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What does Jesus mean when he says "woman what have I to do with thee?" Sorry but it sounds kinda rude to call your mother woman more or less 'what have i to do with you'. Can someone explain the context?
Now when you walk with people that have made it ...you will come to lime light.
Joshua walked with moses and was known.
The disciples walked With Jesus and was known...
Come to Jesus
After the first day of choosing his disciples..
He was invited.
It shows that when people see men around you ...they want to call for your attention here..
It means Jesus had somethn that made the old men stick to him...
When you are speaker of the truth,though you will build enemies but People will want to know more
Jesus was not being rude. He knew that his mother recognized the authority and power he had as the son of God. That was why he concluded that his time had not come.The next verse confirms this by the statement his mother made. "Whatever he saith unto you do it. She knew who her son was. In response to another comment or question. The bible is not a story book. It is the living word of God.Ask God for insight and revelation into his word and it will come alive for you.
Who is this Jesus you ask? Is this Bible a storybook? Answer: First the Bible is not a storybook but rather a living breathing book that once you have accepted Christ as your Savior the Holy Spirit resides within you (the Comforter Jesus promised to send after His resurrection and acension to heaven)and guides you and reveals the scriptures to you. It is the only book that the author is present each time you read it and reveals more and more to you as you grow in your daily life with Jesus who is the Christ. Second: Jesus is the only begotten Son of God full of grace and truth ( John 3:16-17) who came to die for us and pay the sin debt He did not owe for us who could not pay the debt of sin we owed. How marvelous to know and understand that the Holy God of heaven and earth and all there is was willing to do such a thing! Romans 3:23 gives us the state we are born into but John 3:16 and 1 John 1:9 are two of many verses that tells us how to come to Jesus to accept the free gift of salvation. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father except through Him. Keep searching the scriptures and pray God to reveal the truth to you and you will see who this Jesus is and how wonderful it is to have Him in your heart and part of your life.
Verse 4; Jesus loved His mother and what is rude to us is different as how things were done in those days and the customs. He made sure on the cross that she was cared for by speaking to John and to Mary that he was her son and she his mother. In that day and age women had no status and had to have a man to do things and be accepted. He was "special"? No, He was and is God, the Son of God, which makes Him higher than man and our Creator. John 1 states in the beginning was the Word and also all things were made by Him and for Him. A holy and just God comes down to us to give us salvation would He really be rude to His own earthly Mother of whom He said was blessed above all women? I don't think so. I believe it was a term of enddearment and as another stated affirming who she was. Notice He did obey her.
As Jesus asked the disciples who do men say that I am? Only Peter gave the right answer saying thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus is the Logos, the living Word of God, and the book he has given to us, the bible is full of stories all about Him. When you place you faith in the Lord Jesus Christ you are born again into the body of Christ, and baptized by the Spirit of God by fire. The Spirit of God takes the Word of God, and makes it real in your life. No prophecy is of any private interpretation, but holy men of God were moved by the Holy Spirit to write the Word of God for our edification. Pray to Jesus to open your eyes, and ears so that you can hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. May the Lord bless you, and keep you. For faith is our victory over this world.
john 2:2 says they invited Jesus and his disciples to the wedding.
Let us involve Jesus in each, and every thing we do (in our lives) and miraculous things will happen in our lives.What will happen if Jesus didn't go to the wedding think about it.........
John 2:4 Jesus never sinned. Had he been rude to his mother, that would have bee sin. Remember that words weren't used exactly the same back then as they are now. Woman was a term or respect. He wasn't being disrespectful. He was simply asking her what she wanted him to do, reminding her that it wasn't time for him to reveal himself yet.
By Jesus addressing His Blessed Mother as Woman was to confirm and reaffirm to the whole World the designation of Virgin Mary as the New Eve therefore the word "Woman". It is "The Woman" who will step-on and crush the head of the serpent (the devil).
If jesus can turn water into wine, and wine into blood, I wonder what he can turn his blood into.....salvation.
Where was the center of worship in the old testament and at the time of Jesus....The Temple. Now what is the center of worship in the Catholic Church.. The Eucharist.. The body of Christ. In John 2 Jesus says he will Destroy the temple and raise it up in 3 days... and then John notes that the temple he was talking about was Jesus body. No go read all of John 6 and the last supper testimony. Turn to the Catholic Church..Amen.
I feel these scriptures should answer your question.
Mark 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Matthew 24:7 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Luke 17:26-30 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;29But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.30Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
I wonder why, at the end of this Chapter,Jesus did not commit Himself to them that they would testify about Him? To whom was He reluctant? Are the hearts of all men the same today as they were back then?
On verse 10 :
1. This verse gives some real insight on the plan of salvation that God has set up through his son Jesus Christ;
2. The wine is new wine which represents the blood of the New Testament from the law to grace (Mathew 26:28,29; Mark 14:24,25), the wine is grape juice ( Genesis 40:11) or non alcoholic new wine or you have to remove 1 Peter 5:8 from the scriptures;
3. At gatherings of importance the best wines are served first and as time goes on and people taste buds become less reliable, then the host breaks out the not as good wine;
4. God always serves the good stuff for last just like salvation, the salvation we have here on earth is good, but the when we get to heaven, it's the best for last;
5. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.
1. The miracle at Cana is the first miracle performed by Jesus (verse 11) and the miracle was performed mostly for his disciples and servants to witness, this why no one else knew where the new wine came from;
2. This whole miracle was not only done for those disciples and servants present, but for future disciples and servants to see a physical to understand a spiritual truth;
3. The marriage represents the marriage that will take place in heaven after the judgment seat of Christ during the tribulation age after the rapture of the body of Christ;
4. The disciples and servants represent born again believers that will be the only ones allowed at the marriage to Jesus Christ;
5. The wine represents the blood of Jesus that was sacrificed for our sins and that is why he told his mother that his time had not yet come (verse 4), and Jesus says fill them to the brim;
6. The marriage will take place on the third day which tells us when the marriage in heaven will take place ( 2 Peter 3:8);
7. We now have entered into the third day, and knowing our time is at hand.
This is a very powerful passage today, for we are now mandated to fill the empty hearts with LOVE and ENCOURAGEMENT of those who are weary and tired, so will we see miracles happen in our lives.
Considering the fact that Mary the mother of Jesus ,Jesus brethren and Christ's diciples were at this wedding the wedding looks like the wedding of a close relative of the family to which Jesus was born into.The fact that Jesus and his disciples
honoured this invitation is a lesson to belivers and ministers of the gospel. Therefore as ministers of the gospel we must create time out of our busy schedule to honour invitation to ceremonies such as marriage , naming ceremonies etc.
The bible says there was set there six water pots and those were the six water pots that Jesus was going to make use of.As a believer wherever you are, you be sensitive because what will bring about a great breakthrough in our lives are usually where we are without us knowing at times.For examples Isaac had lived for long in Gerar, before he knew he was to sow in the land.It was after he sowed in the land where he had been for a long time that he became a prosperous man.(READ GEN 26)h
When you consider that Jesus the Saviour of the world turned water into wine does that give us license to drink alcoholic wine as believers, certainly NO.Infact, when the governor of the feast tasted the water turned to wine he called the bridgroom and said you have kept the good wine till now.That means Jesus actually turned water into a good wine not to a bad wine.I believe it is called a good wine because it is not an intoxicating type of wine but a non alcoholic wine.So nobody should use John 2 as an excuse for drinking alcoholic wine.
Another lesson from the reaction of Mary when they needed wine reveals a lot :
1.It reveals that she is a good family woman who does not want the ceremony of her neighbour to encounter failure of any sorth
2.It shows her faith in Jesus for she came to him to tell him the need in the feast.As believers we should also know how to take our request to God in prayer
After the feast, Jesus and his mother, brethren and his disciples left the feast together to capernaum.This reveals that even though Jesus is the Saviour and anointed one from heaven yet he did not abandon his family and as such they attend ceremonies together and even travel together.Today, some may abandon their family members because they are born again.As believers, we should not abandon our unbelieving family members but we are to relate with Christlike love and wisdom.
Considering the fact that Mary the mother of Jesus, Jesus’ brethren and disciples were at this wedding, the wedding looks like the wedding of a close relative of the family to which Jesus was born into. The fact that Jesus and his disciples honoured this invitation is a lesson to believers and ministers of the gospel. Therefore as ministers of the gospel we must create time out of our busy schedule to honour invitation to ceremonies such as marriage, naming ceremonies etc. The bible says there was set there six water pots and those were the six water pots that Jesus was going to make use of. As a believer wherever you are, be sensitive because what will bring about a great breakthrough in our lives is usually where we are without us knowing at times. For examples Isaac had lived for long in Gerar, before he knew he was to sow in the land. It was after he sowed in the land where he had been for a long time that he became a prosperous man; Genesis 26.
Another lesson from the reaction of Mary when they needed wine reveals a lot :
1. It reveals that she is a good family woman who does not want the ceremony of her neighbour to encounter failure of any sort;
2. It shows her faith in Jesus, for she came to him to tell him the need in the feast. As believers we should also know how to take our request to God in prayer. After the feast, Jesus and his mother, brethren and his disciples left the feast together to Capernaum. This reveals that even though Jesus is the Saviour and anointed one from heaven, yet he did not abandon his family and as such they attended ceremonies together and even travelled together. Today, some may abandon their family members because they are born again. As believers, we should not abandon our unbelieving family members, but we are to relate with Christ like love and wisdom.
According to Jewish law a person could not begin a ministry (preach openly to others) until they were 30 years old. Jesus adhered to this law and started his ministry at that age. He probably preformed this miracle sometime before he turned thirty.
Joshua walked with moses and was known.
The disciples walked With Jesus and was known...
Come to Jesus
He was invited.
It shows that when people see men around you ...they want to call for your attention here..
It means Jesus had somethn that made the old men stick to him...
When you are speaker of the truth,though you will build enemies but People will want to know more
Let us involve Jesus in each, and every thing we do (in our lives) and miraculous things will happen in our lives.What will happen if Jesus didn't go to the wedding think about it.........
Where was the center of worship in the old testament and at the time of Jesus....The Temple. Now what is the center of worship in the Catholic Church.. The Eucharist.. The body of Christ. In John 2 Jesus says he will Destroy the temple and raise it up in 3 days... and then John notes that the temple he was talking about was Jesus body. No go read all of John 6 and the last supper testimony. Turn to the Catholic Church..Amen.
Mark 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
Matthew 24:7 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Luke 17:26-30 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;29But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.30Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
On verse 10 :
1. This verse gives some real insight on the plan of salvation that God has set up through his son Jesus Christ;
2. The wine is new wine which represents the blood of the New Testament from the law to grace (Mathew 26:28,29; Mark 14:24,25), the wine is grape juice ( Genesis 40:11) or non alcoholic new wine or you have to remove 1 Peter 5:8 from the scriptures;
3. At gatherings of importance the best wines are served first and as time goes on and people taste buds become less reliable, then the host breaks out the not as good wine;
4. God always serves the good stuff for last just like salvation, the salvation we have here on earth is good, but the when we get to heaven, it's the best for last;
5. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.
2. This whole miracle was not only done for those disciples and servants present, but for future disciples and servants to see a physical to understand a spiritual truth;
3. The marriage represents the marriage that will take place in heaven after the judgment seat of Christ during the tribulation age after the rapture of the body of Christ;
4. The disciples and servants represent born again believers that will be the only ones allowed at the marriage to Jesus Christ;
5. The wine represents the blood of Jesus that was sacrificed for our sins and that is why he told his mother that his time had not yet come (verse 4), and Jesus says fill them to the brim;
6. The marriage will take place on the third day which tells us when the marriage in heaven will take place ( 2 Peter 3:8);
7. We now have entered into the third day, and knowing our time is at hand.
honoured this invitation is a lesson to belivers and ministers of the gospel. Therefore as ministers of the gospel we must create time out of our busy schedule to honour invitation to ceremonies such as marriage , naming ceremonies etc.
The bible says there was set there six water pots and those were the six water pots that Jesus was going to make use of.As a believer wherever you are, you be sensitive because what will bring about a great breakthrough in our lives are usually where we are without us knowing at times.For examples Isaac had lived for long in Gerar, before he knew he was to sow in the land.It was after he sowed in the land where he had been for a long time that he became a prosperous man.(READ GEN 26)h
When you consider that Jesus the Saviour of the world turned water into wine does that give us license to drink alcoholic wine as believers, certainly NO.Infact, when the governor of the feast tasted the water turned to wine he called the bridgroom and said you have kept the good wine till now.That means Jesus actually turned water into a good wine not to a bad wine.I believe it is called a good wine because it is not an intoxicating type of wine but a non alcoholic wine.So nobody should use John 2 as an excuse for drinking alcoholic wine.
Another lesson from the reaction of Mary when they needed wine reveals a lot :
1.It reveals that she is a good family woman who does not want the ceremony of her neighbour to encounter failure of any sorth
2.It shows her faith in Jesus for she came to him to tell him the need in the feast.As believers we should also know how to take our request to God in prayer
After the feast, Jesus and his mother, brethren and his disciples left the feast together to capernaum.This reveals that even though Jesus is the Saviour and anointed one from heaven yet he did not abandon his family and as such they attend ceremonies together and even travel together.Today, some may abandon their family members because they are born again.As believers, we should not abandon our unbelieving family members but we are to relate with Christlike love and wisdom.
Another lesson from the reaction of Mary when they needed wine reveals a lot :
1. It reveals that she is a good family woman who does not want the ceremony of her neighbour to encounter failure of any sort;
2. It shows her faith in Jesus, for she came to him to tell him the need in the feast. As believers we should also know how to take our request to God in prayer. After the feast, Jesus and his mother, brethren and his disciples left the feast together to Capernaum. This reveals that even though Jesus is the Saviour and anointed one from heaven, yet he did not abandon his family and as such they attended ceremonies together and even travelled together. Today, some may abandon their family members because they are born again. As believers, we should not abandon our unbelieving family members, but we are to relate with Christ like love and wisdom.
Verse 10 proves it was real wine.
God bless you.