Isaiah 33:13 MEANING

Isaiah 33:13
(13) Hear, ye that are far off . . .--The fate of Assyria is proclaimed as a warning to other nations, and to Israel itself. For the "sinners in Zion" also there is the furnace of fire of the wrath of God. "Who," they ask, "can dwell with that consuming fire, those everlasting (?onian?) burnings," which are one aspect of the righteousness of God?

Verses 13-24. - REFLECTIONS ON ASSYRIA'S OVERTHROW VIEWED AS ACCOMPLISHED. The prophet's first thought is, how wonderfully the overthrow has manifested the might of God (ver. 13). Next, how it must thrill with fear the hearts of the wicked among his people (ver. 14). Thirdly, how the righteous are by it placed in security, and can look back with joy to their escape, and can with confidence look forward to a future of happiness and tranquil lily (vers. 15-24). Messianic ideas intermingle with these latter thoughts (vers. 17, 23), the image of a happy, tranquil Judah melting into that of Messiah's glorious kingdom. Verse 13. - Hear, ye that are far off, etc. Jehovah speaks by the mouth of his prophet, and calls on the nations of the earth, far and near, to consider and acknowledge his might, as shown in his judgment on Assyria (comp. Exodus 15:14-16).

33:1-14 Here we have the proud and false destroyer justly reckoned with for all his fraud and violence. The righteous God often pays sinners in their own coin. Those who by faith humbly wait for God, shall find him gracious to them; as the day, so let the strength be. If God leaves us to ourselves any morning, we are undone; we must every morning commit ourselves to him, and go forth in his strength to do the work of the day. When God arises, his enemies are scattered. True wisdom and knowledge lead to strength of salvation, which renders us stedfast in the ways of God; and true piety is the only treasure which can never be plundered or spent. The distress Jerusalem was brought into, is described. God's time to appear for his people, is, when all other helpers fail. Let all who hear what God has done, acknowledge that he can do every thing. Sinners in Zion will have much to answer for, above other sinners. And those that rebel against the commands of the word, cannot take its comforts in time of need. His wrath will burn those everlastingly who make themselves fuel for it. It is a fire that shall never be quenched, nor ever go out of itself; it is the wrath of an ever-living God preying on the conscience of a never-dying soul.Hear, ye that are far off, what I have done,.... Not meaning the destruction of the Assyrian, as it is commonly interpreted; but the ruin of antichrist, the beast, and false prophet, and the burning of the city and whore of Rome; for, whoever will be the instruments, the work is the Lord's, and therefore it will be done: "she shall be utterly burnt with fire, for strong is the Lord who judgeth her", Revelation 18:8 and this shall be heard of far and near, who shall applaud the mighty work, and give God the glory of it, Revelation 19:1,

and, ye that are near, acknowledge my might; even his omnipotence, which will be seen, observed, and owned by multitudes, who will say, "Allelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth", Revelation 19:6 there will be some that will be nigh, that shall stand afar off, lamenting her case, and will not own the hand of God in it, Revelation 18:9 but others will.

Courtesy of Open Bible