Jeremiah 49:15 MEANING

Jeremiah 49:15
(15) Among the heathen.--Better here, as no marked contrast with Israel is intended, among the nations.

49:7-22 The Edomites were old enemies to the Israel of God. But their day is now at hand; it is foretold, not only to warn them, but for the sake of the Israel of God, whose afflictions were aggravated by them. Thus Divine judgments go round from nation to nation; the earth is full of commotion, and nothing can escape the ministers of Divine vengeance. The righteousness of God is to be observed amidst the violence of men.For, lo, I will make thee small among the Heathen,.... Or, "I have given thee", or "made thee" (m); as if it respected what Edom was at first, a people few in number, and their country not large, as Aben Ezra and Kimchi, and after them Abarbinel: but it rather intends what Edom should be (n); and which was the reason of gathering the Chaldeans against them, to reduce their number, weaken their strength, and destroy their substance, and so make them a small, feeble, and contemptible people; as follows:

and despised among men: for the fewness of their men, the desolation of their country, the consumption of their wealth and riches, their poverty and meanness; see Obadiah 1:2.

(m) "posui", Munster; "reddidi", Piscator; "dedi", V. L. Cocceius, Schmidt. (n) Dabo, Pagninus, Montanus. So Ben Melech.

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