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I agree that the bible uses the word sleep or sleepeth as a term for death. It is the physical body that is put in the grave and the physical body lying there gives the appearance of a person sleeping. We know that Lazarus was dead for a few days and Jesus said he was sleeping. So yes, sleep does refer to death, physical death.
However, there is a living spirit/soul in everyone that departs the physical body upon death. The physical body goes into the grave but the soul departs immediately.
You mention that "The Bible clearly states that there will be those who are thrown into the Lake of Fire which is symbolic of total, complete, elimination, never to be seen again."
I say those who are cast into the Lake of Fire are those who were not part of the first resurrection. When you say elimination, do you mean the same as annihilation? My understanding is that those who are cast into the lake of fire will neither be eliminated nor annihilated, but will suffer for eternity.
I do believe that when a believer dies (Physical death) their soul immediately is in the presence of the Lord. You say that a person "does not go directly to Heaven or Hell, nor anywhere for that matter, but the grave? But then add that the grave is Hell." That sounds contradicting. If they don't go to Heaven or Hell, but you say the grave is Hell, where do they go?
Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Where's the Lord? Jesus dying on the cross told the man on the cross next to Him that today you will be with me in paradise. That man died. Where did he go? Paradise doesn't sound much like Hell to me.
Your advice on reading the Holy Bible is great advice. It's how we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As far as a 501C3 preacher goes, I do not know what that is? I do know that there are some great pastors/bible teachers out there. But, as the Bereans did, we are to search the scriptures to see if those things line up!
So it's seeming that you know everything about after this life in your post? What would you say to all the people who have had NDE experiences and have been dead. Experiencing things like Jesus Christ, a Heavenly place, others who were deceased, a Hell like place of darkness, out of body experiences, etc? Miracles coming back to life. Some of these people being atheist and this is what converted them to the Lord. I have met one personally myself. Would you just call them all liars?
What would you say to me about all my experiences that most in this world, probably you as well, probably would not believe? After giving my life to Jesus Christ.
So you do not believe in the resurrection of Christ?
God makes the rules not men and no preacher taught me anything. The Holy Ghost is my teacher.
God Bless.
On both accounts Also Believe that Jesus is God's son who was sent as a sacrifice.
Thank you, Hope you have a Blessed Palm Sunday 2021
Psalm 2:7: This is one of many Messianic Psalms which have a reference to the coming Messiah (see also Psalms 8, 16, 22, 34, 35, 40, etc.). David would not have had full knowledge of what God had put on his heart to write, except that God did have a plan, that through David there would be in the future an everlasting kingdom ( 2 Samuel 7:12,13). Whether David felt there was some reference to him in Psalm 2:7, is not known, but he knew ultimately that these words did not apply only to Him but to Another, as we read the whole Psalm. Even the NT writers referred to it: Acts 13:33, Hebrews 1:5, Hebrews 5:5, indicating that they too saw Psalm 2:7 as ultimately referring to the Messiah. So, you're correct that it is God speaking to (or, inspiring) David to write the Psalm, but many Psalms & other OT writings are prophetical pointing to Jesus, as even Jesus Himself looked back at those prophecies that spoke of Him & urged others to do so ( John 5:39).
"The Bible is a unique collection of writings. In fact, there is nothing like it in all the world. In a period of over fifteen hundred years, and written in three distinct languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek) on three separate continents (Africa, Asia, and Europe), at least forty human writers from vastly differing fields, perspectives, and backgrounds wrote under the direction of the Holy Spirit in putting together the sixty-six books of the Bible.
The people who wrote the Bible were shepherds, fishermen, and military men. There were kings, a prime minister, and a royal cupbearer. There was even a doctor, a tax collector, and a tentmaker among so many other people from different walks of life. They wrote in a number of unusual circumstances, as varied as being in a prison or a palace." CARM
"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2Pe 1:20-21
Revelation 9 speaks of Abaddon which comes out of the bottomless pit. This Abaddon lived before Adam and ruled a prehistoric world made up of hybrid beasts. The locusts are a combination of man and beast. The creatures that sinned in the prehistoric age were banished to the bottomless pit.
Lucifer fell by looking on the sin of these prehistoric creatures. Apparently lucifer was tasked to cover the sin of these prehistoric creatures with his wings but he disobeyed God and looked and was filled with pride.
There's also mention in Is 34:14 which speaks of hybrid beasts like the Satyr which means [he-goat, faun, devil, hairy, kid, rough]
What other worlds did God create?
The honor and respect deserved, is conditional upon those leaders meeting the qualifications of "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil." Too many leaders, regardless of whether in the church or government, embrace evil. And while the office they hold by the power of men deserves respect, all respect deserved and power over believers is dependent on what their character shows us. God defines for us those he has empowered to rule our affairs. Believers are not to yield to evil, but instead, resist even unto death of the body.
Chris, " What sort of Pastor must he be as described in verse 4?" I believe the position could be either a believer or an unbeliever, in the latter case, a hireling. "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will." Proverbs 21:1
As I really don't want to get into this much as I know my brothers and sisters on here may not agree with me and I do not wish to raise quarrel. Although I will just state this. In Isaiah 22:18 he states "ball". The Hebrew word pronounced "duwr". Meaning ball/circle. Which I would think would pertain more to a sphere shape than "chuwg". Isaiah knew the difference between a circle and a ball and so did the writers of the KJV Bible.
Again, as I could go on I will not because the shape of the earth is not the important thing. Jesus Christ our Lord is. Even though it may help people turn toward God I do not want to make division here between my brothers and sisters in Christ.
God Bless.
Otherwise, the Bible says or infers nothing about inter-racial marriages for Christians, except that we should have such a close union (whether in marriage or business) only with other believers: 1 Corinthians 7:39; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.
On the 'flat Earth', I have no further comment than already given in the past, on such a proposition.
Where does the Bible call the earth a sphere? Thank you.
Consider yourself truly blessed brother, God has a calling for you, I suggest that you find out - extremely important. What happened to me something different, but similar in some sense. I was successful in my marriage, family, career and financially. But when I retired in 2008 to enjoy it all with my wife, everything went wrong - my wife of 38 years was diagnosed with terminal cancer, went through surgery, chemotherapy, so I became a full time caregiver, neglected my real estate investment and stocks, financial crisis took a toll, lost quite a bit, 09/09/09 lost my wife, a very painful experience. One day I was reading my Bible, God open my eyes - I built my house in the sand, not on the Rock. So I ask God questions on what to do - I said God you gave me the wrong tools (degrees, real estate broker, others) training by men which focus on making $$$ manna, God revealed things via dreams - I can't serve/love God and manna $$$ at the same time. So give me the right tools and train me.
God heard and answered my questions, now God's will "Master Plan" is what I have, @ 78 years old December 2, 2020 I became sick - COVID-19 was in the hospital 6 days, God saved me, it took a month to fully recover, soon 79 on 2/11 - God has blessed me with so much, that I am able to help small business owners solve their COVID-19 problems - and I don't charge for my services, I leave everything to God, get paid as a byproduct of what I do, God freed me from the snares of manna.
Fred, yours is waiting, pursue it brother.