Jeremiah Chapter 33 Discussion Page 3

  • M. k.k. on Jeremiah 33 - 10 years ago
    this is a powerful verse and so so true.the Lord has indeed shown me mighty and great things which i didn 't know now i know how to pray and what to pray about. Lord i love you for your powerful revelations in my life.
  • Amber on Jeremiah 33:3 - 10 years ago
    God I d good all the time I love him so much he tells us in the scripture call unto me and I will answer you and just remember that no problem is to big or small for god he is listening tell him your needs and wants and he will provide Psalms 91 he is our protector God bless
  • Edna on Jeremiah 33:3 - 10 years ago
    This chapter let s me know that if I call upon God He will answer
  • Stephen mwavali on Jeremiah 33:2 - 10 years ago
    The Lord God Almighty is great
  • Godwin Ebitu on Jeremiah 33:20 - 10 years ago
    this describes the infallability of God's promises and covenant as no man or satan can stop day and night from manifesting in the order that God ordained.
  • Iboi endurance on Jeremiah 33:3 - 10 years ago
    Only those who ask a genuine question are entitle to genuine answer,GOD says ask Me to show you and I will show you.
  • Pastor end times on Jeremiah 33:3 - 10 years ago
    when this life overwhelms you we have a precious promise!I will never leave u nor forsake u He is as close as the mentioning of His name when you cannot find a clear meaning or direction in the storms and trials their is a comforter who is ever present to comfort, to direct, to show us His plan and direction thru the midst of trials and tribulations.
  • Sonya Pretorius on Jeremiah 33:3 - 10 years ago
    I thank God for giving me Jeremiah 33:3, as I saw and felt the presence of Jesus which I saw in a vision looking towards me. The word I heard in church on sunday, was the same as what God's Word declared in Jeremiah 33:3. Awesome!!!!!!!
  • Steven Ezeaka on Jeremiah 33:3 - 10 years ago
    God is really faithful, there is issue that pressing upon me and i take it to God calling God to see me through, and God reveall to me that it is settle
  • Darlington on Jeremiah 33 - 10 years ago
    I woke up from my sleep where I had had a mind- troubling dream that I has lost two important members of my family. I decided to fast and pray for myself and my family. Reading from Jeremiah 33, I have found the boldness to believe in God that there is going to be the shout of joy and praise in my life and family instead of crying and mourning. Though the enemy might have planned to do us harm, God has promised us His salvation and I believe His words . Amen

  • M on Jeremiah 33 - 11 years ago
    To me this says that the Lord will cure us and reveal unto us peace,truth in abundance.And that the Lord will restore us,as at the first.And the Lord will cleanse us from all our iniquity whereby we have sinned against the Lord for,and the Lord will pardon all our iniquities whereby we have Transgressed against the Lord.And as Israel and Judah is restored so shall my children be restored. And we shall be to the Lord a name of joy,Praise and honour before all Nations of the earth.And the Lord will heal us and cure us and reveal unto us the abundance of Peace and Truth.
  • Sera NV on Jeremiah 33:3 - 11 years ago
    A sister in christ asked me to read this verse today. I was so desperate to read and when I read it, it really touches my heart and I was so emotional because I know our God is always there & ready for us.He will definitely hear our cry and bless us in which ever ways.
  • MUGABE BRIAN ROGERS on Jeremiah 33 - 11 years ago
    one thing i know God knows all what we need and He cares for our live but He desires a sincere heart, He wants to conform that when we ask of Him,we mean only Him,thats why He says call unto Me, Verse 3
  • Bruce seru on Jeremiah 33:3 - 11 years ago
    we can not expect good things from GOD unless we call upon him
  • ENOCH on Jeremiah 33 - 11 years ago
    I read this first three verses last night and at morning devotion with my family. I know GOD is speaking loud and clear to me and I take great comfort and assurance in this chapter. I know I would be feeding on this for many days to come.
  • Chanel on Jeremiah 33 - 11 years ago
    Going through some great trials and trying to help my son through, this verse came for the word of the day in such great and timely time frame. I had a very sleepless question and answer seeking tearful night and read this word for the day. Oh how wonderful God is. I believe this from God. This gives me great inspiration to keep calling on The Lord and continue praying. The devil is a liar and wants me to believe that God isn't hearing me or wants me to do evil but I will continue to do the right thing and wait on God for he will see me through as he has said he will do. This helps my mind to stay on him and strengthens my faith to know that he will deliver us from the enemy and has great use for us in his kingdom here on earth. As I pray I pray that this word touches more and forward to my son that he may be healed and understand that God has the power and that he is the one who we need to seek and lean on. Oh the shout that's in me is bursting to get out, hallelujah. Oh how God is so worthy to be praised. Tears may fall in the night but joy comes in the morning.
  • Desmond echi on Jeremiah 33:3 - 11 years ago
    The reason why God has not shown us great and mighty things is we refuse to call him when we are in trouble, Matthew 7:7.
  • Bobbi Jo on Jeremiah 33 - 11 years ago
    Jeremiah 33:11 What a promise, praise to God will reverse even captivity. I am going to quit nagging God and start praising him for what I have asked for even when I don't know when I will get it. Why didn't I realize that before, no one likes a nag. He heard me the first time. Gives me a new perspective. I have been a faithless nag but that changed today. Pray for me thanking God I am no longer a faithless nag!
  • Achoko on Jeremiah 33 - 11 years ago
    Jeremiah 33:3 is a powerful verse that reminds us that God spoke, he is speaking and he is waiting to speak to you and me for as long as we call to him, you may be vying so many questions, of why, how, who etc, let’s call to God, he is waiting to tell you and I things we haven’t even heard before great and mighty things. Amen
  • Samuel on Jeremiah 33:3 - 12 years ago
    i love this you know how great god is?take a look at the heavens at night or day and see for yourself that the one who brought us on earth wants to use us for his kingdom.that mean that we are very important and since we are so important it means that we are untouhable because he giveth and taketh was created a little lower than the angels then it means that man can do many great things.look at jesus christ, look at the wonderous works he did and he stated that we can do greater works than him.i remember that in the new testament that someone was demon psesss and the disciples could not of cast out the demon and christ told them that this cometh only by fasting and praying.we as human has great spiritual capabilities but we must yes its compulsory seek god everyday walk and talk with holy and he would showw you great and mighty things that thou knowest not.remember angelica zombrano and mary baxter.
  • Adegbesan Sheyi on Jeremiah 33:3 - 13 years ago
    Good know that is always ready to hear our cry... This wonderful
  • Sandra likuni on Jeremiah 33 - 13 years ago
    this is a powerful verse,because he has said that if we need him he is always there all the shows that he will show you all things unseen by the the flesh but though the our sprit...
  • Michelle crowe on Jeremiah 33:3 - 14 years ago
    jeramiah 33:3 This verse has gotten me through so much. It is just so good to know that God is allways there and that all we have to do is call and He will show us His mighty hand. How many men can you trust to do that? none.
  • Kim on Jeremiah 33:3 - 14 years ago
    This is spiritual as well as Science and Biology
    : ) How exciting

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