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I think it is the most tremendous truth of God 's relationship to those who believe in His Son. This is the Scripture God used to draw me unto Himself and I became His child. When I first read it I prayed to God with tears in my eyes and from my heart that I wanted this relationship. Amazing God! Amazing love!
John 17, verse 25 says, O RIGHTEOUS FATHER, THE WORLD DOESN 'T KNOW YOU, BUT I DO, AND THESE DISCIPLES KNOW YOU SENT ME. What greater proof that the Father is not the way God talked to the people of old. If he were, Jesus could have never made this statement. What I sm saying is, Jesus is the way God spoke to us then, and the way he spaks to us now. That 's why Jesus can say to us that he is always with us, and always has been with us. What we must understand that God is a Trinity. That is, he has more than one personality. The Father is the way God makes his decisions about our salvation. The Holy Spirit is the way God inspires us to believe. But Jesus is the way God speaks to us. And furthermore, these personalities talk among themselves. This is what we see taking place in John 17. The mind of God is talking to itself, or among itself. This is what God has always done. This means that God was not lonely before he made us. He talkedto himsef. This is not a hard concept to understand. We, as limited humans, have a similiar capibility. We often talk to ourselves. So in the mind of God, we see Jesus talking to the Father. We don 't hear what the Father is saying because God never speaks to us by his personality the Father. It 's always as Jesus. This is how God speaks to us in the Book of John, "Hi, I d like to say good day to you, again. I am Jesus. The Father sends his greetings, too. " And when we ask Jesus to show us the Father, he says, "When you see me, you see the Father who sent me, " meaning the Father and Jesus are the same God. Then Jesus says, "By the way, The Holy Spirit says hi, too, " meaning that the Holy Spirit is the same God that the Father and Jesus are. I hope this will help you to know Jesus better!
Verse 21 "My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father... " The basic tenant of the Christian religion is monotheism, the belief in one God. So how do you interpert Jesus ' revelation of the existence of another personality of God, the Father. It 's simple. They are the same God. As Jesus said, "You are in me, and I am in You, " meaning that God is one substance, with more than one personality. So God talks to us like this Hi, I d like to say good day to you, again. I am Jesus. The Father sends his greetings, too. And when we ask Jesus to show us the Father, he says, When you see me, you see the Father who sent me, meaning the Father and Jesus are the same God. Then Jesus says, By the way, The Holy Spirit says hi, too , meaning that the Holy Spirit is the same God that the Father and Jesus are. This is the point If we try to say that Jesus is separate from the Father, or that God is two or three separate entities, we are no longer practicing monotheism, but polytheism, or the belief in many Gods. This belief system is condemned all through the Bible, and no sincere Christian will do it. God is one, and always has been. But when he speaks to us, he says he is Jesus. May God bless you!
John 17.. Clearly Shows that the Father of Jesus Christ is the only true God and Jesus wants the Church is called ones to have oneness of mind with God as he has with Him His Father
I believe this verse is as convincing as any found in the Bible in proving two very important points. Jesus is co eternal and was with God in the beginning of the World. Secondly, Jesus and God are two different centers of conscientiousness.Add the Holy Spirit, and you have the uni pleural Godhead that is made so patently obvious in the Bible. Oneness beleivers need to adhere.
Jesus is W0W He is so loving and kind and forgiving and strict and loving and peacefull and Marvelous and gracious and Beautiful and Everlasting and loving and love and perfect and Holy I love chapter 17 of John because the One shows His love for His and let me know that if obey and believe that i too can be one of His and abide in Him and the Father love and be blessed I am so happy i got saved Thank You Father God for sending Your Beloved Son Jesus to purge me of my nature and allow me to be free and holy in Him The Holy Spirit is always comforting me and Blessed God bless the poor the needy the widows the have nots the lost the hungry the lame the shut ins and may God bless this page in His Wonderful Son Jesus name amen
I believe this is the strongest prayer ever done by someone to God, in the whole bible. Jesus knows He and the Father will be glorified soon, by Jesus sacrifice, and yet he is praying for them to the father to protect and keep them united not only for their sake, but for our sake, too. The prayer is sacred and comes deep from Jesus heart, in pain, because he knows his desciples will be scaterred if Father God doesn't do something for them. That,s why He stayed on earth and appeared to them and continued to give them courage and hope that He will not let them alone. An He didn't. On the day of Penticost He gave the Holy Spirit to all believers who were gathered , knowing what Jesus said, would do it too. Yes, He didn't leave them alone, but sent the H.S to every believer. I praise Him and the Father and the HS every day for coming into my life, Amen
I believe this is the strongest prayer ever done by someone to God, in the whole bible. Jesus knows He and the Father will be glorified soon, by Jesus sacrifice, and yet he is praying for them to the father to protect and keep them united not only for their sake, but for our sake, too. The prayer is sacred and comes deep from Jesus heart, in pain, because he knows his desciples will be scaterred if Father God doesn't do something for them. That,s why He stayed on earth and appeared to them and continued to give them courage and hope that He will not let them alone. An He didn't. On the day of Penticost He gave the Holy Spirit to all believers who were gathered , knowing what Jesus said, would do it too. Yes, He didn't leave them alone, but sent the H.S to every believer. I praise Him and the Father and the HS every day for coming into my life, Amen
This prayer is the most brilliant.
it is progressive as it is personal
I was saved because of this Chapter, Jesus clearly to me through it, HE was talking to me directly some 38 years ago.
The scriptures here shows us how Jesus complited his work of revealing the truth about God`s love to man kind and the willingness of GOD for mankind to be saved and it also shows us that it is still our responsebility also to go out and tell people about the love of God towards them so that they can also be saved because this is the great commision that we are given that is why in his prayer he says he has send us into the world and he is also praying for those who will believe in him through our Words meaning that we must always pray preach evengelise and teach the Word with boldness and power at all the time
Beyond beautiful,,,it addresses truth and grace....truth is Gods word and grace is his magnificent glory unfolded to his own and all those who have faith and accept his son. It shows the intimate glory Father to Son, Son to Man and proves Jesus is our only Savior and Lord. He is also our friend and in the age to come he will be much more,,,i.e., king of kings and Lord of Lords. It aslo shows that God the Father has put everything under the Sons control,,,Jesus has all power and authority.
We must dwell together in unity because together we stand. But if divided we shall surely fall. WE must love one another as God hath loved us & still loves us. If division is among us then its like tug of war. Yes,going against each other,
John chapter 17,reveals his purpose in coming to earth. The importance of him reconciling us to the Father. All points to his Father. Jesus continually humbles himself in this prayer in which he is crying out to his Father. The task he was given to do.... Jesus had a part. And he was obedient to that task. Have eyes to see and ears to hear. Spiritually.
I am new to reading scriptures. How inspiring to hear that we are the children of God and are made like him to be loving, compassionate and godly and not be of this world
John 17 demonstrated to me that the earth is created for Good and Bad souls. God knows the weakness of mankind in this world and he loves us because he created us. In Jesus prayer in verse 9, it said, 'I pray for them that you have given to me because they are mine.I pray not for the world.
God sent his son to show us direction towards him and this is confession of Jesus's prayer to God.
Each time i get to John 17, i am touched because i see it as past Jesus' last prayer for his disciples. He prayed this with a heavy heart. He prayer to God to uphold them and them as one. This means that the body of Christ ( the Church) should be one. But the church is divided. Let's come together in unity that we might be called the sons of God indeed.
This prayer has puzzled many Christians. We must remember that Jesus was a member of the Godhead. And his prayers were not like ours. Yes, they were in the form of prayers, but they were a continuation of the communication he had had with the Father before he became a man. And this communication continues now.
But we are who not members of the Godhead, must pray as he told us to pray: "There is no other name. ..." Abraham prayed this way. And so did the prophets. So did Stephen and Paul.
"And as they stoned him, Stephen prayed, 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.' And he fell to his knees, shouting, 'Lord (Jesus), don't charge them with sin! ( Acts 7:59).
Paul said this about his prayers to Jesus, "Three different times I begged the Lord (Jesus) to take it away. Each time he said, 'My gracious favor is all you need. ...'" ( 2 Corinthians 12:18)
I love the whole book but the 17th chapter verses 20-26 contain the entire promise and the good (read that as best news)we could ever receive right from the words of our Lord and Savior.
Everybody has been saying the true name of GOD has lost and only the 4 letters YHWH was found. Now this scripture is answering all the questions that has and speculation about His name. Jesus says HE has revealed GOD's name. Obviously, JESUS CHRIST!
it is progressive as it is personal
I was saved because of this Chapter, Jesus clearly to me through it, HE was talking to me directly some 38 years ago.
God sent his son to show us direction towards him and this is confession of Jesus's prayer to God.
But we are who not members of the Godhead, must pray as he told us to pray: "There is no other name. ..." Abraham prayed this way. And so did the prophets. So did Stephen and Paul.
"And as they stoned him, Stephen prayed, 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.' And he fell to his knees, shouting, 'Lord (Jesus), don't charge them with sin! ( Acts 7:59).
Paul said this about his prayers to Jesus, "Three different times I begged the Lord (Jesus) to take it away. Each time he said, 'My gracious favor is all you need. ...'" ( 2 Corinthians 12:18)