't say that he didn't have a father. The Greek text indicates that there is no record of a father, and no record of a mother, or descent. Obviously he came from somewhere. He was a man. But there was no record.
Then it says "having neither beginning of days, nor end of life." It sort of makes it sound like he is eternal. But that's not the case. There's just no record of his birth or his death, or who his parents were.
There's a parallel between Melchisedec and Christ. It says that he was made like to the Son of God. It doesn't say he was the Son of God. That's important. He abides a priest continually. We know that Jesus had a birth. We know who His mother is and who His Father is. But that's not the parallel. The parallel is that Jesus Christ never had a beginning, and doesn't have an end.
That's why the Lord's priesthood is according to Melchisedec, because Melchisedec is parallel to the eternal existence of Christ. If you want a reference for Salem being Jerusalem, Psalm 76:1 would give you that information. Hope this helps!
Thank you.
1st, the death of former Levitical priests always required subsequent replacements (v.23).
The repetitious replacements of the Levitical priests necessitated a "change" (v.12) in the "Order" of the priesthood from the temporary "the Order of Aaron" to that of the permanent "the Order of Melchisedec" (v.11; Ps. 110:4).
LORD JESUS CHRIST occupies this "changed" priestly Order, for "HE taketh away the first (animal sacrifices by the Levitical priests), that HE may establish the second (CHRIST's own bodily Sacrifice)" ( Heb. 10:9).
This "second" establishment effectively and permanently "sanctified [the believing worshippers] through the offering of the Body of JESUS CHRIST once for all" ( Heb. 10:10; cp. Heb. 7:25).
2nd, the Law, through "commandment" provided the process of priestly succession. Note, here, this commandment is described as "carnal" (v.16) {pertaining to the flesh}, meaning the commandment only applied to human priests in the blood line of the Levitical tribe.
The term "carnal" also speaks of each of the Levitical priest's brief temporariness in office. Death ended each priest's tenure in contrast to that of Melchesidec's (v.3), and of CHRIST's Eternal Priesthood (vv. 16, 21 & 24-25).
3rd, while Levitical priests received their authorization merely through a "carnal commandment", JESUS CHRIST received HIS authorized Priestly appointment through a DIVINE Heavenly Proclamation (v.17).
4th, the very fact that this "commandment" is "carnal", meaning as it pertains only to the sequentially authorized replacements of human priests, it is inherently characteristic of "weakness" and "unprofitableness" worthy of "disannulling" (v.18).
Yet, while Apostle Matthew and Doctor Luke record JESUS CHRIST's human genealogy ( Mt. 1:1-17 and Lu. 3:23-38 respectively), it was actually The HOLY GHOST WHO "conceived" JESUS, The Incarnate GOD "in" Mary ( Mt. 1:20). Furthermore, Joseph literally was not JESUS's father, but rather JESUS was "being (as was supposed) {customarily believed to be} the SON of Joseph" (Lu. 3:23).
The angel Gabriel clearly described to Mary of her humble humanity void of any inherent exalting qualities (Lu. 1:28):
"Hail, thou that art highly favoured, The LORD is with thee: blessed art thou among women" (Lu. 1:28).
In the verse above, the word "among" in the expression "among women" qualified Mary as equal to, no better or no worse, than the thousands of Jewish women of her generation. Her only distinction was that The LORD "favoured" and "blessed" her with the grand privilege of carrying JESUS The Incarnate SON OF GOD to term.
Luke 1:46-47 also requires the exegete to consider Mary's praise to The LORD for her own personal Salvation:
"My (Mary's) soul doth magnify The LORD, And my spirit hath rejoiced in GOD my SAVIOUR."
Giving to the poor and needy is a wonderful thing and should be encouraged. However, you mentioned tithes. In the Old Testament God required tithes in order to support and maintain the temple for worship and support of the priests. Today we have many churches going under because of lack of attendance and support. The churches I am familiar with are in need of tithes to support their pastor and maintain a place of worship. Satan is working hard to close all churches to reduce the preaching of God's Word and he is making greater strides every day. You might consider this when making your decision.
God will honor the giving of tithes to the church as He did the widow that gave two mites, Mar 12:42. He will honor you even more if you give to the poor in addition to your giving to your church.
FYI, I service in my church without pay.
Thank you
The sum of the things treated of in the seventh and following chapters is contained, Heb 5:7-10; and in this sum is admirably comprised the process of his passion, with its inmost causes, in the very terms used by the evangelists. Who in the days of his flesh - Those two days, in particular, wherein his sufferings were at the height. Having offered up prayers and supplications - Thrice. With strong crying and tears - In the garden. To him that was able to save him from death - Which yet he endured, in obedience to the will of his Father. And being heard in that which he particularly feared - When the cup was offered him first, there was set before him that horrible image of a painful, shameful, accursed death, which moved him to pray conditionally against it: for, if he had desired it, his heavenly Father would have sent him more than twelve legions of angels to have delivered him. But what he most exceedingly feared was the weight of infinite justice; the being bruised and put to grief by the hand of God himself. Compared with this, everything else was a mere nothing; and yet, so greatly did he ever thirst to be obedient to the righteous will of his Father, and to lay down even his life for the sheep, that he vehemently longed to be baptized with this baptism, Lu 12:50. Indeed, his human nature needed the support of Omnipotence; and for this he sent up strong crying and tears: but, throughout his whole life, he showed that it was not the sufferings he was to undergo, but the dishonour that sin had done to so holy a God, that grieved his spotless soul. The consideration of its being the will of God tempered his fear, and afterwards swallowed it up; and he was heard not so that the cup should pass away, but so that he drank it without any fear.
People's Bible Notes for Hebrews 5:7
Who in the days of his flesh. Christ, while on earth, is referred to. When he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying
7:11 The apostle now demonstrates that the Levitical priesthood must yield to the priesthood of Christ, because Melchizedek , after whose order he is a priest, Is opposed to Aaron, # Heb 7:11 |- 14. Hath no end of life, # Heb 7:15 |- 19, but remaineth a priest continually. If now perfection were by the Levitical priesthood - If this perfectly answered all God's designs and man's wants For under it the people received the law - Whence some might infer, that perfection was by that priesthood. What farther need was there, that another priest - Of a new order, should be set up? From this single consideration it is plain, that both the priesthood and the law, which were inseparably connected, were now to give way to a better priesthood and more excellent dispensation.
Comment:There are many scriptures on Melchizedek. His Priesthood was superior to the Aaronic Priesthood.
7:11 The apostle now demonstrates that the Levitical priesthood must yield to the priesthood of Christ, because Melchizedek , after whose order he is a priest, Is opposed to Aaron, # Heb 7:11 |- 14. Hath no end of life, # Heb 7:15 |- 19, but remaineth a priest continually. If now perfection were by the Levitical priesthood - If this perfectly answered all God's designs and man's wants For under it the people received the law - Whence some might infer, that perfection was by that priesthood. What farther need was there, that another priest - Of a new order, should be set up? From this single consideration it is plain, that both the priesthood and the law, which were inseparably connected, were now to give way to a better priesthood and more excellent dispensation.
Comment:There are many scriptures on Melchizedek. His Priesthood was superior to the Aaronic Priesthood.