Judges 6:6 MEANING

Judges 6:6
(6) Impoverished.--The LXX. render it, "was reduced to pauperism." The word implies flaccidity and helplessness, "as of a door hanging loose on its hinges, or a sere leaf shaking on a tree."

Cried unto the Lord.--See Judges 3:9; Judges 3:15; Judges 4:3; Psalm 107:13; Hosea 5:15.

6:1-6 Israel's sin was renewed, and Israel's troubles were repeated. Let all that sin expect to suffer. The Israelites hid themselves in dens and caves; such was the effect of a guilty conscience. Sin dispirits men. The invaders left no food for Israel, except what was taken into the caves. They prepared that for Baal with which God should have been served, now God justly sends an enemy to take it away in the season thereof.And Israel was greatly impoverished, because of the Midianites,.... Were reduced very low, brought into famishing circumstances through the Midianites thus destroying the fruits of the earth year after year:

and the children of Israel cried unto the Lord; which they should have done at first, instead of going into dens and caves; however, better late than not at all; they cried, not to the idols they had served, being sensible they could not help them, though so as to worship them; but to Jehovah the God of the whole earth, and who was in a special sense their God, though they had forsaken him.

Courtesy of Open Bible