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Hello Rick, I think if someone makes a statement lacking Bible support that it's fair to ask questions about it on a social Bible discussion page. I don't know why you interpret that as a 'fight'. It sounds like you backed off from the claim that we won't be punished for any sin we commit, even intentionally. That is what I am deeply questioning and asking: is that actually true? God bless...
Thanks for the explanation Rick . Please don't be offended , I just feel that we all need to be aware that some people are reading the Bible for the very first time , as I'm sure you already know there's a lot to take in ,not just the first time around , I like to try to stick with the English and keep it as simple as possible for the sake of the babes . People can be easily discouraged if they start to feel that it's all a bit complex and beyond their understanding . Hope you get where I'm coming from .
Hi Adam The statements I made you have taken entirely out of context your coming across like to fight and I don't do that with Gods Word. We get born again, we are perfect in Gods eyes spiritually, the flesh different ball game. Then we have to renew our minds to Gods Word that's a lifetime.
Those so called christians who think or believe they can do whatever they want have believed a great lie. What you sow is still what you reap. Perhaps this cleared some things up. We still all sin and fall short of the Glory of God it's when you start thinking its not a big deal is when your in hot water. In His Service
Hello Rick, I'd like to politely challenge one of your statements. Since you said we won't be punished for any sins does that mean I can enjoy committing sins tonight without any punishment? Strip club, drugs, fornication, lying, stealing, cheating, all isn't counted and all are ok?
And I can tell all my Christian friends to go with me and do the same? Does Jesus cover intentional sin, and even blasphemy? And if all believers are already forgiven, does that mean we no longer need to confess and ask for forgiveness of sins and that we shouldn't even try to avoid sin? Scriptural support? And how else should I interpret verses like Hebrews 10:26?
Hi English Sasha Not getting intellectual here but to explain, the word bema is the original word used for judgement seat, one specific example Romans 14:10 the judgment seat of Christ is the bema where we will stand to get rewarded for what we did for God after we were born again.
We will not be punished for any sins because Christ has paid for those. The original languages used changes the specific meaning of the english translation depending on the context of where the word is used. You can find this information on line in a concordance. Hope this helps In His Service
Benma seat. ? I don't know this phrase , please give references . If it's not from the Bible it will confuse me and I'm not a babe so imagine how confused a babe might be by terms that are not biblical on a Bible site . Please forgive me for this but I honestly believe that giving things from the Bible names that are not biblical , in other words man made , can confuse people , it can make them feel uninformed . Doesn't bother me cos I know bema isn't biblical but others may not and waste time trying to find that word in the Bible when it isn't there . Sorry if I offended you , that's not my intention .
Which judgment are you referring to? Are you referring to the Bema Seat judgment for believers (Pre-Millennium), or the Great White Throne judgment for non-believers (Post Millennium)?
Hello Giannis. I understand that the NT authors & Septuagint translators found that 'diatheke' was the best word that could be used when translating or referring from the Hebrew 'berith' (covenant). Diatheke was preferred over 'syntheke', since this word (syntheke) conveyed more of an agreement between equal partners, whereas 'diatheke' meant a covenant between a superior & a subordinate. And also to note, even as you mentioned, that a testament cannot be changed after the death of the testator, however, it can be changed while the testator is alive, for various reasons. Whereas a covenant cannot be changed at all while it is in force: when God makes a covenant with His people, He can punish them for breaking the covenant, but He never cancels the covenant promises He has made. However, Hebrews 8:6-13, speaks of Jesus being the "mediator of a better covenant" (as declared in Jeremiah 31:31-34), where the old was abrogated (i.e. it served its purpose & its time limit), ushering the new covenant through "the blood of the everlasting covenant" ( Hebrews 13:20).
So, the way I see it, even though the Greek rendering is correct as "testament", it would allow, in biblical terms, for its use as 'Covenant' when translated & referred from the Hebrew word & meaning, as any another Greek word (even symfono?) would be unsuitable. As the New Testament came into force with the death of the testator ( Hebrews 9:16,17), it was still based on the first Covenant that God made with His people which is now made new through His Son.
Why do all. the English translations, including KJV's, translate the greek word "diatheke " () as "covenant" but not as "testament" which is the right translation? All modern greek translations without any exception use the word testament ( a person's will) and with that meaning all greek theologists and preachers from all sort of churches, greek orhodox, catholics, evagelical, pentecostal use it here in Greece. I also made a search in Wikipedia, Whereas in the greek version it uses the word testament, in the English one it uses the word covenant. It is a testament, not a covenant. An agreement can always change agterwards, a testament never changes after a person's death. In an agreement two persons try to find common terms to settle down, in a testament the person who writes his/her will puts down his own terms for the one who gets the heritage. So Gods testament never changes, there won't be any new one, and the terms of the heritage, that is the Heaven, come from God himself and have nothing to do with people.
I recently refer to Michelangelo and his works ,the pieta, along with others including Melchizedek and Abram returning and the giving and receiving. Your comments go far beyond what are just the beginning of what is in store for those that love Him! Thank you for your work.
Hebrews 8:5 = GOD commanded Moses to construct the Old Testament Tabernacle as the instrument of HIS presenting HIM-SELF to Israel ( Exo. 25:22; cp. 30:6 & 36):
"There I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the Mercy Seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the Ark of the Testimony, of all things which I will give thee in Commandment unto the children of Israel."
This verse ( Heb. 8:5) records three terms which demonstrates the purpose and value of the Old Testament Levitical Priesthood and of the Tabernacle that GOD commanded Moses to replicate on earth to provide a comprehensive perspective "figure" ( Heb. 9:9) of that which is "of Heavenly Things".
1st, they served as "the example of Heavenly Things", meaning an exact copy or reproduction of the original and "True Tabernacle, which The LORD pitched, and not man" (v.2). Compare the terms "figure", "pat-tern", and "fashion" in the following references: Exodus 26:30; 27:8; Numbers 8:4; Acts 7:44; and Hebrews 9:9;
2nd, they served as a "shadow of Heavenly Things", meaning it only typified, symbolized, represented, and point-ed to the Heavenly Tabernacle. A literal shadow is intangible which reveals simply the outline or profile of the actual object. The earthly Tabernacle simply revealed a "a figure for the time then present."
By design, the example demonstrates the purpose and value of the original. This example is not a counterfeit, but rather a replication of the actual Heavenly Tabernacle which speaks of the saints dwelling in the very Presence of CHRIST ( Rev. 13:6; 15:5; 21:3).
3rd, they served as GOD's earthly "pattern" which was enforced only temporarily until CHRIST established HIS "more Excellent Ministry" (v.6) as exclaimed in Hebrews 10:9-12.
Dear Rick, Yes I believe that The US was purposed by God, for the spreading of the Gospel, where the believer is free to worship God by choice (not baptized into Christianity like some do). Choice takes being instructed in God's call to Salvation in his Son, Jesus. The unborn children and young children remain innocent and are in the hands of the Living God. As parents we are extremely accountable to this work of Life gifted to us. The Gospel message is to call any hearer to come to Jesus, believe and repent. By adding another cause to the Book of Revelation there may be error. The world is dark and getting darker, we can pray and be a light to those that remain in darkness that repentance and faith can be heard and believed and witnessed by Christians who have the Peace of God residing in their hearts. We are off message if we are driving the Gospel message by force of any kind. Perhaps the end of time is near if the Christian has to defend the Gospel by force. The True Christian is to be harmless as a dove yet wise as a serpent. What is the field, is it ripe? Was I not the most vile sinner as Jesus accepted my by faith repentance of all the evil I did against His Holy Will?
As Christians we are to fight the good fight. Stay in the race... we are to choose good over evil. Our country was founded with our Creator in mind. We are living in perilous times where they are calling good evil and evil good. The main stream media has chosen evil, while lifting up the Democrat party. The Democrat party chooses to kill babies even after delivery. With that said, it is our duty as Christians to fight this evil and get involved by voting against the evil party. Remember... we will ALL stand before a Holy God and answer for our choices that we made in this Life.
Your and mine relationship with Christ has nothing to do with the world. We are to judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment!You must grow in the spirit, the spirit is found in the word of God. Abide in Christ. Judge not and you will not be judged . Unless a corn of wheat (seed)fall into the ground and die it abides alone.But if it die it brings forth much fruit. Our flesh our human reasoning must die if we are to experience the fruit of the spirit. We cannot bring forth fruit while judging others around us, we will abide alone. When we let go of the world and our flesh, The spirit brings forth fruit and much of it. Always remember Jesus says .BE NOT AFRAID!
Look for the Lambs. They are here and there. Non- resistant, they love their neighbors as themselves, and are the quiet of the land. They do not participate in politics of any country.
Why is it that what God, the God of Israel, has ministered to in the desert should wax old. As is the fact of today that the people lose faith and fall away, the same was true with Israel. Only Caleb and Joshua would reach the promised land! Not even Moses, who mistrusted the word of El Shaddai at Merabah. God said" Command the Water to flow from the rock! Moses used his staff, tapping it twice. Did Jesus doubt in the Garden prior to his execution? With tears and trembling he did because he was human. Yes human, with all it's correlating doubts and fears. I'm not a Jesus follower but his appearing and reappearing was a wonder. However, his doctrine wasn't written, but recorded from memory many years later. I'm basically bitter with Christianity for all its hycoprisy and politcal dalliences in these most ruinous times. Old weeping entrepreneurs are the messangers. Franklin Graham is so deep into Trump that some consider the lying psychopath of a president a prophet! Get it right, ye Christians. The truth is available only to those who thirst after it!
The old regulates people through curses and blessings. Reward n punishment Jesus lived in the old and hushered the new when He rose. Now the new is 'tougher' then the old because it encompasses your intent. Hate is as bad as murder, lusting is now adultery and break one commandment you break them all. The new is about agape, real altruistic love. Love your enemies, bless those who persecute you. You must love everyone without biased. Our Father will help achieve this heavenly order.
The earthly tabernacle built during the exodus was patterned after the tabernacle of God in Heaven. Ex 25:8,9 40 . The tabernacle built "without hands" after which the earthly tabernacle was modeled resides in Heaven. The tabernacle system portrays the plan of salvation. The earthly version was the type: The heavenly version fulfills the types. This is the message of Hebrews 7-10.
"Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; a minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man." We have the ultimate high priest...but of the church, the true tabernacle, built as Jesus said he would. That tabernacle is the temple on earth.
Free to live Lawless? If the light that is in thee be darkness, how great the darkness! Do we then make void the Law through grace? God forbid! Nay, WE ESTABLISH THE LAW! Jesus DID NOT ABOLISH THE LAW; but came to make it completely filled up. Do you think that you honor God by despising and rejecting His Word? The Law and the Prophets are fulfilled in us who walk according to the Spirit.
Jimmy a disciple of Jesus on Hebrews 8 - 7 years ago
Stephende...i hope you see this soon...Jesus did abolished the Law..he fulfilled it then when he was crucified he abolished it... Ephesians 2:15..hope this helps you...we r free!!!!!
Matt.7:13. V.14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leads to life (eternity in His Kingdom) and few there be that find it." Matthew 20:16 and 22:14 "For many are called, but few chosen." God calls them to salvation, but does not chose them. Also; Matthew 5:17:20
I understand, sort of, that Christians deem themselves redeemed by the Blood. But, really what has changed since the resurrection but another religion of sinners. Our people in earth more religious, God fearing than in the days of Moses and the Prophets. Not at all. In fact they are by far the greater in hypocrisy and ignorance. In the days of old, they were more righteous in that successive
Those so called christians who think or believe they can do whatever they want have believed a great lie. What you sow is still what you reap. Perhaps this cleared some things up. We still all sin and fall short of the Glory of God it's when you start thinking its not a big deal is when your in hot water. In His Service
And I can tell all my Christian friends to go with me and do the same? Does Jesus cover intentional sin, and even blasphemy? And if all believers are already forgiven, does that mean we no longer need to confess and ask for forgiveness of sins and that we shouldn't even try to avoid sin? Scriptural support? And how else should I interpret verses like Hebrews 10:26?
God bless...
We will not be punished for any sins because Christ has paid for those. The original languages used changes the specific meaning of the english translation depending on the context of where the word is used. You can find this information on line in a concordance. Hope this helps In His Service
Which judgment are you referring to? Are you referring to the Bema Seat judgment for believers (Pre-Millennium), or the Great White Throne judgment for non-believers (Post Millennium)?
So, the way I see it, even though the Greek rendering is correct as "testament", it would allow, in biblical terms, for its use as 'Covenant' when translated & referred from the Hebrew word & meaning, as any another Greek word (even symfono?) would be unsuitable. As the New Testament came into force with the death of the testator ( Hebrews 9:16,17), it was still based on the first Covenant that God made with His people which is now made new through His Son.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon February 3, 1884
Scripture: Hebrews 7:2
From: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 30
"There I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the Mercy Seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the Ark of the Testimony, of all things which I will give thee in Commandment unto the children of Israel."
This verse ( Heb. 8:5) records three terms which demonstrates the purpose and value of the Old Testament Levitical Priesthood and of the Tabernacle that GOD commanded Moses to replicate on earth to provide a comprehensive perspective "figure" ( Heb. 9:9) of that which is "of Heavenly Things".
1st, they served as "the example of Heavenly Things", meaning an exact copy or reproduction of the original and "True Tabernacle, which The LORD pitched, and not man" (v.2). Compare the terms "figure", "pat-tern", and "fashion" in the following references: Exodus 26:30; 27:8; Numbers 8:4; Acts 7:44; and Hebrews 9:9;
2nd, they served as a "shadow of Heavenly Things", meaning it only typified, symbolized, represented, and point-ed to the Heavenly Tabernacle. A literal shadow is intangible which reveals simply the outline or profile of the actual object. The earthly Tabernacle simply revealed a "a figure for the time then present."
By design, the example demonstrates the purpose and value of the original. This example is not a counterfeit, but rather a replication of the actual Heavenly Tabernacle which speaks of the saints dwelling in the very Presence of CHRIST ( Rev. 13:6; 15:5; 21:3).
3rd, they served as GOD's earthly "pattern" which was enforced only temporarily until CHRIST established HIS "more Excellent Ministry" (v.6) as exclaimed in Hebrews 10:9-12.
God Bless our meditations.
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