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Isaiah Chapter 1 Discussion Page 3

Isaiah Chapter 1 Discussion Page 3

  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Thank you Cheryl for your time & what you have shared. May your faith hold strong & keep you safe from this evil around us.
  • Bryan on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Good day, I have a question that might sound silly but I'd like to get outside input. The Bible is very clear about witchcraft, predictions on the future ext.; what about the weatherman? He is predicting the future however it's not witchcraft.....? Thanks and God Bless
  • Chris - in response to Robert Marino on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    I was sorry to read of your 'thorn in the flesh'. I'm sure that His measure of Grace to you thus far has kept you strong both physically & spiritually. I will lift you up before His Throne in prayer, to be included with the other "vials full of odours, which are the prayers of the saints".

    Our early Christian ministry on the street sound similar, as I too, with a team from the Fellowship back in the early '80s, 'hit the streets' with preaching, singing, tract distribution & personal sharing. It was based & styled on the work of Open Air Campaigners (OAC). And yes, it was difficult then as we received verbal abuse & being spat upon, but we knew our messages were vital to the many on their way to entertainment & eventually to hell. I remember one ex-pastor of a C of C saw me sharing the word on the street. He quickly looked away, I imagine embarrassed & convicted, as I heard that he had left the Lord & his wife & had another woman in his arms. Maybe at the sight of us standing for the Lord might have brought him back to the Lord - we don't know.

    But street work did get more difficult, with our (Australian) govt. prohibiting this type of work yet allowing devilish music by buskers to sound out in the name of entertaining the passing public. We really felt discouraged & could envisage the seeds of the anti-Christ spirit already at work. Some believers still go out distributing tracts, though my ministry is from home these days & sharing one-to-one as the opportunity arises (mainly to RCs). Your marching about with a Cross was a bold witness indeed. I remember a dear brother (now with the Lord), who had a billboard strapped to his front & back with a couple of pertinent challenges to passing motorists - & he perched himself in the centre median strip so all could see the Word. Believers would honk their horns & encourage him! You know Robert, our ministry & zeal will never fade - they just take on a different form as we age & as divinely directed. Blessings to you.
  • Alex on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Isaiah 1 v 13 Comments about the Sabbath and the works of the LAW as in Isaiah 1 v 13. Bring no more Vain oblations, incense unto me ; your new moons and Sabbaths, i cannot, calling of assemblies ( Churches ) I cannot, away with it ; it is iniquity,Even your solemn assembles. Your new moons and your appointed feast my soul Hates.Now Paul said he was afraid of them, they observed Sabbaths and months and times and years they were just like the Israel of old, they honored God with their mouths but their Hearts were far from him Jesus said . Always remember there was none righteous no not one . The LAW was just a school teacher to lead us to Christ. The law was Screaming mankind needed to be bornagain of an incorruptible seed which was the seed of Promise the living WORD OF GOD .Abraham and issac and Jacob pointed to this situation as Issac was the Child of Promise, just as ABRAHAM had to be multiplied in Jacobs seed ( resulting in the nation of israel ) so in Christ seed the H.G will be multiplied in humanity the Israel of God as the field is the world,being bornagain of an incorruptible seed etc We do not need circumcision OF THE FLESH any more nor do we need a 24 hr. sabbath we need circumcision of the HEART and a Sabbath that neva ends ( his kingdom will neva end ) That day of rest IS in CHRIST JESUS HE IS OUR SABBATH DAY WHICH WILL NEVA END. Abide in me and i in you forever an eternal REST. A new Jerusalem which is the Kingdom of God as old Jerusalem was like Hagar and in bondage with her children .
  • Cher - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    This is all I have in response because it all boils down to God's word and faith.

    God didn't say to have faith in objects and he speaks against any idolizing of objects.

    God said clear and simply trust in him. Through him all things are possible.

    If you choose to put your faith into a government organization who uses practice of the khabal for evil and lying about facts, I will pray for you my friend to open your eyes.
  • Headship in Marriage - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    1 Corinthians 11:3

    But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

    Ephesians 5:23

    For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

    Ephesians 4:15

    But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:


    If both partners are Christians, then the headship indicated in these few verses, show how it works. As the husband follows Jesus, the wife should have no trouble following her husbands lead.

    If there is disagreement, then the two should find scripture to work out a reconciliation.

    If one of you is an unbeliever in Jesus; marriage may difficult at times. It is the witness of the saved partner, and their behavior that may bring the unsaved to believe in Jesus one day.

    1 Corinthians 7 is the marriage chapter. 1 Corinthians 13 is the Love chapter.

    I hope this helps you. Mishael
  • Mishael - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    You decide.

    Jeremiah 1:5

    Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

    Ecclesiastes 11:5

    As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.

    Psalms 139:13

    For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Always remember that Satan is the big, I WILL, out there looking for someone to agree and cave in to sin against your own body, or God.

    Jesus was turned into human rubble before the Cross. He did that for you! You've accepted Him as your Savior. Ought you to make Him the Lord over you, your choices?

    Your heart is a Throne. Either Jesus sits on it; or you do. Every single day we make a choice to walk with Him or run headlong into trouble.

    1 John 1:9 is where you run to for times when fall out of step with Jesus. The Holy Spirit is your Helper; Teacher of scripture and about Jesus; your Comforter when you are lonely or hurt.

    We all make mistakes, even me. That's why we run to the Cross to embrace the one who gave His Life for us. He also rose out of His Tomb and was Resurrected to Life everlasting. We can have that too as we live a new way as a Christian and a follower of Jesus.

    Don't listen to Mr I Will anymore. He's going to hell real soon.

    Pray to Jesus like He's in the room with you.

    Like He's your friend that sticks closer than a brother or sister. If you'll keep yourself filled up on some Bible; you'll see days pile up into months, years, and it will have been worth it all.

    After I was saved, I was doing cartwheels telling all my drunken friends I got saved.

    They wanted me to "have some fun" and go out with them. I asked them to go to church with me. I lost all of those friends. I asked God to give me new friends....and He did!! It was like Acts chapter 1 all the time.

    Your Christian walk can be fun if you pray for the right things.

    Write that scripture I gave you on the back page of your Bible so you can find it fast. Better still read 1, 2, 3, John. Great info in there.
  • Adam - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Ephesians 5 may help.
  • Adam - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Yes, it's murder which violates the 6th commandment.

  • Adam - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Yes, all sin including Christians. Romans 7:17. But the difference is Christians are forgiven through Jesus. A Christian is a Christ-follower which is an active pursuit of Christ, not an inactive person who intentionally sins.
  • Timothy caulder on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    If you are born again and god comes to live inside you will you continue to sin?
  • Timothy caulder on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Is abortion sin?
  • Timothy caulder on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Is the husband the head of his wife?
  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Page 2.

    d. If the "government is lying about this contagion", why are so many dying 'like flies'? Is this too another government deception? Maybe this is actually not happening & it is some devious plot by wicked men to bring down society or totally enslave it? And this plot seems to be worldwide & it has truly gone 'viral'.

    e. And yes, I generally obey what the government requires me to do. Yet, I know some laws are not well thought through, even to absurdity, but the law is the law & the penalty is there for disobedience. I believe that the occasion of this virus is genuine according to what we are seeing & we need to do all that we are able, to keep ourselves, our families & society safe. I have both faith in God for the outcome and also a social responsibility to my fellow man: I don't see any incongruity between the two: I believe that God expects this of us as Christians & to maintain a healthy testimony to others, giving love & support to those who have succumbed to this evil.
  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Page 1.


    a. God did give us a perfect immune system, but after the fall, those systems became less than perfect. And this is proven by what mankind suffers throughout their lives, some much worse than others. Good "food & herbs" are important, but our sinful bodies have the final say.

    b. that's wonderful that you desire to follow "God's expectations". And I can't show you from Scriptures about mask-wearing or social distancing - maybe Covid-19 & other viruses were not evident then or the Bible book writers didn't include that aspect. However, the Bible does tell me in Rom 13:1-7 that I need to obey/be subject to the government, for if I disobey, then I show contempt to what God has ordained for us. Yet, there may be times now & certainly later, when the governments will require Christians to do what is contrary to our faith & God's requirements. Peter in Acts 5:29 spoke well to the Jewish leaders when the apostles disobeyed the law & began to preach Jesus: "We ought to obey God rather than men". So, there is a clear occasion when we must disobey - disobeying now because of this virus' presence & impact, is not the occasion.

    c. wearing masks may not be "good for our respiratory systems" but if they help to stop the spread of the virus & needless death, then I would think that it would be useful. For example, you're in a packed train going to work & someone next to you is sneezing & coughing profusely: how do you react? By all accounts, you would do nothing & trust God to protect you. That's great faith. But if your faith was a little diminished & you too suffered the same illness for a week or so, at least you expect to finally recover. With Covid, there is still hope for recovery for most, but for many, death looms (as published figures show). You may be ready to face your Maker, but the other person may not be in that joyful position. I wouldn't like to be in that position of sending one to his life's end, whether or not he was prepared for it.
  • Cher - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Also Chris, government officials are now imposing church members not to sing in the church because the lie that virus can be spread.

    If that's the case, why not have people just blow on a cotton swap than sticking it up their nose? I will tell you why because our government is lying about this contagion and you need to open your eyes to this evil agenda in my opinion.

    I guess you would just gladly oblige government orders and don't question it at all.

    In regards to your example of running a red light, we aren't talking about purposely driving recklessly. I am talking about following man's law that totally goes against God's Law.
  • Cher - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Bottom line I follow God's law and not the law of man. With all do respect, your reasoning isn't faith base but more of following the law of government officials who all partake in devil worshiping and blood sacrifices.

    God gave us an immune system that protects us from any illness as well as provided the food and herbs that helps us recover from any illness.

    I am not obligated to anyone but carrying out God's expectations. You show a scripture in the bible that clearly states that mask wearing is not of demonic practices? You show me a passage in the bible where the bible says distancing from your fellow sister or brother in illness is God's wishes?

    You can't show such verse because God never said to do such thing. There is also a passage in the bible is where you know evil is when you are being told that bad is good and good is bad. Us wearing masks isn't good for our respiratory system and it's demonic. Social distancing creates psychological fears and it's bad for your mental state as well as creating fear of your fellow neighbors. Yet we are told by our government is is good but actual fact this is bad. It goes against God's law and it would be a good idea to study Gematria as well as Khabal. This is the demonic practices by our leaders and you my dear friend need to wake up to these facts.
  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Cheryl, I understand what you're saying here, but do you actually see this imposition by the government on you as a Christian, as something that is demonic & against the Word of God? Could it be that this is not just a case of a trial of your faith & practise, but of an obligation to society? In other words, you may be virus-free, but you may interact closely with one at Church who has it. Is it morally correct then, to throw caution to the wind, refuse to take helpful measures, and prevent the spread of the virus? I know we can truly claim & believe Ps 23:4 for ourselves personally, but I don't think it's prudent & a responsible Christian practice & witness, if we refuse to obey the authorities for the safeguarding of society.

    I could then apply this principle of faith by running red lights every time I go out in the car. Why should I obey the government that wants to stifle my freedom to drive & practising my faith that God will protect me according to His Word? Can I honestly believe that God will protect me every time? Or am I just taking an opportunity to test God (which is sin) & also disregard my life & other people's lives?

    But when we come to that time when the govt. refuses to allow Christians to meet together, or to read the Bible, to witness, or worship God, then yes, we must withstand them, as this affects our Christian beliefs & requirements of God. Our refusing them doesn't affect society - they only affect us because of their attempt to destroy our faith. So wearing a mask or keeping my distance, I see as an obligation to myself & to those around me & not in contravention to God's Word in any way.
  • Cheryl on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    After reading this chapter, it has been a confirmation to me that many of these church leaders are following these demonic rituals of mask wearing and social distancing issued by government officials. Where are the religious leaders who stand up against anything that isn't of God's word?

    In the bible, God speaks of us to come before him in unveiled faces. Furthermore, it goes against God's wishes to social distance from your fellow neighbors and family members. God specifically tells us to be there for each other and love thy neighbor as you love yourself. In the book of Psalms, it states "Thou I walk through the valley of death; I shall fear no evil for thy rod and thy staff comfort me." All of these leaders of the church are illustrating their lack of faith in God as well as disobey the word of God. I have written pastors and the head of Archdioceses of Newark, NJ asking why are they going against to word of God and practicing social distancing and demonic face mask ritual? No one has written me back and the churches still are enforcing mask wearing and social distancing.

    I recall in one of the chapters; it speaks that people will need to make a alter in their home to worship. Well, it seems to be that time now brothers and sisters. If you continue patronizing these churches that are participating in the demonic face mask and social distancing, they are leading you straight into hell. God gave us an immune system that protects us from illnesses and he said "Trust in the Lord and fear not."
  • Jeju 20 - In Reply on Isaiah 1:3 - 4 years ago
    I only knew it when the church doors closed and our worship stopped and Our daily routine changed

    How grateful the Lord is..

    Only after everything stopped

    looking back on our lives....

    The Church, God's home, is full of darkness

    Trying to fill our own belly

    The proud and those who seek to rise stand

    on the pulpit and proclaim the word of God. ,

    These above words from Jeju, unknown person
  • Michael E Sexton - In Reply on Isaiah 1:3 - 4 years ago
    Amen,it's all about GOD for He is the Almighty.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    Dorothy: thank you for reminding us of the wealth of that scripture in Isaiah. It's a perfect moment to praise the Lord, and draw near to Him. Bless you sister!
  • Dorothy on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    I awoke Wednesday 4-15-2020 to the words "come, let us reason together" ( Isaiah 1:18). My county and state (Jones County of Mississippi) just sustained a devastating tornado (4-12-2020 Easter Sunday) where many were killed and numerous homes were destroyed. This chapter is a perfect description of how the Lord feels about our present day church services (verses 12-16). It is a perfect description of the condition of mankind (verse 6). Much more could be said about this chapter, but let each one seek for himself/herself. God will reward one with knowledge as one seeks knowledge and understanding.
  • Jeju 20 on Isaiah 1:3 - 4 years ago
    Coronavirus Outbreak in America and worldwide, Oh God we are still net repent!!

    " In the old bible, He wanted to close the door of the temple. ..
    He did it,
    Now, He has closed the door.

    He couldn't look on it anymore...

    Shamefully, we repent now.
    I had no love.,failed to give, and was unthankful, i.e.,
    God was not happy with me,
    Mankind is weak, just dust, invisible, not realizing that without God we have no life."
    Lord have mercy on us.....
  • Ken - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 4 years ago
    The same half quote that is rife among so called believers, who will not submit to the sovereignty of God. The correct quote is an eternity apart: but is longsuffering TO US-WARD, not willing that any should perish......
    Consider and don't half quote scripture again, for you misrepresent God. I say this for your good, and your understanding.
  • Vanessa - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 5 years ago
    Yes He is we have a good God His love endureth forever Amen! God Bless
  • Js - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 5 years ago
    I love what you're saying cuz it's so true and I just pray God continues to convict the sinners thru his word and judge the Christians accordingly. We must continue to love bcuz the gospel is all about Gods never ending love for all mankind. Stay encouraged...God is in control not us!!!
  • Js - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 5 years ago
    Yes thank you for sharing...but its not just about us putting up a FIGHT cuz when Jesus died on the cross, shed his blood and rose again, the battle has already been fought and the victory has already been won! And i don't have to wait until the battle is over....i can shout right now! Oh bless God!
  • Ed Daniel on Isaiah 1 - 5 years ago
    Peter says that God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." Is this our attitude? Or do you wish to see sinners burn in fire? Our goal should be to get as many people into a relationship with Jesus as possible. Paul even went so far as to say that "I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." Save sinners, and let God judge.

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