Joshua 8:27 MEANING

Joshua 8:27
(27) The spoil of that city Israel took.--The spoil of Ai was assigned to Israel, the spoil of Jericho had been claimed for Jehovah alone.

Verse 27. - Only the cattle (see ver. 2).

8:23-29 God, the righteous Judge, had sentenced the Canaanites for their wickedness; the Israelites only executed his doom. None of their conduct can be drawn into an example for others. Especial reason no doubt there was for this severity to the king of Ai; it is likely he had been notoriously wicked and vile, and a blasphemer of the God of Israel.Only the cattle, and the spoil of the city, Israel took for a prey unto themselves,.... Even all their substance, as besides their cattle, also their gold, silver, household goods, merchandise, &c.

according unto the word of the Lord which he commanded Joshua, Joshua 8:2.

Courtesy of Open Bible