(19) For thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the pillars . . .--The "pillars" referred to were probably the two bronze columns known as Jachin and Boaz, on each side of the porch of the Temple (1 Kings 7:21). The molten "sea," standing on twelve oxen as its supporters, is described in 1 Kings 7:23-26. The ten "bases" for the ten lavers, with their engraved work of cherubim, lions, and palm-trees, are described in 1 Kings 7:27-37. The work of plunder was apparently confined, in the first instance, to the more portable vessels--cups, flagons, and the like. The absence of the specific list of the vessels in the LXX. version has led some critics to the conclusion that it was a later addition to the Hebrew text.
Verse 19. - This and the two following verses are thus given in the Septuagint: "For thus saith the Lord... and the rest of the vessels which the king of Babylon took not, when he carried Jeconiah captive from Jerusalem; they shall come to Babylon, saith the Lord." This shortened form throws a light on the fact of the absence of "now shortly" in ver. 16 (see note). The pillars, etc.; i.e. the two bronze pillars called Jachin and Boaz (1 Kings 7:21). The sea; i.e. the molten "sea," or basin (1 Kings 7:23). The bases (1 Kings 7:27).
27:19-22 Jeremiah assures them that the brazen vessels should go after the golden ones. All shall be carried to Babylon. But he concludes with a gracious promise, that the time would come when they should be brought back. Though the return of the prosperity of the church does not come in our time, we must not despair, for it will come in God's time.
For thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the pillars,.... The pillars of brass that stood in the temple; the one called Boaz, and the other Jachin, 1 Kings 7:15;
and concerning the sea; the sea of molten brass, which stood upon twelve oxen, 1 Kings 7:23;
and concerning the bases: the ten bases, which also were made of brass, 1 Kings 7:27;
and concerning the residue of the vessels that remain in this city; in the king's palace, and in the houses of the noblemen, and of the rich and wealthy inhabitants of Jerusalem.
and concerning the sea; the sea of molten brass, which stood upon twelve oxen, 1 Kings 7:23;
and concerning the bases: the ten bases, which also were made of brass, 1 Kings 7:27;
and concerning the residue of the vessels that remain in this city; in the king's palace, and in the houses of the noblemen, and of the rich and wealthy inhabitants of Jerusalem.