Leviticus 6:22 MEANING

Leviticus 6:22
(22) And the priest of his sons.--That is, any one of his descendants who succeeds to the high priesthood is to do the same in all times to come, since it is a statute to last as long as the priesthood continues.

It shall be wholly burnt.--Unlike the ordinary meat offerings brought by the laity, which, with the exception of a handful, was the perquisite of the officiating priest (see Leviticus 2:2-3), the high priest could not eat of this mincha because he presented it himself, since it would be unseemly both to offer it to God and at the same time eat it himself. Nor was an ordinary priest allowed to eat it, because he was subordinate in rank to the officiating high priest.

6:14-23 The law of the burnt-offerings put upon the priests a great deal of care and work; the flesh was wholly burnt, and the priests had nothing but the skin. But most of the meat-offering was their own. It is God's will that his ministers should be provided with what is needful.And the priest of his sons that is anointed in his stead shall offer it,.... The successor of the high priest:

it is a statute for ever unto the Lord; which he by an everlasting statute appointed to be offered to him by every high priest, until the Messiah should come:

it shall be wholly burnt; of a common meat offering only a handful was burnt, and the rest was the priest's; see Leviticus 6:15.

Courtesy of Open Bible