Jeremiah 18:19 MEANING

Jeremiah 18:19
(19) Give heed to me . . .--This is the prophet's answer to the resolve of the people, "Let us not give heed." He appeals in the accents of a passionate complaint to One who will heed his words. The opening words are almost as an echo of Psalm 35:1.

Verses 19, 20. - Them that contend with me. Shall evil, etc.? Compare the phraseology of Psalm 35:1-12 (either Jeremiah imitated this psalm or vice versa); and for another point of contact with this psalm, see on Jeremiah 23:12. They have digged a pit, etc. Comp. Psalm 57:6. To speak good for them. See Jeremiah's intercessions in Jeremiah 14:7-9, 19-22.

18:18-23 When the prophet called to repentance, instead of obeying the call, the people devised devices against him. Thus do sinners deal with the great Intercessor, crucifying him afresh, and speaking against him on earth, while his blood is speaking for them in heaven. But the prophet had done his duty to them; and the same will be our rejoicing in a day of evil.Give heed to me, O Lord,.... To his prayer, since his enemies would not give heed to his prophecies; and God does give heed to the cries and complaints of his ministers, when men will not give heed to their words and doctrines; they have a God to go to, who will hear them, when men despise them:

and hearken to the voice of them that contend with me; hear their reproaches and rantings, their blasphemies and evil speakings, their lies and falsehoods, and judge between me and them; let it appear who is in the right; vindicate my cause, and plead with them that plead against me.

Courtesy of Open Bible