This chapter discusses the humbling of Egypt but also puts hope into the future restoration of the Southern Kingdom with Assyria (mainly located to the north) which encompasses much of northern Iraq today. There can only be true peace with an individual and a nation when repentance occurs and the true God is worshipped. Such will be the case when they are ruled by a fierce king (verse 4). It appears that God will send a man of God to save Egypt after they call for help (verse 20). I believe that Heliopolis is the name of the "city of destruction" listed in verse 18. In any case; a true bond between the nations occurs after the Lord returns; when a highway between Assyria and Egypt occurs. Egypt is God's people and Assyria the work of God's hands. Only Israel is God's inheritance; his unique nation of which we are grafted into. Exodus 19:5 speaks of the status of a "special treasure" provided that His people remain obedient for Israel. As always; God begins His judgments with His own; whether it is judging the church first ( 1 Peter 4:17); or those of the original covenant promises. There will be some; although very few who survive through the whole coming Tribulation who will repopulate the earth; and other verses indicate specifically for Egypt that their survival is determined by obedient appearance before the Lord or there is "no rain" ( Zechariah 14:18). The droughts of the earth or man made blockade of the Nile clearly affect them as seen in verses 4-10; and of course such judgments will be worldwide during the seal and trumpet judgments; as well as those the two Prophets perform through the power of God at that time. It would appear that in some nations; there will be a larger remnant of true believers left than in others-ultimately; that will be largely determined by those who take the Mark of the Beast or refrain from it as to their final fate. The first group will be destroyed at the onset; the rest of the survivors will enter the Millennium.
Hi John. I saw your other comment to clarify this one here. Though just to clarify, the prophecy in Isaiah chapter 19 is prophecy of Egypt's downfall yet to be accomplished in the future & does not refer to the plagues it suffered in Exodus chapter 7 onwards. I was concerned that you may have got that confused - hopefully not. Blessings.
Nevermind I answered my own question, I just didn't pay attention to how it was worded, It says it right there, This is a Prophecy ( therefore meaning before it happened it was foretold) Sorry, I should have paid a little more attention to what I was reading. Have a Blessed Day!
Hi Eric , I honestly can't answer your question for a certainty , I'm not a history expert , it seems to me that at the begining of the chapter Egypt is worshipping idols , false gods , and by the end of it they have turned to the One and Only Everlasting God Almighty , The Holy One of Israel , I think that that is the point of this prophesy .You are reading my favourite book in the Old Testament. It is full of historical events , some of them we can be sure we know about and some of them we are not so definate about . Please don't let that spoil your enjoyment of this awesome beautiful terrifying inspiring book . I truly love Isaiah . He ROCKS ! Enjoy .
Hi Eric. Isaiah 19:1-15. Has been fulfilled, and still being fulfilled till this day. And you are right, It's not talking about the time when Moses led Israel out of Egypt,
What time is this talking about? At first I thought the time of Moses. Per other discussions seems no time confirmed and its upon our interpretation (our time)?
God punishes Egypt for their sins against him, slavery and idolatry to name a few. God promises a civil war and the drying up of the Nile river as punishment. But after His judgement, God will allow Egypt to heal. He will allow peace between Egypt, Israel, and Assyria and the people of Egypt will be His people at last. There's always a chance of redemption for all of us, God gives us that chance. It's important to remember that and not let the chance we are given be in vain. Use the chance each one of us is given for nothing but our constant improvement.
God bless you sir. This is a great spiritual perception. It is actually coming to pass. Egypt is now pleading with Ethiopia concerning the DAM that has now been completed. The water of Nile is not sufficient for the for Egypt again and it might become a real calamity for Egypt. Interestingly, you saw it about 5 years ago. You are really inspired. God bless you
Note George: God creates all men / women in His likeness (since the fall). We are to be conformed / remade into His image = Christ Jesus. Other than the "Son of man," Jesus, ( John 1:1-3),God IS NOT a man. See: Numbers 23:19: God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Keep in mind...this is a complete prophecy. It states they will be struck and then heal. Upon being heal they will make a covenant and keep it. Key....KEEP IT.
Yes, I read this many years ago but I didn't grasp it as I have the last couple of years. I noticed...everyone seem to walk over Egypt being his people. You never hear people talking about this.
In this chap I observed a thing in as in "Mark chap 13" Isiah is prophesying the same thing that Jesus Christ Told in Mark. This thing is telling us that Jesus Is Alpha and Omega
God showed Israel His wrath for they had turned from Him, assimilating with the Assyrians but they are still His children, and God chastiseth those He Loves and He returned His Blessing,to Israel and the works their hands was a blessing to the Assyrians for whom they worked. god showed
This may sound strange but this passage suggests that the Lord Yahweh is an Egyptian who created the Assyrian nation and inherited the people of Israel.This is not the regular understanding of this passage but that could be it 's real meaning.
HE God made Israel HIS inherited people, Assyria a people who HE formed to carry out his work from time to time throughout human history and Egypt, the entire continent of Africa, as it is called today, is comprised of people who HE God recognized as HIS.
Hello Danny, Yes this is prophecy and it is being fullfilled as we speak. Verse 6 is key to understanding this prophecy as I firmly believe it pertains to the The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project that began in 2012 and is scheduled to be completed in 2017. Part of the project entailed Ethiopia diverting the Nile rivers in order to construct the dam. See Verse 6 "And they shall turn the rivers far away and the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up the reeds and flags shall wither. " May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your loved ones with all spiritual blessings! Amen.
you can link verse 1 to isaiah 11 v 11 about the Lord's other hand. Egypt in OT referred to the whole of Africa. Harare is sun shine city and Zimbabwe has five cities. Indeed the other hand of God is here. Remember the Prestor John myth
Would someone please enlighten me re: Isaiah 19:25
where it says, "Assyria, the work of My hands? I have been to many web sites, but so far still need more understanding. I have tracked down the OT names of many of the nations, and can apply most to the modern names. Do I understand rightly that Assyria in OT was defeated and lost its name as a nation. How does the name still apply in Isaiah 19:25.
Thank you
I think that prophesy which is now over 2700 years ago is DESCRIBING what is currently{2011-2013}happening in Egypt since the overthrow of their presidents.
This is a miracle...bringing ancient peoples together. Only a God of love could have declared this from the beginning. It is my personal belief that this is only a day of salvation and that God the Father will as he said save the whole house of Israel in the Ezekiel 37, then others in HIS time.
Brian Golightly Marshall on Isaiah 19:19 - 12 years ago
It is mentioned in the Essene as the Pyramid the same as Matthew 21:42 the original had the word pyramid. Christ is back as a thief in the night YouTube or Google Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall
Verses 16 on I believe is future.
God bless.
where it says, "Assyria, the work of My hands? I have been to many web sites, but so far still need more understanding. I have tracked down the OT names of many of the nations, and can apply most to the modern names. Do I understand rightly that Assyria in OT was defeated and lost its name as a nation. How does the name still apply in Isaiah 19:25.
Thank you
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