(23) And he slew it.--Better, and he killed, as the same word is rendered in the Authorised Version in Leviticus 8:19, that is, Moses killed it.
And put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear.--To teach him that, as the mediator between God and His people, it was his bounden duty to hearken to the commandments of the Lord.
And upon the thumb of his right hand.--To remind him that henceforth he is to execute God's will, and walk in the way of His commandments.
8:14-36 In these types we see our great High Priest, even Christ Jesus, solemnly appointed, anointed, and invested with his sacred office, by his own blood, and the influences of his Holy Spirit. He sanctifies the ordinances of religion, to the benefit of his people and the honour of God the Father; who for his sake accepts our worship, though it is polluted with sin. We may also rejoice, that he is a merciful and faithful High Priest, full of compassion to the feeble-minded and tempest-tossed soul. All true Christians are consecrated to be spiritual priests. We should seriously ask ourselves, whether in our daily walk we study to maintain this character? and abound in spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Christ? If so, still there is no cause for boasting. Let us not despise our fellow-sinners; but remembering what we have done, and how we are saved, let us seek and pray for their salvation.
And he brought the other ram, the ram of consecration,.... Or "filling" (b), or "fulnesses"; because, as Jarchi says, these filled and perfected the priests in their priesthood; this was the finishing and consummation of their consecration: what is said in this and the three following verses Leviticus 8:23 is the same as is ordered, Exodus 29:19 and needs no further explanation; See Gill on Exodus 29:19, Exodus 29:20, Exodus 29:21, Exodus 29:22.
(b) "plenitudinum", Montanus; "impletionum, vel potius completionum", Drusius; Heb. "impletionum", Piscator.
And put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear.--To teach him that, as the mediator between God and His people, it was his bounden duty to hearken to the commandments of the Lord.
And upon the thumb of his right hand.--To remind him that henceforth he is to execute God's will, and walk in the way of His commandments.
(b) "plenitudinum", Montanus; "impletionum, vel potius completionum", Drusius; Heb. "impletionum", Piscator.