Job Chapter 1 Discussion Page 8

  • Chan on Job 1:6 - 10 years ago
    It 's interesting that the word Satan is found about 49 times in the entire bible. Revelation makes the link, Satan is the devil, the Dragon that serpent. The sons of God are men that worship God, at no time has God ever called angels his sons read in Hebrews. All believers become sons of God, we receive the adoption of sons.
  • Pst Joseph wahome on Job 1:21 - 10 years ago
    Job 1 21 is a word that every human race should actually know and embrace in the whole world,especially kenyans and their leaders,those killings that we are seeing is not supposed to be there if only we know this word,people being proud and selfish after acquiring some little wealth,it teaches us to be humble
  • Ras Kin on Job 1:21 - 10 years ago
    God almighty has plan over his people.Through the suffering we have to get good frm it.And through our faith in God we can 't be tested behold our strength.
  • Namatai on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    even in the midst of trouble,lets keep our focus on God.
  • Charles yarbrough on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    this book and chapter is a great example about what happens to people when they believe in God. in john the pharasees said that the whole world was going after them. but in acts it says that in the end there were only 120 left. no matter what happens keep seeking and praying to God
  • P.M.B. on Job 1:6 - 10 years ago
    If these were angels, then you are saying that we become angels when we give our lives over to God, because John ch. 1 says that God gives us the power to become the sons of God?
  • Joyce Wright on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    I have had the Job experience in my life it 's really awesome to have that kind of faith and trust in God. I didn 't handle it as strong and faithful as Job did, I complained and told God that I was done and He put me here just to suffer when in all actuality All God is doing is strengthening me, settings stable immovable foundations in my life, I never had as much as Job did but now I know why, it 's because I couldn 't handle it before now. Now I have the full concept of seeking first the Kingdom of God and all of His righteousness. God is truly ajjealous GOD and he makes no mistakes, that 's why we are not to lean on our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledged Him, we cannot trust in thing or other people, only GOD can save our souls and bless us to spend eternity with Him. God just want to know that He can trust us to be good Stuarts over what He gives us on this earth. Don 't let things make you, be defined by who you are in CHRIST JESUS and you SHALL have a great life. God bless all.
  • Sharonepps on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    my redeemer live amen.
  • Jean chalmers on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Job is one of the best books in the bible and it is about todays man I loved it so I started reading and never stopped until finished everyone should read Job a sister in Christ Jean
  • Greg on Job 1:6 - 10 years ago
    The scripture plainly states the Sons of God were presenting before Him the scripture also states that the Sons of God found the women of earth pleasurable Jesus is the only begotten Son of God the Perfect Lamb of God The sad thing is that scripture says what it says and men try to take the scripture and play God making His word say what they want to profess to know the mind of God If we take scripture at its word and stop with all the self edifying teaching and use it to serve God instead of trying to be God I believe that maybe we could be of one mind If what you are saying does not edify God but makes you feel intelligent then I think you should take a long look at your motives I pray for us all and may God bless us all
  • Fiona on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Rodney Smith how can you say that The bible is both about people who have had experiences with Yahweh and a code for us to live by I can say my life has been very much like Jobs and Josephs
  • Margret amutenya on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Who tempted Job Do God also have a share in destroyin Jobs treasure vers 16 and 21
  • Primitivo Soriano Jr. on Job 1:1 - 10 years ago
    I need some verses the conversation from Job and tho his wife
  • Rodney smith on Job 1:6 - 10 years ago
    The book of Job is not an historical event because Job had no mother and no father God simply allows the wicked human beings to go to and fro to torment the righteous of which Job is an example Only human beings were ever given dominion over all the earth in Genesis 1 26 and not any angelic spirit beings The word satan means adversary and all throughout scripture the adversary or satan of the righteous is the wicked There is nothing supernatural about satan which is just a word that means adversary
  • PAT on Job 1 - 10 years ago
  • Hazel on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    i look up to this charpter in tyms of hardship and it gives me strength
  • Margret Amutenya on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Job bear this in mind that His God will remain His God even in times of tribulations thats why you c when he heard of everyhting that have happened he felt down upon the groud and worshipd God do we continu worshipng God even in times of weakness Only if we fear God and trust Him as this man did
  • Josephine on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Job was a patient man who loved God Even though his family and all his earthly possessions were taken from him he still stayed faithful to God
  • Mark on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    I have always wondered about these verses Where was it that the sons of God came to present themselves and satan was able to be there too where was this
  • Pius mintah on Job 1:6 - 10 years ago
    yes.the sons of god are the angels.
  • Bryan Meltzer on Job 1:20 - 10 years ago
    I like it
  • Buddy kersey on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    He loved god
  • Brianna on Job 1:5 - 10 years ago
    Job was certaily a good servant of Jehovah God. He learned to be a good father from his heavenly father Jehovah. Job would wake up every morning and make sacrafices in behalf of his family, so that they could be guitless before God. A good example for fathers today to be proactive in the spiritual upbringing of children! If I ever have kids I will remember the example of Job, and try to be a good mother and raise them to be faithful servants of Jehovah with a happy life.
  • Kimutai ngeno on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Friends&relatives might forsakened you but, God never abandoned you..
  • Paulette Dean on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    I use what Job went through back then into the now relm if we would remain faithful while we are going through are hard time and give God thanks and don't loose focus he will bless us double for our trouble. just remain focus and not loose sight of the prize we have something that the world cant give and the world cant take away and that God's spirit in us.
  • Jacktone on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    job love God beyond the wordly wealth. its inspiring brethren.
  • Davie on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    the meeting of the sons of God with satan was not on earth,but in the presence of God,remember satan is the accuser of the brethren,does he stand on a hill and shout up his accusations to God in the 3rd heaven?no,of course not,there are 3heavens,even though lucifer was cast down,he still exists in a spirit dimension unseen to us,the prince of the power of the air,read JOBch1:6 the sons of God came BEFORE THE LORD,in heaven
  • Philip on Job 1:6 - 10 years ago
    the sons of god refers to men on earth,satan cannot worship god in heaven because he was thrown out of heaven
  • Sherrell R. Williams on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Job a very blessed man,whom love GOD had everything. At the end he lost it all but through all of that, he never blamed god, hated him nor turned his back on him because to the turmoil that had presented itself in his life. he began to praise him in the midst of it all. We as humans in this day and time wants to question GOD. we blame the devil for everything (giving him to much credit), instead of really sitting down giving GOD some praise and thanking him as we go thru the storm. God do allow things to happen in our lives to get our attention, to show you just who he is and what he can do and even sometimes to bless you with the best. Think about it!!! People often tell me girl you are a strong woman after all you have been through this year (2013). I tell them it wasn't me, GOD brought me through it all. Yes, Ive had the sleepless nights pillow wet with tears, loss of appetite, separation from people just to talk to GOD and I tell him Thank you GOD for helping me and bringing me through it all. I've had to bite my tongue when GOD tells me to close my mouth, shhhh. I've felt manipulated (they got the best/over on me). He turned a plenty of situations around for my good. THANK YOU LORD, FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE FOR ME. At the end of it all JOB knew who had him in the middle of the hand-GOD DID!!!!
  • Charles thousand on Job 1 - 10 years ago
    Job gives me strength,i look at all he went through and still he gave the lord thanks. My life has had alot of hardships and i allowed thoughs hardships to hold me captive. Reading how job over came all that satan did and never lost faith makes me see that no matter what my life has in store with faith it will all be well! Hardships in life are getting us ready for what god has in in store for us, at our hardest times the lord is doing is best work in us!

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