Jeremiah Chapter 10 Discussion Page 3

  • Freedomborn Eternally - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    Ruban, I would appreciate you sharing the Scripture which Confirms that Mary Concieved on December 25th because if this were True it would contradict when John The Baptist was Born as confirmed in Scripture. Christ-Mas Blessings All Year Anne.
  • Freedomborn in Truth - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    Hi Ruban, would you please share the Scripture which Confirms that Mary Concieved on December 25th because if this were True it would contradict when John The Baptist was Born as confirmed in Scripture. Christ-Mas Blessings All Year Anne.
  • Freedomborn - All Year - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    Very True Joe, those who discredit Christmas claim the Christmas Tree is forbidden by God too but the Trees in Jeremiah10 they refer to were used by the Pagans to craft Idols in the images of their gods which they then adorned with their gold and silver and worshiped all year, they were not Celebrating Christmas and it is also confirmed as True when we do Celebrate it. -Christ-mas Blessings -Anne.
  • Freedomborn - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    Thanks Joe, some do claim the Christmas Tree is Pagan and is forbidden by God but the Trees mentioned in Jeremiah were used by the Pagans to craft Idols in the images of their gods which they then adorned with their gold and silver and worshiped all year.They were not Celebrating Jesus' Birth and the time we do is also confirmed in Scripture, and God knows our Hearts. Christ-mas Blessings - Anne.
  • Ruben Hartness - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    Joe--check Hos 14:8--"I am like a green fir tree---Meaning everlasting life. The fir doesn't shed its leaves -it's always there. Christmas is mans idea of Christ's birthday, God with us-- was, is, and will always be. Christ's birth onto Earth is Sept. 29th, Mary conceived on Dec. 25th. Christmas means Christ Man. He is there for us now and forever. A celebration for Jesus is suitable.
  • Joe slaughter on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    Seriously people this has nothing to do with a Christmas Tree. Do you research and please inform me where they are talking about a Christmas tree. Stop running with the ideas of man.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    We have a Christmas tree at Christmas. We don't worship the tree. We worship Jesus birth. We don't worship the Easter bunny on Easter, we worship Jesus raising from the dead. We give gifts at Christmas. The three wise men came and gave Jesus gifts when he was born.
  • Ronnie - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    OR, True Christians celebrate the holidays and recognize the pagan versions as pre-cursors to their true meaning. Pagans did not have Jesus, but God was trying to let them know in ways they might understand during their time that he was coming. :
  • Ltin on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    What a good prayer for GODS chosen elect to ask of the MOST HIGH - Verse 25 - Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name: for they have eaten up Jacob, and devoured him, and consumed him, and have made his habitation desolate.
  • Brian on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    Deuteronomy 12:30-31 "...How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God..."

    God said do not do as the heathen. These so called Christian holidays are ALL pagan in origin and true Christians do not celebrate them. It takes very little effort to discover where they came from.
  • Bruce on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    We Shine in The Midst of a Crooked and Perverse World( Philippians 2:15) Come Out from Among Them and be Ye Separate( 2Corinthians 6:17) All this Week Churches Had a Celebration honoring Christ.(halloween)Christmas,Singing to Trees, telling Kids Santa Knows who's Good.I Asked is this Right.They Said No,But it's Fun and The Kids like it. Study His Word it Flat-out Says,Things of The World are Sinful.
  • Cindy moore on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    I don't understand about holidays vs religion and holidays vs the bible and holidays vs what is right and what is wrong. god does not flat out say you are a sinner if you celebrate holidays. if so where is this in the bible. it is not clear that God say this is a sin. I think people due to beliefs interpret the bible differently. thank you for this site it is enjoyable to me
  • A disciple on Jeremiah 10 - 6 years ago
    "He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion." What a magnificent Word is this! Man doesn't need proof of God's divine power and understanding and will never learn the truth of anything that He has made by all their study and learning. He gives knowledge and understanding to the simple who love and obey Him.
  • Obbie Beal on Jeremiah 10 - 6 years ago

    24 O LORD, correct me, but with judgment; not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.
  • Ren on Jeremiah 10 - 6 years ago
    Genesis 2:16-17 tells me man has freewill. Its our choice to accept God/Jesus or to deny him. Vs 23 is saying we all need God to direct out lives because it is not in us to understand how too. Sadly so many think they can direct their own lives without the Lord to help guide them and look how they turn out. We all need the Lord but so many do not see that. Myself with my freewill I choose my GOD.
  • Lu2677 on Jeremiah 10 - 7 years ago
    A reply to the comment;"God gives men free will to serve him or not, We have power OVER Him" In context Jeremiah 10:21-24;Verse 23, "O Lord I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walketh to direct his steps." The "way of man"=freewill. "Not in himself"=man does NOT have freewill. NOT in man to direct his own steps=man does not have freewill. "Power over Him" REALLY???
  • BSP on Jeremiah 10 - 7 years ago
    Verse 6 shows that there is no god like the true God. Jehovah God has no equal or comparison and it was in vain that the Israelites set up man-made gods that brought them no benefit or help.
  • Lilly on Jeremiah 10 - 7 years ago
    We are helped to see that without Jehovah God's help, humans are not able to be successful. We need his guidance in life.
  • Michai on Jeremiah 10 - 7 years ago
    Verse 23 helps us to see that humans cannot have success without Jehovah God guidance. It's important that we show humility and always go to him for help and guidance.
  • Torian on Jeremiah 10 - 7 years ago
    This passage or chapter is clearly telling the true Israelites not to celebrate Christmas and not to disobey the Almighty Yahuah. If people really do their research about all of these pagan holidays (Thanks killing day, Easter and others) they will find out the truth. But a lot of people wanna stay spiritually dead because they wanna keep following these man-made traditions.
  • Tb on Jeremiah 10 - 7 years ago
    You all should read it again. The word christmas isnt mentioned. . I believe you are taking this out of context.
  • Gmomma on Jeremiah 10 - 8 years ago
    When we read this and understand, but still continue to have a Christmas TREE and all that silver and gold, you/me/us must know we are sinners before God. The Bible is a book of rules we must follow before we die. Get your life together. Blessing to you!
  • Jodi R Ordahl on Jeremiah 10 - 8 years ago
    Jeremiah 10:2 Christmas tree
  • Avon Brown on Jeremiah 10 - 8 years ago
    Love this vs.on Christmas!
  • Uchechukwu leleh on Jeremiah 10 - 9 years ago
    from verses 19-25 is actually talking about those who disobey Gods command and do not obey him, that he God is going to mete out his judgement upon them. but those who obey his command will be spared.
  • Olgalapirte on Jeremiah 10 - 9 years ago
    We are not to be conformed to the ways of this sinful world
  • FRANCIS BOCKARIE on Jeremiah 10:10 - 9 years ago
    so great
  • Diesel on Jeremiah 10 - 9 years ago
  • Dee on Jeremiah 10:25 - 9 years ago
    Verses 23 24 show me that my efforts to do better will always fail. It is God 's strength and direction I need to plead for. I find these verses very consoling.
  • Insight 777 on Jeremiah 10 - 9 years ago
    There is another possibility of understanding verses 3 to 5. It might not be referencing a Christmas tree at all. It could be referencing the use of cell phones and other machines that use a cell tower like laptops. In some places cell towers are actually disguised as palm trees so that they fit into the landscape more naturally. They are expensive to make and the computer technology uses silver and gold in the circuits. It might be that Israel is being warned to not be afraid of this usage of technology as a threat. It could also be a warning not to hack into the conversations for intel. Verse 10 seems to lead one to think the Lord will create a natural occurrence such as a solar flare, EMP, that will take out electronics. I think Verse 14 is talking about computers. Verse 21 may be referencing pastors that use TV and the internet for money, personal gain, and not to truly help people understand the words of GOD. When TV and the internet goes down then the flocks or followers of that type of evangelism will scatter meaning be disconnected.

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