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V.10, Thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. Love is either stolen,killed or even destroyed. The same to our vision. But thanks to Jesus who is a good shepherd who came so that we get life and life in abundance
Having the God kind of Faith, accept Jesus faith to connect with our Faith. Jesus is so good and he help us to put his faith in order for us to believe him and accept his words and teaching that comes from the Father. Jesus is alive, we live because of his love, mercy and grace. He only spake and do the works of what our Father have commanded him therefore we need to follow Jesus as he commanded us to believe him by seeing the good works from his might hands. The Father, the Son and Holy Spirit are one. Believed Jesus and Thank him for the very work sake. His promises that he is a good Shepered who can only give us life and protect as his anointed one. No defeated enemy can touch us, such a wonderful and powerful message he has given to us.
God is Trinity. Example: My name is Harish God Let 's divide my body into 3 parts: 1 My head assume that it is 'Father ' 2 My body from neck to stomach assume that it is 'Son ' 3 My legs from stomach to toes assume that it is 'Holy Sprit ' All the 3 parts are different and it is linked. If any one part also is removed then I am no more Harish God . All the above 3 parts put together becomes Harish God . My Head Father controls itself and the other 2 parts. Note: Jesus said, "My father is greater than I. " Brain head Father is greater than any other parts of the body because it has control over all the parts of the body. I hope you understood the Holy Trinity.
Thank you Mr Lovelace. I love Jesus and His Word. I believed it is written, so we can all understand how we need to live, worship God and love others. It is so plain. Jesus is who he is. We need to believe in what He taught. Our eternal lives depend on it.
This verse is the most important one for us to know and follow in these perilous times. If we do know Him, we will know His voice and we will be safe from deception and wrong choices. My favorite for now, as it includes even John 3:16. Only can know Him if we are committed to His life in us.
the thief here is d devil. he has come to steal our salvation, kill our dreams about heaven, and to destroy d work that God has already done.many sinners today are already drawn in d ocean of their sins , but God is still assuring us through Jesus we have life and have it abundantly. in john14:6 Jesus said I am the way d truth and d life. jesus is d life of d believers Amen
Joni G has the best comment that could be given. It is the teaching of scripture, and the key to becoming a Christian. We have to become a Christrian by being a repentant, emersed believer. Then we begin to have the remainder of the Bible become relevent for us. Acts 2:38, Mark 16 16, and other verses teach us this. Obedient faith is the key. Believe in Christ that He is who He said He is. Believe in what He taught.
Samuel Elamu, first pray that God directs your path to worship with a group of believers that believe and live for Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. They must Bible as their guide. Many groups say they believe but their fruits do not show they believe. A praying church is important. They should teach the gospel the way it was taught in Acts 2. Phillip taught the eunuch the gospel in Acts 8. The eunuch was reading Isaiah actually. If the church is teaching Christ as the resurrected Son of God and in Heaven right now, there is a good chance they are correct. They do need to teach bief in Christ, repentance of your old way, turning your back on your old self, confess, say that Jesus is the Son of God right before you are immersed under the water, then that is the right church. They practice baptism into Christ 's death, just like Acts 2 38 47. A praying church is important to keep us strong and fit for Christ. Samuel, ask God to lead you to the right group of believers in Christ and He will.
This comment is to Samuel Elamu. Samuel, the instructions to be born again were given on the the day of Pentecost. Read the second chapter of Acts. The instruction is given in verses 37,38. Jesus Christ died for your sins, and rose again the third day for your justification. When you believe this you must repent, be baptized in His Name and He will fill you with the wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in tongues. It is real!!! Seek till you find. God bless you. Settle for nothing less than Bible truth.
Denominations do not lead you to Jesus. The Cross, and the Empty Tomb, are what leads you to Christ. He is risen just as He said, and is the door to eternal life. All who came before Him, were thieves and robbers. Go to what ever Church that teaches the Word of God, and follow Jesus, and He will lead you by the Holy Spirit to life everlasting.
I believe it is impossible to blaspheme God. God in his amazing intelligence made it impossible because he refused to give man a name to blaspheme. The so called names of God in the Bible are words that mean NO NAME. I AM...I EXIST! If God has a name we are not deemed worthy to know it at this point in time. It has already been mentioned, Jesus never said I am God, worship me. Jesus was from the beginning as the WORD of God but Jesus does not know everything that God knows. Jesus has no idea when God will say today is the day I close the door and JUDGEMENT will be made. Jesus is the Son of God and he says we are all sons of God, our creator is our Father.
Yes, God created us in his likeness. Man can look up and explore the universe with technology. We can see actual images of flames ejected from the sun and place tools on Mars. Man can build computers and we although we have never met can talk with each other. Man also can look into the microscopic realm and discover atoms and neutrinos. Man has dominion over all life forms on earth. A little ant has thought, a purpose in his community, he strives to keep his people alive. To the ant, man is a god and he is at mans mercy for life. In that context man is a god but there is only one supreme creator, the master of all creation in the universe, I AM.
Jesus is the only door, or way to salvation because only God can save. And Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. Jesus becsme the veil sin that seperates man from God and then went to the cross, destroying that veil, once for all for those who put faith in him
As I understand this phrase, when Jesus spoke of his Oneness with his Father, he was describing His Ultimate Reality the Spiritual Essence at the heart of His Being. He was not making a special claim about his physical self, Jeshua of Nazareth. The Bible reports that he also said, 'All these things that I have done will you also do, and even greater things than these. ' Jesus is described in the Gospel as "God s Only Son ". God has one Son, not many. I don 't understand that to mean that Jesus was God 's Child and we are not. Rather, God has One Spiritual Child and we are all It. Our Real Identity is God 's Son. In other words, we are not many spirits, souls or bodies. We are One Spirit. In the Father, I am you and you are me. This explains why when I help another person feel happy, I experience happiness myself. It is why when I love my neighbour I am loving myself. These teachings are difficult if not impossible for our intellect to grasp, yet when we ponder them in stillness and in quiet, we may find that they speak to our Soul. Through meditation on the words, we may come to an appreciation of a truth towards which words can only point. We experience this as the peace which passes all understanding the Peace of God.
He assumed His Official Position of being God, and entered into glory such that they could not even see Him, and saying He escaped is an under statement, I think He walked away from them. He entered into His God the Son position. Nobody can handle God.
He assumed His Official Position of being God and escaped from them, to prove the statement He had said earlier that even their law stated that they are gods. I think they could not even see Him passing because they were a mob and would have not been unable to catch one man, many as they were. He was invisible like Enoch of old whom we are told he went with the Lord until he was nomore.
I believe that going and out represents activity, ie, the effort the believer has to make in order to know the truth that is able to save his soul. Eg, personal study of the word, going tn a true church, praying for the help of tge holy spirit etc. Truth is not found on the sufface of the ground but must be fetched from the deppest well.
I believe that Jesus is reminding us all that we are all Gods because we are all of the spirit of the creator...there can be nothing else but the creator in all that is created.There is only One and all that exists is a part of that...many facets of the same thing. We have forgotten our true identity.
Calisto otieno oriato on John 10:10 - 10 years ago
This is the verse i was preached to and i got salvation instantly. Amalgamated together with Jeremiah 29 11. Very powerful that every born again christian should crave to read.
I and the father are one does not mean that Jesus is GOD...You took this out of context...you need to read from verse 23 30....what he ment is they are ONE in purpose ...read Mark 12 v 29 when Jesus said " The LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD " and that is the FIRST OF ALL COMMANDMANTS " . And when he returns back, He will tell people like you who used to call him LORD and used say that he is GOD READ THIS Matthew ch 7 v 22 23......22. Many will say to me in that day, LORD, LORD, have w not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? verse 23 And I will profess unto them, I never knew you depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Inquity means twisting the word and GOD 'S LAWS.... LIKE YOU GUYS SAYING THAT JESUS IS GOD OR HE IS THE SON OF GOD..JESUS NEVER SAID THAT he is GOD NOR did he say he is the son of GOD, and he never said " WORSHIP ME " .
The thief is the devil Back in the garden the thief came in God started to make provision for man then Jesus came to give us life and that more abundantly. Everything that the devil stole from me you we can get back through Jesus Christ. That goes with a life of prayer and reading and church attendance and obeying and submitting to God. We have a job set before us. The way is strait and narrow. Few there be that find it. The way to destruction is wide and well traveled and many there be that go in there at. The way if our Lord is not easy But very ,very rewarding !!!! Life and that more abundantly !!!
If we take a glass of water and freeze it then freeze it in sun and melt it the same substance has taken three different forms. There roll, there duties, authority may be different for that time but they are one.
Joh 10 30,31 I and my Father are one. Are so united that the Father is pledged to keep the sheep of the Son. These words the Jews held to be blasphemy, and sought to stone him. Compare 8 52. Memo What Do You Think of John 10 30? I have the authority to give my life, and I have the authority to take my life back again. ... Judas Conspiracy for he has anointed me I and my Father are one You go, and do likewise. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he .... understandeth believe the works that I do in My Father 's name, these testify of Me. understand