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But if they turn away from their rebellion and disobedience, if they repent and confess their sins and admit to being unfaithful to God and His covenant; if their uncircumcised hearts will be humbled, and they accept their guilt. Then God will remember His covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and, remember the land of promise; when they are in the land of their enemies, He will not completely cast them away, nor utterly destroy them and break the covenant from His end.
He reiterates that He is their LORD and God and for their sakes He will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom He had brought out of the land of Egypt in order that He would be their God.
These statutes, blessings and curses were made while they were at Mt. Sinai.
One thing that really stands out to me is God's longsuffering with the Israelites. He truly was their God and only hope. He wanted to bless them and fulfill the covenant He had made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But, the people needed to keep their end of the covenant to receive the promises and blessings of this covenant. For us, we can easily take sin too lightly. We can presume upon grace that God will not discipline us for our disobedience. But He will, just like He said He would to the Israelites. You reap what you sow ( Gal. 6:7) We truly need to consider the severity and goodness of God ( Rom. 11:22). He will do what is best and necessary to bring about repentance, reverence and proper fear of the Lord in us. May our hearts be softened, circumcised, and made submissive to Him. He is our Sovereign. He has redeemed us and delivered us from the kingdom of darkness. He has not given us what our sins deserve because on the cross He poured out upon our Lord Jesus Christ all of His wrath against all the sins of all mankind. Think of the agony of that. He bore our eternal hell on the cross. We should really humbly show our gratitude by obedience to His will in imitation of Him.
Leviticus Chapter 26, vs. 14-39 Curses and more Curses, according to you sins.
Wild beasts will enter their land and attack their livestock and children, making them few in number rather than multiplying in population.
The highways that were used for commerce and travel will be desolate.
If they do not re4form their ways after these calamities, God will be against them.
He will bring war and the sword against them to execute vengeance of the covenant. Thus there is a just vengeance for breaking the covenant with God.
When they huddle together in the cities, he will send pestilence. No safety there either.
They will be delivered into the hands of their enemies.
Their bread will be cut off, they will endure starvation.
If they still refuse to turn back, God will unleash His fury upon.
They will resort to eating their own children.
God will break down all of their idols and altars to foreign gods, destroying the high places where they made offerings to idols. He will cast their own lifeless bodies. upon their idols.
God's soul shall abhor them.
He will lay waste their cities and bring desolation to their sanctuaries.
Their offerings of incense and fat will not be a sweet aroma to God, nor acceptable.
The whole land will lay desolate to the point of astonishing their enemies who now will dwell in it.
God will scatter the Israelites among the nations.
And thus the land shall enjoy extended Sabbath rest because the land will not be arable any longer since the Israelites did not give the land Sabbath rests as God commanded.
Those left in the land still will be fearful of their enemies at every turn, stumbling over one another to escape, even when no one pursues them. They will be faint of heart and paranoid.
They will have no power to stand against their enemies and they will die in the land of their enemies. Any who are left will waste away in the land of their enemies.
God's demands are made absolutely clear to the Israelites. They have no excuse.
Leviticus Chapter 26- We are not our own, we've been bought at a price. 1 Corinthians 6:20
The Israelites were bought by God with the same price that we have been bought-the precious blood of Christ. So, since both Israel and Christians are bonded to God in a covenant of the blood of Christ, we should take heed that we walk in the way of God, for the blessings of God are manifold, not just for this life, but especially in the life to come. God's chosen people have an inheritance waiting in heaven that is beyond what we could ask or think. Nothing on earth compares to what God has in store for us! It is this eternal inheritance that caused God to call the Israelites sojourners as well as us. We are all looking forward to that better heavenly country. Heb 11:16; Rom. 9:22-23; Eph. 2:4-7
To live in the blessing of God is the best place to be altogether. Disobedience severs one from the blessing God desires for us and can bring many unpleasant and treacherous things to befall one who take lightly God's command for o44bedience and presumes upon the covenant promised to those chosen.
Verses 14-44 itemizes a long list of curses for disobedience. These consequences increase in severity (7 times over) with each step of discipline that God would bring upon the Israelites until they repent.
First, terror and wasting diseases will come upon them
Next, others will eat of the seed they sow. These enemies will defeat them in battle. They will be reigned over by those who hate them.
If they did not repent, God would punish them 7 times more for their sin.
He will break their pride of their power
He will make the heavens like iron and the earth like bronze so that the fields sown will not get watered from rain nor will the soil yield to the growth of a seed and be too hard for the plants to live. The trees will not yield fruit.
Then, if they do not repent, he will increase the punishment 7 times more.
Leviticus Chapter 26, verses 1-13 God blesses those who honor and obey Him.
This chapter speaks of the blessings and curses that will come to the Israelites concerning keeping God's commands or disobeying Him. In verses 1-2 God reinforces three commandments He requires the Israelites to obey:
Forbidden to make idols of any kind, (pillars, wooden statues, carved stone images), Forbidden to bow down to them in worship.
For YHWH is the only LORD God of the Israelites. They are to worship Him alone. So are we.
They are to keep the Sabbaths commanded by God.
They are to have reverence for the sanctuary in which God dwells.
Verse 3 begins the promise of blessings for walking in God's statutes and keeping of His commandments, performing them as proscribed.
The Blessings:
Rain in its season; the land will yield a harvest from the crops and trees. The supply of food and wine will be a full measure to last them from harvest to harvest. They will have bread to eat and remain dwelling in the land promised.
God will give them peace in their land and they will dwell in it safely. The land will be ridden of wild beasts that could harm them. Safety from enemies who would come upon them with sword and weaponry. The chasing of enemies who will fall by the sword of the Israelites when they come to do war with God's people. They will have unprecedented victories over their enemies.
Fruifulness of the womb of the Israelites. They will increase in number. God will confirm His covenant with them (the one to Abraham that his descendants would be as the stars of the heavens).
They will eat from the old harvest and clear it out before they bring in the new harvest.
He will set His Tabernacle among the Israelites and dwell with them in the land. God will not abhor them, He will be their God and they, His people, abiding in this covenant relationship full of blessings.
In verse 13, YHWH reminds them that it was He who brought them out of Egypt, delivering them from slavery.
Verses 3 and 4 show that if the Israelites would have kept Jehovah's commandments, they would have experienced blessing after blessing. Obedience leads to the blessing of Jehovah God.
Verses 1 through 12 indicate covenant blessings for obedience; but the section 13 through 43 are almost 3 times longer where there are warnings of cursing for disobedience. Notwithstanding; there are promises in the last three verses that the covenant would still remain UNbroken (v. 44); and that the ancient promises would still be ultimately remembered. God according to Christ "chastises everyone He loves." ( Heb. 12:6). This can be in regard to an individual; but also the promises ultimately mentioned in Romans to the Jews who are now "blind in part" ( Romans 11:25) until the "full number of Gentiles has come in." This could refer to the Rapture as many commentators suggest; but the full supplication will not occur until around the time of Armageddon when they shall "mourn for the One they pierced" ( Zech. 12:10).
We do well as a nation to study these verses on Israel. In some sense; we are still held under the statement "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you." ( Gen. 12:3). God judges the nations as He pleases (and does all things as He pleases according to Psalm 115:3; 135:6-etc.) All calamities are at least indirectly related to sin; whether our own personal ones; or society at large in a fallen world. We can't always attribute a particular event as a proof of this; however; as Christ's comment on the falling of the tower of Siloam and the blood mixed with the sacrifices indicated in Luke 13:4. There are plenty of things here and in Deuteronomy; however which are usually specific toward Israel; then directed toward other nations in later prophetic scriptures when the end comes such as Isaiah; Jeremiah; and Daniel. This; of course reaches its climax in Revelation. Once again; we see the importance of covenants. We have eternal promises that He will remain with us forever in the New Testament; provided of course that He has chosen us and evidence of good fruit
Paul admonished Timothy to rightly divide the word of truth ( 2 Timothy 2:15). All Scripture is for us, but not all Scripture is to us. That said, to whom is Leviticus 26 written?
No where in Scripture does it say we continue to Sin untill we die if we are Born Again of God's Seed He tells us to Work out our Salvation not meaning work for it to put our Carnal flesh to death by The Spirit Romans 8:15-2Tim2:19-21- Colossians 3:4-6 to be Perfect like He is Matthew 5:48 -Hebrews 6:1 We will No longer Sin Read all of 1John 3 and -5:18-20-2:28-29- Jn 8:34-36 Rom6and8 Danial12:10.
I agree in that when we accept by faith God's plan, we are made new and our souls cannot sin. They are preserved and hid in God until the day of redemption. Our fleshly bodies however can commit sin which needs cleansing daily. The eternal part of us that will spend an eternity either with Christ or without and is preserved. No one, can break that seal. Our souls are saved not our bodies.
Many think we can Never be Perfect and in a Wordly way we Can't but in God's Way we Can. He tells us to be Perfect like He is Matthew5:48 He is Love 1John 4:16 to put our Carnal flesh to death by The Spirit Romans 8 and Aim to be Perfect Hebrews 6:1 in Love 1John 4:11-21 When we are Born Again of Gods seed 1John 3:9 we will not Sin1John 5:18 our Old Carnal Nature has gone our Nature is Righteous.
Scripture teaches that the law and the prophets were until John. We are under grace. We trust the perfect sacrifice, then obey, serve and love because he first loved us. Jesus fulfilled the law. Their FAITH was counted righteousness. The law was given to teach them and us that we cannot attain perfection of ourselves. Certain feasts were given to the Jews to keep forever to remind them of who they are. I am not a Jew. God has always been more concerned with our faith and obedience than any sacrifice. We must trust Jesus the perfect sacrifice for our sins and believe his Word.
Romans 4 :14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect: People say the bible contradicts itself but it doesn't , it just addresses different things that ppl try to merge together. When talking of salvation its free thru faith. But rewards in heaven and disicplship are thru obedience. Separate situations with separate outcomes.
Romans 4 :3-5 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
The purpose of 1 John on is for fellowship. Know here is not to acknowledge or know personally. Think of it this way: a person can have a mom but not know her initmately. Or a man who divorces his wife and says"I never knew her". Of course they know them but they have no intimate relationship with them or understand them. And as both cases when we dont know God as well as we should we lose joy
Remember each book is a letter with its own main theme. Don't just look at the chapters but the whole book. Why did John say he was writing this: 1 John 1" 3 that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full"
..like grace to pay a bill - grace is time between either your death, or the end of the earth to have as much faith as possible that will lead to being a righteous person before judgement, which will occur 7 days after the end of earth as it is today. ..again james 2:20-22. You can't know God unless you do his commandments!!!!! 1 John 2:3.
Salvation is for all who believe.We are His adopted ppl. The New Kingdom will be for all believers. The difference between Jewish believers and non-Jewish believers, is that the Jewish believers are Christ's Bride, and we the Church, are apart of His body.The new Heaven and new Earth will be for all believers, but only certian believers who have served Him will enter into the City of New Jerusalem
Grace is undeserved mercy, so why do keep trying to earn it? You dont earn your parents love, Its freely given like our salvation which He freely gave to us making us His children, but our fellowship with Him, like with our parents is based on how we obey. It saddens me how some make God out to be an abusive parent, He is the most loving being of all. I recommend Pastor Yankee Arnold on youtube.
Sacrifice was a payment for sins. We dont sacrifce bc our sins our paid for. Yes, we should try to do his commandments after being saved, but for fellowship not salvation, 1 John 1 3-4. Its rewards are at stake, 1 Cor 3 10-15. i
Also look at these ppl who keep talking about their works Matt 7 21-23, never do the mention their faith in what Christ has done for them? Furthermore He says He never knew them, not knew them then lost them, remember John 6 37-39. These ppl doubted his complete work and looked to their own works. What is the will of the Father? John 6 39-40, believe in His Son.
Also Ecclesisticus is non-canoinical.Its not even recognized as OT by the Jews. Its ued by lordship ppl to bring fear and twist faith with lies. Again if He hates us why die for us? God hates sinners is the biggest lie ever. Sin separates us from Him so He died to remove it that we may boldy come to Him, Eph 3 11-12. He sacrifced himself for sinners, so how does that verse make sense?
But if they turn away from their rebellion and disobedience, if they repent and confess their sins and admit to being unfaithful to God and His covenant; if their uncircumcised hearts will be humbled, and they accept their guilt. Then God will remember His covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and, remember the land of promise; when they are in the land of their enemies, He will not completely cast them away, nor utterly destroy them and break the covenant from His end.
He reiterates that He is their LORD and God and for their sakes He will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom He had brought out of the land of Egypt in order that He would be their God.
These statutes, blessings and curses were made while they were at Mt. Sinai.
One thing that really stands out to me is God's longsuffering with the Israelites. He truly was their God and only hope. He wanted to bless them and fulfill the covenant He had made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But, the people needed to keep their end of the covenant to receive the promises and blessings of this covenant. For us, we can easily take sin too lightly. We can presume upon grace that God will not discipline us for our disobedience. But He will, just like He said He would to the Israelites. You reap what you sow ( Gal. 6:7) We truly need to consider the severity and goodness of God ( Rom. 11:22). He will do what is best and necessary to bring about repentance, reverence and proper fear of the Lord in us. May our hearts be softened, circumcised, and made submissive to Him. He is our Sovereign. He has redeemed us and delivered us from the kingdom of darkness. He has not given us what our sins deserve because on the cross He poured out upon our Lord Jesus Christ all of His wrath against all the sins of all mankind. Think of the agony of that. He bore our eternal hell on the cross. We should really humbly show our gratitude by obedience to His will in imitation of Him.
Wild beasts will enter their land and attack their livestock and children, making them few in number rather than multiplying in population.
The highways that were used for commerce and travel will be desolate.
If they do not re4form their ways after these calamities, God will be against them.
He will bring war and the sword against them to execute vengeance of the covenant. Thus there is a just vengeance for breaking the covenant with God.
When they huddle together in the cities, he will send pestilence. No safety there either.
They will be delivered into the hands of their enemies.
Their bread will be cut off, they will endure starvation.
If they still refuse to turn back, God will unleash His fury upon.
They will resort to eating their own children.
God will break down all of their idols and altars to foreign gods, destroying the high places where they made offerings to idols. He will cast their own lifeless bodies. upon their idols.
God's soul shall abhor them.
He will lay waste their cities and bring desolation to their sanctuaries.
Their offerings of incense and fat will not be a sweet aroma to God, nor acceptable.
The whole land will lay desolate to the point of astonishing their enemies who now will dwell in it.
God will scatter the Israelites among the nations.
And thus the land shall enjoy extended Sabbath rest because the land will not be arable any longer since the Israelites did not give the land Sabbath rests as God commanded.
Those left in the land still will be fearful of their enemies at every turn, stumbling over one another to escape, even when no one pursues them. They will be faint of heart and paranoid.
They will have no power to stand against their enemies and they will die in the land of their enemies. Any who are left will waste away in the land of their enemies.
God's demands are made absolutely clear to the Israelites. They have no excuse.
The Israelites were bought by God with the same price that we have been bought-the precious blood of Christ. So, since both Israel and Christians are bonded to God in a covenant of the blood of Christ, we should take heed that we walk in the way of God, for the blessings of God are manifold, not just for this life, but especially in the life to come. God's chosen people have an inheritance waiting in heaven that is beyond what we could ask or think. Nothing on earth compares to what God has in store for us! It is this eternal inheritance that caused God to call the Israelites sojourners as well as us. We are all looking forward to that better heavenly country. Heb 11:16; Rom. 9:22-23; Eph. 2:4-7
To live in the blessing of God is the best place to be altogether. Disobedience severs one from the blessing God desires for us and can bring many unpleasant and treacherous things to befall one who take lightly God's command for o44bedience and presumes upon the covenant promised to those chosen.
Verses 14-44 itemizes a long list of curses for disobedience. These consequences increase in severity (7 times over) with each step of discipline that God would bring upon the Israelites until they repent.
First, terror and wasting diseases will come upon them
Next, others will eat of the seed they sow. These enemies will defeat them in battle. They will be reigned over by those who hate them.
If they did not repent, God would punish them 7 times more for their sin.
He will break their pride of their power
He will make the heavens like iron and the earth like bronze so that the fields sown will not get watered from rain nor will the soil yield to the growth of a seed and be too hard for the plants to live. The trees will not yield fruit.
Then, if they do not repent, he will increase the punishment 7 times more.
He will cause more plagues to come upon them.
This chapter speaks of the blessings and curses that will come to the Israelites concerning keeping God's commands or disobeying Him. In verses 1-2 God reinforces three commandments He requires the Israelites to obey:
Forbidden to make idols of any kind, (pillars, wooden statues, carved stone images), Forbidden to bow down to them in worship.
For YHWH is the only LORD God of the Israelites. They are to worship Him alone. So are we.
They are to keep the Sabbaths commanded by God.
They are to have reverence for the sanctuary in which God dwells.
Verse 3 begins the promise of blessings for walking in God's statutes and keeping of His commandments, performing them as proscribed.
The Blessings:
Rain in its season; the land will yield a harvest from the crops and trees. The supply of food and wine will be a full measure to last them from harvest to harvest. They will have bread to eat and remain dwelling in the land promised.
God will give them peace in their land and they will dwell in it safely. The land will be ridden of wild beasts that could harm them. Safety from enemies who would come upon them with sword and weaponry. The chasing of enemies who will fall by the sword of the Israelites when they come to do war with God's people. They will have unprecedented victories over their enemies.
Fruifulness of the womb of the Israelites. They will increase in number. God will confirm His covenant with them (the one to Abraham that his descendants would be as the stars of the heavens).
They will eat from the old harvest and clear it out before they bring in the new harvest.
He will set His Tabernacle among the Israelites and dwell with them in the land. God will not abhor them, He will be their God and they, His people, abiding in this covenant relationship full of blessings.
In verse 13, YHWH reminds them that it was He who brought them out of Egypt, delivering them from slavery.
Great teachings, may the Lord bless you and all you do.
They were punished seven times = 7 x 360 = 2,520 years
Israel was taken by Assyria in 721 BC +2,520 = 1799 (Ephraim = British)
Judah was taken by Babylon in 604 BC + 2,520 years = 1917 (Judah Balfour Declaration)
Those dates correspond with both houses of Israel; they are significant to understanding who they are.
We do well as a nation to study these verses on Israel. In some sense; we are still held under the statement "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you." ( Gen. 12:3). God judges the nations as He pleases (and does all things as He pleases according to Psalm 115:3; 135:6-etc.) All calamities are at least indirectly related to sin; whether our own personal ones; or society at large in a fallen world. We can't always attribute a particular event as a proof of this; however; as Christ's comment on the falling of the tower of Siloam and the blood mixed with the sacrifices indicated in Luke 13:4. There are plenty of things here and in Deuteronomy; however which are usually specific toward Israel; then directed toward other nations in later prophetic scriptures when the end comes such as Isaiah; Jeremiah; and Daniel. This; of course reaches its climax in Revelation. Once again; we see the importance of covenants. We have eternal promises that He will remain with us forever in the New Testament; provided of course that He has chosen us and evidence of good fruit