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This is the text and a scan of the actual, original, first printing of the 1611 King James Version, the 'HE' Bible, for Isaiah Chapter 27. The KJV does not get more original or authentic than this. View Isaiah Chapter 27 as text-only. Click to switch to the standard King James Version of Isaiah Chapter 27
Why does it have strange spelling?
1 The care of God ouer his vineyard. 7 His chastisements differ from iudgements. 12 The Church of Iewes and Gentiles.
1 In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sworde shall punish Leuiathan the piercing serpent, euen Leuiathan that crooked serpent, and hee shall slay the dragon that is in the Sea.1
2 In that day, sing yee vnto her; A vineyard of red wine.
4 Furie is not in mee: who would set the briars and thornes against me in battell? I would goe through them, I would burne them together.4
7 ¶ Hath hee smitten him, as hee smote those that smote him? or is hee slaine according to the slaughter of them that are slaine by him?7
8 In measure when it shooteth foorth, thou wilt debate with it: hee stayeth his rough winde in the day of the East winde.8
9 By this therefore shall the iniquitie of Iacob be purged, and this is all the fruit, to take away his sinne: when he maketh all the stones of the Altar as chalke stones, that are beaten in sunder, the groues and images shall not stand vp.9
Isaiah Chapter 27 Sidenote References (from Original 1611 KJV Bible):
1 Or, crossing like a barre.
4 Or, march against.
7 Heb. according to the stroke of those.
8 Or, when thou sendest it foorth. , Or, when he remoueth it.
9 Or, Sunne images.
* Some content on this page courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
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