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John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
John 1:14 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."
John 14:26 "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
1 John 5:7 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."
1 John 5:8 "And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one."
So, Nathanael wasn't sinless, rather that Jesus had already observed his person & his heart (1:48), thus declaring him as innocent from any deceptive working of his mind. This observation not only confirmed to Nathanael Who Jesus was, but that not only bad things & people emanated from Nazareth & Galilee, as these cities were known for (1:46).
That is a very good question. As we also have Exodus 33:20 stating no one can see the face of God and live. As I have heard a couple of Testimonies, from people, that stated to have experiences with God the Father and could not see His face.
Back to your question. The Greek word "horao", translated "to see", has a word origin stating this. "Properly to stare at, that is (by implication), to discern clearly (physically or mentally). The uses, of the same word, in the KJV Bible are: behold, perceive, see, take heed. As see and perceive, also behold, are usually for physically seeing something. To "take heed" may have a translation of: to keep to, obey, regard or mind something. And others. So really using the word "see", as in John 1:18, as you've pointed out, doesn't look like the word they should have used. Like you stated with having people observing, seeing, God in Exodus 24:10-11. As maybe a better word, in John 1:18, would have been something along the line of obeyed or regarded. As nobody has ever lived a sinless life except Jesus Christ. Heeding all glory to the Father.
As I am in no way a professional scribe or pastor. This was just what I came up with to give you some sort of an answer to your question. Someone else may have a better more in depth explanation. God Bless.
John 1:18
18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
Exodus 24 10-11
10 And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.
11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
"Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!"
"And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come."
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Grace and truth is why we should follow Jesus.
Keith Vaughan
Wesley's Notes for Hebrews 6:6
6:6 And have fallen away - Here is not a supposition, but a plain relation of fact. The apostle here describes the case of those who have cast away both the power and the form of godliness; who have lost both their faith, hope, and love, # Heb 6:10|, &c., and that wilfully, # Heb 10:26|. Of these wilful total apostates he declares, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance. (though they were renewed once,) either to the foundation, or anything built thereon. Seeing they crucify the Son of God afresh - They use him with the utmost indignity. And put him to an open shame - Causing his glorious name to be blasphemed.
People's Bible Notes for Hebrews 6:6
Heb 6:6 If they shall fall away. Apostasize from the faith. To renew them unto repentance. He is so far fallen that he has no capacity left for repentance. Judas the Apostate sorrowed, but his sorrows became despair. There was remorse but not repentance. Seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh. By rejecting Christ they place themselves with those who rejected him and crucified him because he affirmed that he was the Son of God. Those meant are not those "overtaken in a fault" (Ga 6:1), or backsliders only, but men once Christian professors who not only turn away from but oppose Christ.
There are many many comments listed after the commentators I've shown to you
He then describes how they do behave as Christians: showing Christ's love to others particularly ministering to the needs of other believers (v 10).
And in verse 11, he continues with that thought that they should be diligent (to do with great effort & zeal), making sure that they persevere in their Christian walk (i.e. not to slacken off), so that their hope of Heaven after their death will be certain.
He's basically saying (using modern terms), the Christian life is not 'a bed of roses'. We use that expression to denote when one relaxes & enjoys one's achievements without a care in the world. But the writer is saying that people who think that way, are very likely going to fall into Satan's traps & be swallowed up. 1 Corinthians 10:12, "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." This is the same thought: "standeth" means the one who is over confident & then relaxes because he thinks that he won't slip away.
The Christian is indeed secure in his salvation, because his salvation is based not on what he has done, but on what Christ has done for him. Yet, he must also be alert to Satan's traps, & walk carefully in this life (& not be slothful, lazy as a believer v 12). He will then know that his life is following the pattern laid out before him & so when the end comes, that his hope (his waiting) for Heaven is a true hope & without fear of being rejected. The true believer will have both a full salvation & also make the full effort to walk worthy of God's call upon his life.
Thanks you once more for you reply. Let us leave it there for now as I digest what has been offered to me.
Peace and love in Christ to you and the children of God where you are.
The Holy Spirit resides in all who have come to faith in Jesus Christ ( John 14:17) & also convicts men of sin, of righteousness & (coming) judgement. ( John 16:7-11). So the Spirit is still working in the World until the appointed time when He is taken away (some argue as to when that time will be). The Son has now returned to the Father (back into the God folder), but He is distinct in that He is now God in the flesh, not as only the Word, but as the Son who has performed all that was required of Him on Earth & now at the Father's right Hand in Heaven ( Hebrews 7:25). In the human mind this is a difficult concept to grasp & that is why you are having difficulties. If you want to understand God in a human perspective, it won't work because we don't have anything on this Earth that can adequately compare to Him & our minds don't work in any other way. But do we say then that because we don't believe that such a Trinity can exist, therefore it's impossible for God to be such? I think then, that it's us who have the problem in understanding the Character of God & not the Doctrine.
Yes, illustrating the Trinity to man's trinitarian composition, is 'problematic': no illustration can adequately do the job, but I felt compelled to use it to try & help you understand, but that didn't work. And lastly, God is Spirit ( John 4:24), the Word was part of that Spirit, & the Holy Spirit was sent out into the World. So we only knew & heard God as Spirit in the OT. After Jesus ascended into Heaven, we see the (visible) God in Jesus, but we also know that God is still there ( Revelation 8:2 & about 3,000 other verses to prove it). God hasn't disappeared & Jesus has not taken His place. So please look into this & see where your theology has become skewed or maybe you are under some false teaching. May the Lord give you light on this very important matter.
That's an interesting depiction of the Trinity you gave, Hugo. One problem though: you have shown to the non-Christian person three separate pictures which of course represent three different gods. That's not what it should be. If I had to use a similar illustration, I would say, show a folder (as one used for documents) & say that this represents God. Then take another folder & place it in the 'God folder' & call it "Jesus". Finally, take a third folder & place it in the 'God folder' & call it "Holy Spirit". So what do we have now? We still have three folders, but two of them are within God. But your non-Christian says, "I only see the God folder, where is Jesus & the Holy Spirit?" You can tell him where they are: they are within God or a part of God.
If he objects to this & says that once they are separated, they becomes three gods, then the answer to that is, that they are all in the one Godhead, but when they separate, they, as part of that Godhead, go out to perform what God intends. So we have the God folder, the Word folder & the Holy Spirit folder all in one God. God sends out His Word (as I wrote earlier), but instead of just words for a prophet to proclaim, e.g. like John the Baptist did, God made His Word a Man to not only be The Prophet, but also to be the sacrificial Lamb & Saviour, the eternal Priest & coming King. And because of this human birth made from Divine Seed (the Word), it is said that "He shall be called the Son of God" ( Luke 1:35).
I feel this topic is now leaving the realm of the Bible, and entering into unusual uses of words.
Just go to a person who knows nothing about Christianity and show him 3 pictures - one, a painting of Jesus; two, a blank picture which represents the Father; three, a picture of a dove which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Tell the man that you believe each picture shows God. Ask the man how many gods there then are. He will say three. Tell the man that although it looks like three, you belief that it is actually just one. The man will say you belief a strange thing. Then tell the man that this one God in three pieces can have conversations between these pieces and get new views and ideas from each piece, while still remaining just one God. - The poor man will probably think this is the weirdest thing he has ever heard in his life.
Look three divine worshipped persons make three gods, or language has lost its meaning entirely.
With all due respect, your example of comparing the Godhead to man's body, mind and soul is also problematic. There are enormous differences between the parts, and they do not sit around a table to have a chat.
What you wrote about God's plan of salvation, I agree with completely, but to then draw a conclusion of: so now the Three are all there like ducks in a row; this is wrong. The only Person (visible) is Jesus Christ. There is never in the Bible any other visible human form of God than Him. The Spirit coming upon a person is symbolized as a tongue of flame or a dove...
Dear brother. Consider if we may not perhaps be doing as the Samaritan woman was doing when Jesus Christ told her "You worship you know not what... God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."
Peace & love in Jesus Christ
This same Jesus, fully man & fully Divine, was crucified, buried, resurrected & ascended to the Father's right Hand. Where once, the Word proceeded out from God, the Word now in flesh, raised in a heavenly Body, sits as the Divine Man at God's right Hand. So Jesus, as we too will be in Heaven, can communicate with each other - I see no problem with this ( Hebrews 7:25).
And in regards to polytheism, by definition, is the multiplicity of gods. The Triune God is definitely not a polytheistic god - that would be sacrilege indeed. We don't have three gods in Heaven - there is only One God expressed in three Persons; I think you are understanding the Trinity teaching from a polytheistic perspective - God cannot be understood like that. If you see Jesus or the Holy Spirit as a lesser Entity, then you have not understood the Doctrine of God - all three in the Godhead are equally God & are the One God: co-equal & co-eternal.
I gave you the example of your personal trinitarian existence, Hugo: you're composed of spirit, soul & body. Do you accept that? Without even one of those 'parts' you wouldn't be Hugo - maybe you could be some type of sub-human or just floating about in spirit form. Or with the Sun in the Universe: a body of hot gases, giving heat & giving light (3 parts of the one). It wouldn't be a sun as we know, if any entity of it was absent. These are of course poor examples to try & explain the Triune God, but I'm trying to show you that a Trinity does not necessarily mean three that are separate from each other, but can also mean three in one, as with God. But in Heaven now, Jesus is seen as separate because of his taking on of flesh & rising in a heavenly Body. We will be like him in Heaven ( 1 John 3:2). So please rid your mind that Christians entertain a polytheistic belief of God - that is a wicked belief, as you clearly wrote. Blessings.