Isaiah 37:23 MEANING

Isaiah 37:23
(23) Whom hast thou reproached . . .--The manifold iteration of the question emphasises the force of the answer. The "Holy One of Israel," at whom the scornful revellers had sneered (Isaiah 30:11), was now seen to be the one mighty deliverer.

Verse 23. - Even against the Holy One of Israel. A specially Isaiah phrase, employed by Isaiah twenty-eight times, and only five times in all the rest of Scripture. A strong proof, if any proof beyond the unmistakable Isaiah spirit of the entire prophecy were needed, of the genuineness of the present passage.

37:1-38 This chapter is the same as 2Ki 19Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed?.... A creature like thyself? no, but a God, and not one like the gods of the nations, the idols of wood and stone, but the living God:

and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice? alluding to Rabshakeh's crying with a loud voice, Isaiah 36:13,

and lifted up thine eyes on high? as proud and haughty persons do, disdaining to look upon those they treat with contempt:

even against the Holy One of Israel; that is, Israel's God, and will protect him; "a Holy One", and of purer eyes than to behold with pleasure such a proud blaspheming creature, and cannot look upon him but with indignation; for against such he sets himself; these he resists, pulls down, and destroys.

Courtesy of Open Bible