Leviticus 6:24 MEANING

Leviticus 6:24
(24) And the Lord spake unto Moses.--As is indicated by the special formula, this introduces a new law, or rather a more expanded law than the one contained in Leviticus 4:1-5, giving more precise directions to the priests about the sin offering of the laity (Leviticus 6:24-30).

Verses 24-30. - Further ritual of the sin offering (see note on chapter Leviticus 4:2). The flesh of the sin offerings is to be eaten by the priests and the males of their families in the holy place, that is, within the precincts of the sanctuary, with the exception of the sin offerings of the high priest and of the congregation, whereof... the blood is brought into the tabernacle of the congregation to reconcile withal in the holy place, which was to be burnt in the fire without the camp. The holiness of the offering is manifested:

1. By the command that no drop of the blood which might have been accidentally spilt upon the offerer's dress should be taken out of the tabernacle court.

2. By the order to break or scour the pot in which it was boiled for the priests' eating.

6:24-30 The blood of the sin-offering was to be washed out of the clothes on which it should happen to be sprinkled, which signified the regard we ought to have to the blood of Christ, not counting it a common thing. The vessel in which the flesh of the sin-offering was boiled must be broken, if it were an earthen one; but if a brazen one, well washed. This showed that the defilement was not wholly taken away by the offering; but the blood of Christ thoroughly cleanses from all sin. All these rules set forth the polluting nature of sin, and the removal of guilt from the sinner to the sacrifice. Behold and wonder at Christ's love, in that he was content to be made a sin-offering for us, and so to procure our pardon for continual sins and failings. He that knew no sin was made sin (that is, a sin-offering) for us, 2Co 5:21. Hence we have pardon, and not only pardon, but power also, against sin, Ro 8:3.And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... Continued his discourse with him:

saying; as follows.

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