Isaiah 48:15 MEANING

Isaiah 48:15
Verse 15. - I have called him (comp. Isaiah 46:11, "Calling a ravenous bird from the east"). Cyrus is represented as raised up by God, "called" by him, and commissioned by him "to do all his pleasure." God has brought him on his way, and made that way prosperous. According to the account of Herodotus, Cyrus received no check of any kind until the last expedition, in which he lost his life. His "prosperity" was beyond that of almost any other commander.

48:9-15 We have nothing ourselves to plead with God, why he should have mercy upon us. It is for his praise, to the honour of his mercy, to spare. His bringing men into trouble was to do them good. It was to refine them, but not as silver; not so thoroughly as men refine silver. If God should take that course, they are all dross, and, as such, might justly be put away. He takes them as refined in part only. Many have been brought home to God as chosen vessels, and a good work of grace begun in them, in the furnace of affliction. It is comfort to God's people, that God will secure his own honour, therefore work deliverance for them. And if God delivers his people, he cannot be at a loss for instruments to be employed. God has formed a plan, in which, for his own sake, and the glory of his grace, he saves all that come to Him.I, even I, have spoken,.... What I will do, and what shall certainly come to pass; for not one word of the Lord ever fails; what he has spoken he will make good; what he has said to his Son in his council, and in covenant, or has delivered out by promise or prophecy, Numbers 23:19,

yea, I have called him; not Abraham, as the Targum; but Cyrus, whom he called by name, as well as called him to his work and office as a deliverer of his people, Isaiah 45:4 and so he called Christ also to his work and office, which he did not take to himself, but was called of God, Hebrews 5:4, I have brought him; from a far country, from Persia to Babylon; and who has also brought forth his servant, the branch, the Messiah, Zechariah 3:8,

and he shall make his way prosperous; or "his way shall be prosperous" (m); being made so by the Lord, who directed his way, and removed all difficulties and obstructions in it, Isaiah 45:1 and so the pleasure of the Lord has prospered in the hands of Christ, who has succeeded in the work of redemption and salvation he was called to, Isaiah 53:11, these are the words of God the Father, confirming what the Messiah said in the preceding, and who is introduced speaking in the next verse.

(m) "et prosperabitur via ejus", Pagninus, Montanus; "critique prospera via ejus", Vitringa.

Courtesy of Open Bible