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Isaiah Chapter 9 Discussion Page 3

Isaiah Chapter 9 Discussion Page 3

  • J.P. on Isaiah 9:6 - 9 years ago
    To say that The Lord Jesus Christ is not Jehovah, not The Almighty God due to the title 'The mighty God ' Heb. El Gibor used in Is.ix.6 clearly exhibits a biased and unskilled workman. -iiTim.ii.15 One may refer to Hab.i.12 to see illustrated without any doubt that God the Father who is refered only as Jehovah according to the Arians is also titled 'O mighty God ' El Gibor, and 'not ' Almighty God Heb. El Shaddai ! Does this then mean that The Father is 'not ' The Almighty, not Jehovah? Not at all! Neither does this effect the fact that the The Lord Jesus is also The Almighty, as well as The Holy Ghost! These are all wonderful, inspired, and exhilarating titles of THE TRIUNE GODHEAD! Praise be to THE ETERNAL, The LORD God: 'Father, Word, and Holy Ghost '! -Mat.iii.19 xviii.19 iJn.v.7 as examples . Use a concordance and or centre side references or footnotes for other references and be delighted with unspeakable joy! In many passages in the holy scriptures, all 'three ' members of 'triune ' Godhead are clearly illustrated, sometimes only 'two ', or either any 'one ' of the 'three ' persons of our Eternal Jehovah God alone! -JPRA
  • Inventor on Isaiah 9:6 - 9 years ago
    To say that The Lord Jesus Christ is not Jehovah due to the title 'The mighty God ' Heb. El Gibor used in Is.ix.9 clearly exhibits a biased and unskilled workman. One may refer to Hab.i.12 to see illustrated without any doubt that God the Father who is refered only as Jehovah according to the Arians is also titled 'O mighty God ' El Gibor, and 'not ' Almighty God El Shaddai In many passages in the holy scriptures, all members of 'triune ' Godhead are clearly illustrated, sometimes 'two ', or either any one of the three persons of our Eternal Jehovah God!
  • Anonymous on Isaiah 9:6 - 9 years ago
    bible kjv
  • Jimmy on Isaiah 9:6 - 9 years ago
    Jesus is God, book of Hebrews said yesterday, today and forever, Jesus is the same. 1Timoty3:16 apostle Paul said, God was manifest in flesh .
  • Mark on Isaiah 9:6 - 10 years ago
    The Mighty God, Jesus Christ is God, manifest in the flesh. The "The " demonstrates that Jesus is not a lesser god, but The Mighty God. Psalm 50 verse 1 also backs up that the LORD is The Mighty God, hence Jehovah is God and Christ is God they are both the same God, Jesus is Jehovah. Some translations drop the "the " in Isaiah 9 v 6 and thus cause an opening for cults and heresy to find an opportunity to change Christ to a lesser "god ".
  • Awura akua on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    I hope christians will worship God from our heart. I pray that Our Heavenly Father reveal to us his secrets and give us spiritual understanding. God have mercy on us.
  • Zin Min Aye on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    Have a nice day all my friends!
  • Reggie on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    God,Jesus as The WORD, has NO Mother,when knitted in Mary 's whom and becoming All God and All Man,gave HIM an Earthly Mother. The terms Father Son were given so now we can relate to God, who exist as Spirit instead of a "Hebrew Abstraction, " Now as a Person.Our Heavenly now speaks and say 's, "Today You have become My SON " Today !
  • Gloria garrick on Isaiah 9:6 - 10 years ago
    To the world a child is born the child signal hope, but the son make hope become possible the son is given to whosoever will may come,the child could not save the world,but the son did,
  • Terry allen on Isaiah 9:8 - 10 years ago
    Isaiah 9 8 god spoke to Jacob to go and speak to the Israelites that he is the almighty and the he will redeem the and save all form their sins if they would call upon him and him only to be their God and that is why Israel was lighted up talking about the spiritual light and not the light as in a light bulb for he is the light of the world and Israel is his chosen nation
  • Terry allen on Isaiah 9:8 - 10 years ago
    Isaiah 9 6 god spoke to Jacob to go and speak to the Israelites that he is the almighty and the he will redeem the and save all form their sins if they would call upon him and him only to be their God and that is why Israel was lighted up talking about the spiritual light and not the light as in a light bulb for he is the light of the world and Israel is his chosen nation
  • Jim on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    God, Jesus, came in the flesh of a person called Immanuel. Rom 13 1 "submit to the higher power s. ' Topical KJV Bible Word Powers not there. Word POWER makes up the 3 Powers, the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, the Almighty POWER. Yahweh. Jehovah God. Creator. Alfa and Omega. Elohim, Almighty Truth Sayer, only Law giver, Master, Judge of judges. promise keeper. god is love. tough Love. he like Texas. "Don 't mess with God. " He let syria destroy one million of His chosen people, israelites because they refused to obey him.Later to become his lost sheep of the house of israel after He dispersed them into all the nations of the world with no language, memory of who they qwere or of him. their God. Yahweh. Tough? he promised his Chosen Israel ites, zech 13 8 "On judgment Day, 2 3rds of you shall, must, be destroyed before christ intervenes to save the 1 3rd, New found Sheep, born again Christians who who to be the Chosen Israelite, Anglo Saxon, BA Christian who shall enter Heaven as Sons of God, Brothers to the First, Perfect, Pure, White, Son of God. Yes!! God is Love !! So much Love, he died, Jesus,paid our Debt of Sin, Foolishness, on the Old Rugged Cross, a Dogwood Tree, with the Blood of God 's Lamb, that we mighty spend Eternity 'in the presence " of the Almighty God. Jesus is God, King of kings and Lord of lords. Elohim.
  • Harycollins on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    The verse 2 of this chapter made us to understand that the entire human race was wallowing in darkness and hopelessness because of their disobedience to the God s command and out of mercy and compassion God sent us his light that illuminated our lives and restored hope in us.
  • Fred Ellamar on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    He is the Alpha the Omega. He was born a child so we may understand that He too would go through the same things that we go through. He came in the flesh so we can understand that we will go through the same trials that He went through. But we can be overcomers victories just in our belief obedience in Jesus Christ.
  • Johnson on Isaiah 9:6 - 10 years ago
    Jesus Christ is the Lord God of the scripture manifested in flesh. There is no other God apart from him. Isaiah 9v6 says it all. The fact remain he was called the Mighty God and Everlasting father that have not in anyway be disputed by any denomination among christians laid credence to His Godship. The bible made us to understand that the lord our God is one lord. That one lord is Christ.
  • Martha on Isaiah 9:7 - 10 years ago
    Iasaia tough me that there is nothing greater than god.he is the almight.king of king.
  • Gloria Wright on Isaiah 9:6 - 10 years ago
    I think this scripture speaks for it self. This was born. He is already here. It was foretold in early scriptures that a comforter will come, has come,when He went up to heaven. God transformed himself into a human n baby, and he came through Mary. He is one. You can 't get no plainer then that.
  • Divinity on Isaiah 9:17 - 10 years ago
    seems to be the on going pattern, I get told to have compassion on the evil doer, how can one be tender hearted towards that which in turn hurts and hates God?
  • Pst Isaiah .A. Peter on Isaiah 9:2 - 10 years ago
    Trouble, sorrow, persecution, hardship may last tru the night but JOY comes in the morning. This verse is one the passage that serves as an encouragement, hope, and assurance to every Christian. Whatever you are facing, passing through on this earth, just relax for God is in control.
  • Francis samuel on Isaiah 9:5 - 10 years ago
    A man set for prayer is like an armed warrior determined and ready for victory and his victory brings casualty on the enemy like burning fire in the forest during dry season
  • Abel Subramony on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    The book of Isiah tells us that the word of GOD comes through the prophets.Isiah prophesided the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.It also tells us what type of character that he will take on.It tells us that the trials that he must face just to save us.We as Christians must be careful because the end time prophetic word of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.We need to be ready and keep ourselves holy because if we do not and when Christ comes we will be left behind.We need to believe the prophetic word as it came to pass in the book of Isiah it will come to pass in the book of revelation.
  • Barbara Windettbta on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    First seek the Kingdom of Heaven
  • End Revelation Timea on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    The end is near America faces judgement just as israel did. Look for the 9 harbingers of judgment on 9 11 you will find them and they will call me and others insane before the prophecy has even been fulfilled
  • Torry koonce on Isaiah 9:16 - 10 years ago
    The words leaders carry a deeper meaning.. Leaders of the nation, courts,schools,churches,homes.. So it 's detail meaning is hidden causes the reader to look outside of himself . Every person at some point in his life becomes a leader.. When we see the word leaders we look at leaders and say they and wrong biblically but it 's us as a people spiritually than stand in need of correction
  • Brian on Isaiah 9:20 - 10 years ago
    I don 't understand this verse, and was wanting some other comments on this.
  • Sonia on Isaiah 9:7 - 10 years ago
    I love the fact that the book was put before us
  • Jackie Gladwell on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    Does the twin towers mean anything, as verse 10 explains will man build bigger on his own or will he ask for gods help. Will god help our enemys because they believe in him, and build on his word. Just saying,
  • Pastor Trevor M Buckland on Isaiah 9 - 10 years ago
    Isaiah 9 6 is a scripture that brings clarity of who Jesus Christ REALLY is! Remember 'He said in the Gospels Before Abraham was I am ". Though He was born long after Abraham, yet He declares He existence to be before Him,.. meaning Jesus is The Son, Mighty God Everlasting Father , and the Holy Spirit, because God is a Spirit. Remember God is One, not Three. He is a jealous God. We are reminded in Eph. 4.5 6 " One Lord One Faith One Baptism. One God Father... God Bless.
  • Arlen on Isaiah 9:10 - 10 years ago
    We will keep neglecting the calamities and keep ignoring the presence of God in our culture. Ultimately leading to the second coming of Christ.
  • MockingBird on Isaiah 9:6 - 10 years ago
    I as well like Jake 's comment Whoever I do not think that Jesus was a little g god I truly believe that he was God manifest in the flesh always will ever be. I Thank God for His Wonderful and Magnificant Salvation through Jesus Christ.

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