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One Question I had, was after the Blind mans healing Jesus asked him to "go wash in the Pool of Siloam! " I feel Jesus wants us to have Faith beyond what we see, but to stretch our Faith beyond our mind and thoughts! Why did the man have to go wash cleanse himself isn 't Jesus the only one that heals and makes us whole! I feel it was a test of Obedience which further strengthen his faith! Thank you Jesus you are more than enough for me!
People 's opinion about JESUS to me do not matter, I know the difference betweet the darkness I dwelt and the light HE had brought me in,Taste the LORD, HE is good, glory.
Blessed is the man that recognises the LORDs handiwork in loving miracles and answered prayers! Look with your eyes and believe with your heart and see the wonders from our Father. Thank you Jesus. Amen
To my understanding this man didn 't know Jesus in a personal way and therefore did not know Him in His Deity But the man knew that once he was blind but now he sees . As I was once a sinner but now that Jesus touched me I see now . Praise God !!!!
The blind man at right place at the right time you kown with the clay only nothing would happen but with Jesus in it it can work faith comes when the blind man walk off to wash his face faith cause miracle to happen whatsoever the Lord told you to do do it will bring miracle it look foolish in your eye but he use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise
The blind man at right place at the right time you kown with the clay only nothing would but with in it it can work faith comes when the blind walk off to wash his face faith cause miracle to happen whatsoever the Lord told you to do it can bring miracle it look foolish in your eye but he use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise
In 9 39 Jesus says for judgment he came here for those that might not see will see and those that see might be blind What I take from this is try to help those that might not believe believe and for those that already believe to help them not to sin It seems that Jesus knows he is already going to die for our sins Correct me if I m wrong
How can you not believe in Jesus christ with that remarkable healing Jesus did for the man that was born blind. If that was me I would've followed Jesus immediately. My wife and I are going through a situation like that with our new born baby girl Hudson. she was born with a cornea over her right eye, and her left eye was closed due to the fact of the eye ball being
smaller.the doctors say she's going to need surgery, but I have faith and believe trust in God and Lord Jesus Christ because he has the last say so. So can you all do Hudson my wife and I a favor and keep us in you all prayer.MayGod bless you and your family in Jesus name. HAPPY NEW YEARS , be safe and stay positive and keep God first.
The first interesting thing is they ask who had sin that this man was born blind. If he were "born blind" how could he have sinned? Did he sin prior to birth? The second is the Pharisees rather than rejoicing in a man's good fortune to be blessed with eyesight seek to find wrong doing instead. Don't you think they know it had to be Jesus who performed such a miracle? Of course because they had already threatened people that they would be put out of the synogogue for saying such a thing was done by Christ/Jesus. They would rather fight fault in Him than to rejoice over a healing.
The Pharisees were not interested in the wellfare of the people they were interested in money and power and flaunting their status over those who they deemed below them. This is why they sought to kill Jesus and to trap Him in a lie. He reflected their sinful hearts to them and they didn't like being reminded of their own pride and arrogance.
I also find it interesting that this man's parents are more concerned with being thrown out of the temple which would reflect poorly on their status in society rather than rejoice over their son gaining his eyesight. Also, if he was known for begging then they were not caring for him in their own home.
JOHN 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
MORNING: when we came into this temporal world.
AFTERNOON: period of toiling, acquisition of wealth, position, fame, material posessions, etc....
NIGHT: death, old age, end of toiling, period were one faces the Judgement of Christ.
What work are u doing: Good or bad. Whom are u working for: Christ or the Devil. Are u Serving God or u are being Served, Are u wasting Time or u are Investing Time. Remember, U are only a custodian to whatever God has put in your hand, God owns it. The life you live, it is not you that lives, But Christ that lives in you, moves in you, and in Him you consists. DONT' SHARE GODS GLORY WITH HIM, SERVE GOD WITH ALL THAT HE HAS GIVEN TO YOU.
God can change someone's life completely,for those arround you may even quarel about you,they may not even recognise you when God stretches his hand on you!! They get confused!
I find it interesting that the Pharisees say they know that God talked with Moses. They may have read it or been told it but were not themselves there. They had to take it on faith. Why then could they not take it on faith what Jesus told them?
In every problem God wishes to be glorified, while onlookers, wishes to cast judgement/ accusation, that we must have sinned.Satan is the accuser of the brethren, but Jesus is the Optometrice who gives us eyes to see the truth.
All through the Book of John, Satan is hard at work to cast dispersion on Jesus and blind the Pharisees to the true Messiah. I believe that Satan worked particularly hard in John 9 and actually made Christ's sacrifice for us a reality. Satan actually defeated himself and those that believe in Him won a great victory. All praise be to God.
John 9, makes me think harder about what I am doing and the life I live. I was told and to this very day am told that I must be doing something wrong when I am going through but this man nor his parents did sin and yet their son could not see until Jesus gave him sight. Remember that we were born in sin and do not have to sin and God will fix our problems so that He can receive the glory.
smaller.the doctors say she's going to need surgery, but I have faith and believe trust in God and Lord Jesus Christ because he has the last say so. So can you all do Hudson my wife and I a favor and keep us in you all prayer.MayGod bless you and your family in Jesus name. HAPPY NEW YEARS , be safe and stay positive and keep God first.
The Pharisees were not interested in the wellfare of the people they were interested in money and power and flaunting their status over those who they deemed below them. This is why they sought to kill Jesus and to trap Him in a lie. He reflected their sinful hearts to them and they didn't like being reminded of their own pride and arrogance.
I also find it interesting that this man's parents are more concerned with being thrown out of the temple which would reflect poorly on their status in society rather than rejoice over their son gaining his eyesight. Also, if he was known for begging then they were not caring for him in their own home.
MORNING: when we came into this temporal world.
AFTERNOON: period of toiling, acquisition of wealth, position, fame, material posessions, etc....
NIGHT: death, old age, end of toiling, period were one faces the Judgement of Christ.
What work are u doing: Good or bad. Whom are u working for: Christ or the Devil. Are u Serving God or u are being Served, Are u wasting Time or u are Investing Time. Remember, U are only a custodian to whatever God has put in your hand, God owns it. The life you live, it is not you that lives, But Christ that lives in you, moves in you, and in Him you consists. DONT' SHARE GODS GLORY WITH HIM, SERVE GOD WITH ALL THAT HE HAS GIVEN TO YOU.
Not the works.