Jeremiah Chapter 5 Discussion

  • Alex on Jeremiah 5:1 - 4 years ago
    Addressed to Steven, you are not understanding what Replacement Theology really is as the whole of the bible is about replacement theology , The 2 nd Adam replaces the 1st Adam . The stain and the spot of 1 st Adam is REPLACED by the blood of the lamb that taketh away the sins of the world WHICH IS REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY . As God told Abraham cast out the bond woman and her son for the bond woman shall shall NOT be heir with the FREE WOMAN and her Son which is Replacement Theology. Old Jerusalem is replaced by New Jerusalem. King David replaced King Saul.. Remember PAUL replaced Saul. When God told Israel that he wd give them a New Covenant replacing the Old covenant not according to the old covenant. That was replacement theology . As a NEW HEART AND A NEW SPIRIT IS ALSO REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY. And i cd go on and on Steven eyes you have but you see not . Mankind needs a new replacement which is the H.G. OUR NEW INNERMAN, IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST JESUS HE IS A NEW CREATURE. This is the Godly definition of replacement theology. And the levitical Priesthood is replaced by the Melchisidec Priesthood, its all over the bible. ya wd have to be blind not to see it . But the bible schools cd neva see it.
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply on Jeremiah 5:1 - 4 years ago
    Biblically give to God First and that believing he will give you increase and supply all your need. In the law it was ten percent or first fruits whether animals or crops but you gave your best first, thats the tithe and purpose of it. Now how and where you give is your call, understand this your responsibility if possible is to give and it must not be grudgingly God loves a cheerful giver, also the receiver is responsible for what he does with it. So who do you trust. The apostle Paul talks about it to the church of corinth. Once you give Let Go And Let God. Thats believing!
  • Jessica hall - In Reply on Jeremiah 5:1 - 4 years ago
    Mark 12 :41-44
  • Adam - In Reply on Jeremiah 5:1 - 4 years ago
    Dear Angela,

    You will probably have a variety of perspectives in tithing. In short, not everyone agrees about tithing, and I personally think having a heart and willingness to help others is the takeaway. I don't think it's the amount, or even necessarily money, but time. For example, if a drug dealer asks me for money, should I tithe to him? What if instead I used my time and gift of encouragement- which of the two is what Jesus would do? Now, which in these 2 situations is best to help: a widow who is in a desperate situation and is evicted from her apartment and needs help, or give money to a local megachurch who just spent $1 million upgrading their stage for laser lights, fog machine, and are paying a performing arts company to do painting and acrobatics during a service once a week. Which would please the Lord more?

    I personally believe our time and labor is just as valuable as money and is a valid way of helping others. I see only weak support for tithing in the Bible. There is stronger support for keeping the Sabbath and eating kosher foods than tithing and somehow many pastors won't preach that, but some will take time to almost guilt-trip Christians to give to their church- when maybe their own irresponsible spending and poor money management is the original problem- not people giving more to fund a building with AC/heating, repairs, taxes, etc that's vacant 95% of the time, when in the same area could be a dozen more churches also vacant 95% of the week. So, instead of sharing resources, or meeting in houses like they did in early Christianity, all this overhead burden is placed on people and instead of giving to actual people in need, they give to maintain a building that's unused and virtually useless most of the time. I think this is wrong. So, I personally do not give to a general church fund, because I feel funds are misappropriated. I feel so much better buying McDonalds gift cards and giving them to homeless. I would never go into debt to tithe.
  • Angela Ferguson on Jeremiah 5:1 - 4 years ago
    I cant seem to find the answer to my question about ... Should I get my debts paid off first with lesser tithing or pay my 10% +, and make my payoffs take longer ?
  • Khauit W Martin Jr on Jeremiah 5:1 - 4 years ago
    It's a sad commentary to think Judah/Jerusalem - didn't have within the entire nation righteous persons that could avert YHWH's judgment. He sought but could not find no not one, they even spurned HIS plea to them it seems. How sad! Not so unlike USA 2021 in many ways. It's time for a national time of repentance.
  • Michael homan on Jeremiah 5 - 4 years ago
    What will ye do in the comes to all on earth
  • Will G on Jeremiah 5:31 - 4 years ago
    and my people love to have it so stands out to me this day July 17, 2020
  • J-ROD Rodriguez on Jeremiah 5 - 4 years ago
    I waked up this morning at 4:38 am , when to my office open my old bible and there it was this chapter. I read the whole chapter just to found out this amazing chapter talking to me
  • Rick Colombe on Jeremiah 5 - 5 years ago
    Jeremiah 5 is a warning to Israel to WAKE UP!!! We that claim to be Christians need an awakening also. We profess to follow God, yet we take part and in unholy, pagan practices such as Christmas and Easter. Many embrace false teachings via some televangelists who prophecy and teach ungodly lies such as prosperity doctrines of men. Many of us have embraced doctrines of man, rather than of God. I pray God gives us eyes that see and ears that hear as we read and search His Word. We all are as filthy rags that need cleansing through the blood of Jesus.
  • Obbie Beal on Jeremiah 5 - 5 years ago
    GOD, using HIS RULE OF LAW, examined the evidence or the heart of his people above and found them guilty and the rest is history. Yes history that we of 2020 can learn from if we will. It has been declared by GOD.......A wise man will learn from a foolish man mistake.
  • GODSBEST on Jeremiah 5 - 6 years ago
    But this people hath a revolting and a rebellious heart; they are revolted and gone.
    for us not attract Gods wrath, we have to obey God and do HIs blessed will.
    lets take away our heart from things that defileth. lets take away our heart from strange gods,
    serve the Lord and do HIs commandments.
  • A disciple on Jeremiah 5 - 6 years ago
    ELDRIDGE; There were 12 sons of Jacob, whom the LORD named Israel: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, and Benjamin. Their families' descendants which remain to this day; they are the actual children of Israel. The Elect from among the Nations of the Gentiles have been grafted into the promise of the inheritance in Christ; as a wild olive to the true.
  • ELDRIDGE MARAH MOBLEY on Jeremiah 5 - 6 years ago
    Who are true children of Israel
  • Brianna vs. 31 on Jeremiah 5 - 8 years ago
    This is such a powerful question. You can profess to be a Christian while living a debauched life, but will you do when the end comes and you have to be judged? What can you say to the almighty God Jehovah? I went to church while knowingly sinning? Do you really think God will accept that excuse?
  • Geraldine cole on Jeremiah 5 - 9 years ago
    When u don't hear the warning that God has sent to u by his messenger.u will find yourself before God at the judgement set God don't need to ask u any question he watches u every day all day and night he has given each one of us a angles to be with us 24 hour a day they take notes of our life .we are making our own spiritual movie it will be play back to us as we are dying and judging on how we live hell or heaven is waiting for us .u will not be able to blame anyone else for how U lived.not mother or father or sister or brother each person will be judge on his on life .stop blaming other for what u did .repent give it to God while u can.when u die its to late.
  • Robert on Jeremiah 5:26 - 9 years ago
    God says it all to plainly, "Unjust Leaders " Set traps to try and kill off the righteous and the upright at heart. The one 's that knowingly know what they are doing and do nothing, will suffer along with them, Lake of Fire for the unjust attacks and persecution on the righteous "These person will be in for a very big surprise " come the restoration of the King of Kings Lord of Lords. Very, Very close to the restoration....God will do what is Righteous. Then Gods Courtroom will be in session.
  • Patrick on Jeremiah 5:31 - 9 years ago
    The love of wealth has blinded the so called men of God. False prophets are already in action, be careful child ofGod.
  • Susan L. on Jeremiah 5:3 - 10 years ago
    Debra is right, on all accounts. We have the leaders we deserve, I 'm sorry to say. Until we humble ourselves and choose to live righteously, we have no right to expect God to intervene.
  • Ramlakhan on Jeremiah 5 - 10 years ago
    The words of Jeremiah is alive today as never before. This is the condition of the church world and its leaders and followers. Let us seek the Lord Jesus Christ as never before with our entire being now!
  • Anonymous on Jeremiah 5 - 10 years ago
  • Harry Collins on Jeremiah 5 - 10 years ago
    The church of God of today is guilty of what the Israelites was accused of, therefore i advise that we all repent to avoid God s indignation that will soon be poured on mankind. For it is not God s will that we should perish,rather He wants us all to have eternal life.
  • Herman Earl Roberts Jr on Jeremiah 5 - 10 years ago
    Jeremiah is one that i fully understand in must say, by god himself. Other word 's god word,speaking through his clay. The name of the clay called jeremiah. Yes, so jeremiah would have to know that god talking, with through.
  • Bob on Jeremiah 5 - 10 years ago
    The signs of the times are for now. Many of Gods people are going the way of the world, they are interested in stuff and more stuff. They are not interested in other people and their needs,not Being aware of their spiritual needs and hearing the voice of God daily for direction. we deed to pray more for a start. This lost and dying world needs to see Jesus in us.
  • Jerald Semar on Jeremiah 5 - 11 years ago
    The Lord is causing Jeremiah to be a witness and a voice of the Lord to the people's abandonment of the Lords statutes,laws,precepts and commandments but, especially the rejection of the Lord himself. Jeremiah see's the broken heart of the Lord and is driven to tears because of his love of the Lord thus "the weeping prophet". My love, my friend, my Father may I never break your heart as these stone faced people have!
  • Andrew on Jeremiah 5 - 11 years ago
    Verse 1 challenges them to find even a just ruler for God's pardon implies there is not even one. God will still leave a remnant repeated twice - verse 10 and 18.
  • Debra on Jeremiah 5:26 - 11 years ago
    Jeremiah 5:26- I believe that some of God's people listen and scrutinize every word, and action that someone says, just to set a trap to see them fall.
  • Debra on Jeremiah 5:3 - 12 years ago
    Aren't we living through the same thing today.. We've invited every demonic doctrine into our churches never judging nor any attempt made to throw false doctrine out.. Judgement is looming and it's because of the church not our government. God gives to a people the leaders they deserve.
  • Blessed on Jeremiah 5 - 12 years ago
    God is going to mess up this world and no one will be able to stop that, he sends his prophets to tell the people but they are not listening to the voice of God; they change the law, serve God and live like “reject God and die”. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life, if the world wants eternal life, they need to accept Christ as their personal saviour and turn from their wicked ways. And God, our God will pardon and have mercy on us. Let us pray that he will hear our weeping.
  • David Pasquill on Jeremiah 5:5 - 13 years ago
    Awesome verse! My pastor has preached it more than once!!

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