Jeremiah 36:27 MEANING

Jeremiah 36:27
(27) Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah.--This was probably during the concealment of the two friends, and to the command thus given we probably owe the present form of Jeremiah 25--perhaps, also, of the earlier chapters of the book. But, in addition to the reproduction of the judgment denounced upon the nation at large, there was now a special prediction as to Jehoiakim himself. (1) He was to have "none to sit upon the throne of David." As a matter of fact, he was succeeded by his son Jehoiachin, or Jeconiah, but the reign of the boy-prince as a tributary king lasted for three months only, and Zedekiah, who succeeded him, was the brother and not the son of Jehoiakim (comp. Jeremiah 22:30). (2) His dead body was to be "cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost." The same prediction is found in Jeremiah 22:18-19, written probably after the incident thus recorded. See Note there as to its fulfilment.

Verses 27-32. - Punishment denounced against Jehoiakim, and second writing of the former prophecy.

36:20-32 Those who despise the word of God, will soon show, as this king did, that they hate it; and, like him, they would wish it destroyed. See what enmity there is against God in the carnal mind, and wonder at his patience. The princes showed some concern, till they saw how light the king made of it. Beware of making light of God's word!Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah,.... In the place where he was hid; the Lord knew where he was, for he hid him, and therefore could send his word to him:

after the king had burnt the roll; either with his own hands, or had ordered it to be burnt, or connived at the burning of it:

and the words which Baruch wrote at the mouth of Jeremiah; hence the Jews (u) gather, that when a man sees the book of the law burnt, that he is bound to rend his garments twice; once for the burning of the paper or parchment, and again for the burning of the writing; but no other is meant than the roll, in which the prophecies were written, Baruch took from the mouth of Jeremiah:

saying; as follows:

(u) T. Bab. Moed Katon, fol. 26. 1.

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