Isaiah Chapter 43 Discussion Page 4

  • Alex ON JOHN 10 on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Jesus mentions his sheep saying my father that gave them me is greater then ALL and NO MAN CAN PLUCK THEM OUT OF MY FATHERS HAND.This cannot be refuted and is y i believe in OSAS .And also we are bornagain ( if you are truly bornagain via his seed),Gods word and Gods word cannot return unto him void isaiah 55 .11.So if you are truly bornagain via his seed th living Word as PETER SAID. YOU CANNOT FALLAWAY. Unless ya wanna say that Gods word can return unto him void.Remember the WORLDS WERE FRAMED BY HIS WORD.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    There is no sin; however, there is evil: take the holocaust, for example.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    I would say that the gospel was preached by the apostles, in order to address Spiritual issues with the Word of God. Us; we here, preach the gospel because that is what has been taught.
  • Alexis - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Kenneth... I don't understand why you believe that sin no longer exists in the world when from the time Adam & Eve allowed that first seed of sin to enter them, sin has been growing in this world. Per the prophesies throughout the bible sin is getting worse with every generation. Also, the Messiah became the sacrificial lamb for us when He completed His Father's will and died for our sins. In His death sin was not removed. Forgiveness was given. If He did not die we would still me sacrificing animals on alters but the sin of the world grew to such degrees that we could no longer sustain that practice, hence the Messiah. If sin is done away with then there is no need for Him to come back in the manner that He will return. Then there is the prophesy of the 144,000... can you explain that. There are too many prophesies that are manifested today that proves that sin still exists in the world. To believe that it does not is playing into satan's agenda

  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Thank you for your comments & your sad account of your accident in 1972. You say you had a near death experience & given vision of the heavenlies, just as apostle Paul had received ( 2 Cor 12:1-4). However, Paul saw & heard wondrous things that we understand were in line with what he also preached, & of course he saw things that weren't "lawful" for him to utter. In any case, God's Word to us or by vision or revelation to the prophets & apostles, were given in clear & meaningful terms (not always understood within their culture & times), & not veiled in double meanings. In your (re)interpretation of God's Word, I think of others who have done likewise (e.g. the Bahai's) who have given meanings to Scripture that are not consistent with the clear intent of it, but have interpreted them to suit their theology. Of course, you believe that you now have gained further light on biblical Truths & able to give their 'new' meaning from applying other external factors. Well, this is not the way to read the Bible; it needs to be read & understood in its natural & proper way, whether in the original languages or translations. If that were the case to reinterpret other writings, one could do so with anything published, & in so doing gain some personal excitement in some new find, but leaving other recipients floundering in wonderment & disbelief. I appreciate your time on this, as I was interested to learn your beliefs & from whence they came, but staying true to the original meaning of the Scriptures (or for that matter any writing) is to me far more reliable & certain, than anything another could add or reinterpret it to be.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    The sin in the KJVB, is sin of the third day of the Creation, by water only. The KJVB offers the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the days of the Creation.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Tell me this, how can a day be both, one day as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. It is talking about the two days yet to come, the fifth day and the sixth day. Did you get the comment on a, "thousand years?"
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    The fact is that all is because of the faith of Jesus Christ. The faith of any other individual is absolutely uninvolved. However, we have been told that the, "faith," in Ephesians 2:8, is our faith, changed surreptitiously to gain control? It is "not that of yourselves." It is only the faith of Christ Jesus that we need, which is made clear in 2Timothy 3:15. Now, we can update our understanding of John 3:16, in which Jesus Christ is in the word, "whosoever," believeth the Word, identified with, "him."
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    It is all about perspective. You are looking at scripture as though all happened within the Universe we live in Today. The KJVInterpret looks at scripture from the beginning, everlasting first days; the second day, and third day, and considers these to be the places of origin. I can think of very few places in the KJVBible in which scripture may originate from this Universe. There is, "he made the stars also," in Genesis 1:16, and there is, "Beloved," in 2Peter 3:7,8, with the two, "thousand years'" referencing the six, "thousand years,'" in Revelation 20:2-7 having two tellings for the fifth day and the beginning of the six day in verse seven.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Where did my understanding come from? I like to call the KJVBible, the Kenneth Jesus Victory Bible, my Holy Grail with

    th "V" in th KJVB because of the great victory Christ Jesus led me to, in the King James Version. He did it through an amazing near-death experience, from a severe cerebral contusion; localized with my brainstem, in a motorcycle crash I had: Monday April 10th, 1972. This, combined with the miraculous recovery Jesus facilitated for me, from the ICU in the UT Hospital Knoxville, Tennessee 37920. I have been to where Jesus Christ is now, to that other place. Now that I have a good understanding of God's Word in the KJVBible; I am ready to tell my story.

    I began this work in Proverbs 8:22 following Genesis 1:01, focusing on, "in the beginning of his way;" Monday morning, January 1st, 1990 and by Saturday, March 7, 2020; I had all that was needed for the hypothesis, but still needed to complete the work on the paper explaining it (in process).

    I would disagree with your summation of the work. I think the perspective of the KJVInterpret is innovative, intelligent and learned. It is innovative in that using "grammar," as the media, offers a pathway having much to offer in terms of clarity, depth and correctness. It is intelligent in that intelligence must be used to imply the history of other dimensions with the grammatical features offered by Hebrew, Greek and English. And of course, it is learned meaning that one must be learn the linguistics in the letters of English, Greek and Hebrew. And, it is original, I have found nothing like it anywhere. So; go ahead, take it for a test drive and see if it does not meet up to your standards.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    I would say the, "ten strings," in PsalmsKJV, are singing right now.
  • Toby on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    how can I lay down my burden on jesus Christ I'm doing all I can to stay off sin I know is not impossible for me to stop. I recently stayed a month plus without . This was the best moment of my life. praying 🙏 and reading the bible. Recently I took a step back to my old ways I can't help it i feel I'm not control anymore the situation is getting worst i really don't want to this anymore

    I need jesus Christ back. but I think i'm far away from him now. it was him that helped me throughout this period I need him back pls help pray 🙏 for me I need you guys advise and prayers
  • Kittana on Isaiah 43:2 - 4 years ago
    1John 1:8 if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us .we sin by words thoughts and deeds

    Yes Jesus Christ paid the price on Calvary for us He came to take away the sins of the world that does not mean the world is sinless .it is only those that are washed in His blood are free from sin.
  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Your comments appear mystical & your interpretation of the Bible, allegorical. Was this something you learnt, or from personal belief through mental calculations & surmises? If the Bible says ( 2 Pet 3:8) "one day is with the Lord as thousand years, & a thousand years as one day", could not that mean, that in Eternity, time is not measured by Earth's time schedule? That is, one day on Earth could even be a thousand years or more, (or less), in eternity? And to place the sequence of biblical books as representative of days of creation, surely must stretch the intent of Scripture to the point of personal invention & speculation? If, as you say, there is no more sin in the world, even though the evidence is overwhelming, then what do you make of the other Scriptures (e.g. Acts 3:19) that urge a person to "repent & be converted that your sins may be blotted out". Is this Scripture too, and many more, also then mysteriously put aside, or even reinterpreted to fit into your belief?
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Melchisedec is from, "the beginning."
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    And you may want to check out 2Peter 3:3-8, with Isaiah 28:9-10 & Hebrews 5:10 bringing Melchisedec into the mix?!?
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    It is Revelation 2:12,13,14,15; John 8:44 & Isaiah 14:13,14,15 at the crux of our story.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    And the KJVInterpret may show us the corruption of 21st Century "Christianity."
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    There is but one Interpretation in the KJVBible, which Paul shows us, written afore in the letters of the KJVText. The Interpretation is built upon the telling of the days of the Creation. There is no, "private interpretation;" this is the only interpretation there is! Amen.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    The only way Jesus is able to tell us about the generations is through the ancient stories in the KJVInterpret, as presented by Paul. Scientific concepts such as, "M-Theory," and "Black Holes," they are willingly ignorant of.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    The KJVBible was said from the beginning and third day of the

    Creation; unfinished, Jesus came by water only and sin would remain in the world on the third day of the

    Creation, for they in the KJVBible. However, for us here now, the world has no sin

    because Christ Jesus came by water and blood; died on the cross and took sin

    away from the world, Today, the fourth day of the Creation.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Or should I say; thank you, our Universe is made in the dispensation of the grace of God, Amen.
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    The apostle Paul has demonstrated for us; today, how God uses signs in the grammar to tell us about the days of the Creation for the,"generation," living in other dimensions; of which we cannot even know, lest ye sin in the KJVBible. Now; Today, the KJVBible can educate us about these things existing in other dimensions. And with Science we may see that the world is perfect; there is no sin. Science is proof of the perfection this Universe that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
  • Kenneth Redden - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Yes, it is your perspective. The Holy KJV Bible is about the days of the Creation, as given in Genesis 1. KJVText comes from the beginning, in Genesis 2:4 to the book of Psalms; the book of Psalms is for the second day and the book of Proverbs begins the third day, which continues throughout the NT. This logical format is demonstrated by the apostle Paul in 2Peter 3:3-8.

    The reason why there appears to be sin in the KJVBible is because on the third day, Christ came by water only. It was not until the fourth day; Today, that He came by water and blood and sins are forgiven.
  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    Kenneth, just a nagging thought from me as a result of your comment: if Jesus' crucifixion has dealt with the sin issue, i.e. there is no more sin, or He has forgiven the sins of the world in toto, then why was the Gospel preached by the apostles & then by us (no need for it). And why is there still so much evidence of wickedness & sin in the world, & increasing at a horrifying pace. Maybe there is something in your thoughts that I'm not picking up. Looking for further enlightenment.
  • Kenneth Redden on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    These is no sin, Jesus has taken sin away from the world when He is finished His work and went to the Father after His crucifixion. We have no sin and are given a new commandment in John 13:34. To "love" is our only commandment; the ten commandments are obsolete and do not apply.
  • WebbCraig on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    not afraid of the road, only afraid of short.
  • Becky on Isaiah 43 - 4 years ago
    Isaiah 43 answers all my questions. God's people are precious in his sight. Every one called by His name he created for His glory. He formed us. My long standing question of whether God and Christ and the Holy Spirit are One. 43:11, "I am the Lord: and beside me there is no Savior." Jesus was God in the flesh. I trust now that the Holy Spirit is God our Comforter. We are here to do His work and bring His people to Him. He is always with us even as we die and in that twinkling are then with Him in Heaven. God bless all of you. Your comments inspire me. This KJVonline Bible has been a God send to me. Thank you to those who keep it up for us.
  • EllenDonahue on Isaiah 43:11 - 4 years ago
    A long way, you can finish step by step, and then you can't reach without a foot
  • Beesty68 - In Reply on Isaiah 43 - 4 years ago
    Most High is speaking to Sons of Jacob

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