John Chapter 21 Discussion Page 3

  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Brother Earl,

    I believe the same observation could be of many church-going folks, the building with whatever name that's put on it has become the church, not the people, lost in routines, many are called but few are chosen. It is sad when attendance is put above all. When Jesus first came was for the lost sheep of Israel, and to fulfill the law and the prophets. To confirm and fulfill the first and confirm the New in, the likeness of sinful flesh, what we see in Daniel 9:27 that many put at the end time.

    I agree hell is not a place for the condemned and paradise is not a place for the righteous as holding places of the dead. I have not found one verse that say we go to heaven. In Revelation 20:14 we see the last enemy; death and its holding place hell (the grave) are cast into the lake of fire. In scripture when we die the grave is our home of corruption and if the same Spirit dwell in us, we will be raised by the Spirit that raised Christ, in incorruption in our immortal glorified body, death is swallowed up in victory.

    When Jesus first came the land was highly influenced by Greco-Roman philosophy. Whether we believe it or not it still has influence on today, the meaning of death, immortal souls, monasticism that Jesus called Nicolaitans, and more.

    As we see in Matthew 16 and Matthew 18 Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom and what is bound or loosed in earth will be done so in heaven. The reason of all the parables was the mysteries of the kingdom was not for them to know but for those who were chosen.

    I agree in most of your post but if I understand correctly those after resurrection being brought into the fold. I struggle lining that up with the white throne judgment of the rest of the dead. Revelation 20:11-15. These are not all lost people, there will be some not cast into the lake of fire because the book of life is opened and only those not written in it will be cast in to the lake of fire.

    Have a great day and God bless,

  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Sister Sacha, I believe we start in TOTAL DARKNESS (no knowledge of God) and we end in TOTAL LIGHT (full knowledge of God).

    Zechariah 14:6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:

    Zechariah 14:7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, or night: but it shall come to pass, that at EVENING TIME IT SHALL BE LIGHT.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Sister Sacha, I have heard you say, through you written comments, God reveals new truths to you every day.

    If this not happening to ALL OF US, then we are not getting enough food and water (that's a parable).

    We ought to have this happening, up until the day we depart this world.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Sister Sacha, thank you and God blessings on you.

    We as, the called out, don't at this point see everything alike, because we are at different stages of maturity. There is a day COMING when we will all be in PERFECT UNITY.
  • English Sacha - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Thank you so much Earl . You and I don't agree on everything but we have more in common than not if you know what I mean . I despise it when I hear so called preachers in my local town centre , aaaaall they do is insult people and preach that God is going to send them all to hell , even people who have never had the opportunity to hear the Gospel are going to hell to be tortured for eternity by some pointy tailed cloven hoofed monstrosity of their own vicious imagination . It drives me crazy , no one ever stops to listen to them or talk to them except me . They've got my number now though , when I walk towards them to ask them to show me where they are getting their info from they try to run away from me , it's easy for them to do that as I need crutches to walk outside . The first few times I managed to engage them and one of them looked embarrassed because he couldn't back up anything he was saying from scripture , the second was gobsmaked by this middle aged woman who could run rings around him and the third actually put his hand on my face to push me away and called me a devil . Preachers of lies and hate and fear . We only need to fear One and that is God , the Holy One of Israel . Christ is coming , you had better know what you believe in and it had better be the Bible , Old as well as New .
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Brother Ronald:

    This is just an observation of the people around the town I live in, and not an indictment of them are anyone on this forum.

    Most people don't read God's word, much less study it.

    Most have no knowledge of the Kingdom of God, as taught by scripture. They have been taught, believe in Jesus and go to heaven, or if you don't believe, then you go to hell, it's all up yo you.

    They are taught out of the New Testament, with most, seldom ever studying, in depth, the Law and Prophets.

    When Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God is at hand, there was no written New Testament, he taught out of the Law and Prophets.

    Jesus speaking one of his parables said:

    Luke 16:31 .....If they hear not Mosses (law) and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

    Acts 28:23 And when they had appointed Paul a day, there came many unto him into his lodging; to whom, Paul expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses and out of the prophets, from morning to evening.

    Before the Old Testament was translated into other languages, there is no mention of HELL. One would assume that if there were such a place of torture for sin, the prophets would have never cease warning people. Yet not one word concerning a place called Hell. Likewise not one mention of a place of eternal bliss, called heaven.

    The Kingdom of God is ON EARTH (CHRIST IN YOU), Christ has been calling man into his Kingdom for two thousand years. Those that are NOT CAUSED to hear his call in this AGE, will be resurrected back to their flesh, and Christ and those that WERE CAUSED to hear his call, will judge the earth, and bring the remaining sheep into the fold. This is very evident in the Law and Prophets.

    In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, man uses this parable to teach the doctrine of heaven and hell, Yet JESUS SAID, if they want believe the Law and Prophets, which DOES NOT teach heaven and hell.
  • GiGi - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Hi, I just read today that John, the apostle, was put in a pot of boiling oil but did not get burned. He was then exiled to the Isle of Patmos, where He received the Revelations of Jesus from Jesus and then wrote the book. I did not read about is death. Maybe I need to look further for its account.
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Hey brother Earl,

    Thanks for your reply, I will meditate on what you shared, and I mean that. I agree, that compassion for those who do not have a clue where their going is bitter, and by sharing the word we can receive some bitter remarks. I cannot place us as John as prophesying to others after the resurrection. I feel we have different understandings of after resurrection but that is ok.

    God bless,

  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Amen and Amen, Brother Ronald, I would like to tell you what has been revealed to me in studying God's word.

    Revelation is signified, so most nouns represent something other than what a dictionary would define them.

    I believe, the BOOK, is Christ, The WORD, the BOOK, of life, of truth, of wisdom, etc., etc., all things.

    Christ told us that we had to eat his flesh and drink his blood, he is our food and water.

    I believe the same applies to the open book (Christ), we eat the book, as we eat his flesh.

    It's sweet in our mouth because it has brought TRUTH TO US, it is bitter in our belly because we see our brothers (the world) that has NOT YET been GIVEN this Knowledge.

    But we will again prophecy to our brothers after they are resurrected back to their flesh here on earth, the SECOND time.

    Isaiah 11:9 .....for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

    God Bless You!
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Hi Eric,

    This one will be a hard nut and it may be empty when you crack it, as in John 21:20-23, Peter was showing he was jealous of John and what Jesus said, maybe Jesus was telling Peter it is not your concern, just follow me and feed His sheep. There was a rumor started that John would not die but Jesus did not say that. Other verses may spur interest relating to John's possible living longer, in Revelation 10:8-11.

    The little book that was open that John was told to eat. If the book was open, does that mean it did not contain a mystery or a secret? Did it contain what the seven thunders had uttered, that John was told to seal up and not to write? John was told thou must prophesy again; will that be in the future? Is it written in the rest of Revelation that John had not written down yet?

    The Bible does not record the death of John, but there are theories out there you may research those, there is one they boiled him in a pot of oil. I would like to give you more scripture for you to study but this may not have an answer and only come to speculation.

    God bless and let the Spirit of truth guide you.

  • Eric Lopez on John 21 - 3 years ago
    The end makes it seem that John is among us. He will live this whole time to present day until Jesus coming. I know further readings will show John in an island in the book of Revelations. Does he die then? I'll have to find out.
  • Eric Lopez on John 21 - 3 years ago
    Powerful wisdom at the end from Jesus to Thomas, "They are those that do not see, yet believe!"
  • Elibert Manuel on John 21 - 3 years ago
    I want to be a bible leader
  • Ken koeder on John 21 - 4 years ago
    I love Johns's humility, when he has a chance to brag about himself he chooses not to. Calling himself in the 3d person.
  • Hugo Zyl - In Reply on John 21 - 4 years ago
    God bless you brother Tim

    Perhaps when a person is so in love with the Lord Jesus Christ he does not even notice big events in the material world. Let us also have such a longing for Christ that we would not even notice if someone in front of you pulled out a knife and held it to your throat. We could look at the guy and say "God bless you dear one" and not even feel the touch of the steel.

  • The Harmony of the Gospels - In Reply on John 21 - 4 years ago
    All the Disciples saw the same events simultaneously, and wrote of it from their point of view; with their differing backgrounds, occupations, all those things that make us individuals. Apostle Paul too.

    That's why they are sometimes called The Harmony of the Gospels. That's what makes them so relevant and in agreement. We are able to witness what New Testament Church is supposed to be like. This the Church Jesus went to the Cross for. From one group of 12, to the whole world!

    Let us remember that when we feel all alone, picking up our cross every day. We are many!!!

  • Tim on John 21 - 4 years ago
    I wonder why John wrote nothing about the ascension???
  • Mishael - In Reply on John 21:11 - 4 years ago
    Barnes' Notes on the Bible

    Verily I say unto you ... - To encourage them, he assured them that, though his kingdom was now obscure and despised - though he was cast out and little known - yet the time was near when he would be regarded in a different manner, and his kingdom be established with great power.

    This cannot refer to the end of the world, and there is no need of referring it to the destruction of Jerusalem.

    Taste of death - That is, die. Before they die they shall see this.

    Son of man coming in his kingdom - Mark and Luke have explained this: Mark 9:1, "Until they have seen the kingdom of God come with power;" Luke 9:27, "Till they see the kingdom of God." The meaning evidently is, "till they shall see my kingdom," i. e., my church, now small, feeble, and despised, greatly enlarged, established, and spreading with great rapidity and extent. All this was accomplished. All these apostles, except Judas, lived to see the wonders of the day of Pentecost; some of them, John particularly, saw the Jewish nation scattered, the temple destroyed, the gospel established in Asia, Rome, Greece, and in a large part of the known world.

    This commentary better describes what this scripture realistically means. These things happened before all the disciples (except John) had been killed.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on John 21:11 - 4 years ago
    I'm trying to understand your question. If you meant to ask 'why'

    Genesis 37:4

    Genesis 37:5

    Genesis 37:6

    Genesis 37:8

    Genesis 37:9

    Genesis 40:8

    Genesis 41:11-13

    Genesis 41:15

    Genesis 45:5

    Psalm 37

    Jeremiah 23:32
  • T. Levis - In Reply on John 21:11 - 4 years ago
    Mathew 17:1-13

    Mark 16:19


    Psalm 22

    Prophetic of Jesus

    Hope that's helpful
  • Sharon Tidwell on John 21:11 - 4 years ago
    Please help me understand what Matthew 16:28 means.
  • Bill on John 21:11 - 4 years ago
    what did Joseph's brothers call this----------Gen.37:19
  • Stanjett - In Reply on John 21:11 - 4 years ago
    I think it is that such a large weight of fish did not break the net.
  • Joe Attina on John 21:11 - 4 years ago
    John 21:11

    What is the significance of the number of fish caught in the net: 153.?
  • Joshua on John 21:22 - 4 years ago
    I believe the Lord granted me understanding of this passage recently. I did not notice it for a long time - the apostle John, did indeed, "tarry" in the flesh until Jesus came to him to give him the Revelation. Our God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is blessed forever!
  • Julia Saxton on John 21:17 - 4 years ago
    Jesus asked Peter three times because He was restoring Peter through forgiveness for the purpose of sending him forward with a renewed spirit revealing to him what is important in discipleship and strengthening him.
  • Douglas Cavalli - In Reply on John 21 - 4 years ago
    Peace and Love of Christ be with you. Yes. A couple of times in John. John 20:30. And one of my favorite verses: John 21:25. ...the world itself could not contain the books that should be written... Lord, I love You!
  • Dwain - In Reply on John 21 - 4 years ago
    Before He was crucified, Jesus did miracles so people would believe He was who He said He was. After the resurrection Jesus was a walking miracle. There was nothing left for Him to prove. Now the miracles would be done by His followers through the Holy Spirit.
  • Dwain - In Reply on John 21 - 4 years ago
    Pray IIChronicles 7:14. God's answer to Solomon's prayer in chapter 6. Repent. Praise. Worship.
  • Mountain Preacher on John 21 - 4 years ago
    Thank you Fred . I was missing that the abundance of fish was actually another miracle . Sometimes I or we miss the obvious .

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