Leviticus Chapter 4 Discussion

  • GiGi on Leviticus 4 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 4

    The altar of sacrifice had no crown molding around the edges. On the cross, Jesus was accursed due to our sin being upon Him. He was in the sacrifice for our transgressions, the payment for our sins, the propitiation for our rebellion against God, the reconciling sacrifice to cleanse us from sin. The altar of incense did have a crown molding around the edge. Jesus is depicted in this altar as our reigning King who purchased us with His blood and made us righteous before God. He is our representative, like the High Priest is the representative of all of Israel. His atonement is accepted by the Father and we are received into union with the Godhead through Jesus.

    I am sure there is much more to be said on this Chapter. I welcome others input.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 4 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 4


    So, as to the differences, let's begin with the topic of voluntary and compulsory.

    The first three offerings were not required. They are a free will offering on the part of the Israelite because they want to honor God and worship Him without being constrained to do so. It demonstrates the believers desire to commune with God, to bring Him glory, to interact with Him, and to give to Him.

    The sin offering is mandatory. Sin must be dealt with. It has a price to be paid by a sacrifice. When a sinner brings this sacrifice to God, He is out of fellowship with God and the sacrifice removes the sin so that fellowship can be re-established. The sinner needs to be purified of sin. This purification must be made outside the camp, not in the camp where only that which is clean can abide. Our sin separates us from the fellowship of the Trinity because He is absolutely pure and holy. He cannot abide with sin.

    Also, The body of sin is not fit for human consumption. It is tainted through and through. So, the priests cannot eat of it, also.

    The sprinkling of the blood before the door of the tabernacle vs. before the veil is significant in that the courtyard is where all the Israelites congregated, but the holy place was entered only by the high priest as a representative of the people. So the blood of Christ sprinkled upon the place (our inner man) where the people worship God is sanctified and the blood of Christ sprinkled before the veil that separated the people from God indicates to God that the sin had been satisfactorily propitiated to reconcile the people to God. This is a beautiful picture of Jesus as our Mediator, High Priest, and Savior.

    The application of the blood upon the horns of the altar of incense vs. the altar of sacrifice, my thoughts are of this sort. The brazen altar of sacrifice refers to the Cross of Christ where He paid for our sins. The altar of incense refers to the intercession of Jesus as our Mediator. .. continued
  • GiGi on Leviticus 4 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 4

    This Chapter discusses the procedures for the sin offering for various groups of people:

    The high priest

    The whole congregation

    The leader or ruler (prince or king in later times)

    A common Israelite

    The sacrifice is very similar to the offering for atonement in Chapter 1, but there are a few differences.

    In Chapter 1, the animal was skinned, not so in Chapter 4

    The animal could be cattle, sheep, goat, or birds in Chapter 1, but in chapter 4 the animal is either a young bullock (1-2 years old), or a male kid goat, or a female sheep.

    In Chapter 1, the blood was sprinkled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting, in Chapter 4, the blood is sprinkled before the veil that separated the holy place and the holy of holies. The priest is to dip his finger in the blood and apply it to the horns of the altar of incense seven times or to the horns of the altar of sacrifice.

    In Chapter 1 the animal sacrificed is to be burned completely on the altar until it is ashes. Like the peace offering in Chapter 3 the fat is burned on the altar of sacrifice, not the flesh and remainder of the animal in Chapter 4. Also, differing from the peace offering, in the sin offering, instead of the flesh being eaten in a fellowship meal, the whole carcass of the animal is taken by the priest outside of the camp to where the ashes from the altar of sacrifices are deposited and the animal is completely burned on wood on top of this heap of ashes.

    The first three offerings were voluntary, but the sin offering was compulsory.

    The first three offerings were a sweet aroma unto God. The sin offering was not.

    The word atonement is used for both the burnt offering in Chapter 1 and the sin offering in Chapter 4. Makes me wonder, does this word have different meanings in these two instances?

    These differences are a bit subtle and can be easily overlooked in reading through the chapters.

    So my thoughts on these differences will be given in the next post....
  • BSP on Leviticus 4 - 3 years ago
    All sin requires an atonement to be made. God made sure to specify what was to be done in order for the Israelites to have forgiveness of their sins.
  • MattyR - In Reply on Leviticus 4 - 5 years ago
    Jesus doesn't play a "similar" role, he makes all these offerings obsolete.
  • BSP on Leviticus 4 - 6 years ago
    The priests played a serious role in representing the people before Jehovah God and offering sacrifices in their behalf. The greater High Priest, Jesus Christ, has a similar role today.
  • Mike on Leviticus 4 - 6 years ago
    I heard Christ died for our sins when I was desperate. 2 people were sent to me and showed me. I get it ...I will never die and live happily everafter. His death burial and resurection was to save us from the wages of sin by actually supernaturally forging those that get it into one body, the body of Christ while he was in hell.
  • Melyssa on Leviticus 4 - 6 years ago
    Makes you think, how much blood had to be spilled before Jesus died on the cross for us.
  • BSP on Leviticus 4 - 6 years ago
    Verses 2-4~The people were to give a sacrifice if they sinned because of ignorance. We are sinners and we should pray to Jehovah God for forgiveness and help when we sin.
  • Stephen on Leviticus 4 - 7 years ago
    I'm so thankful to God for the death and resurrection of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. How wonderful to be under Grace than the burden of the Law!
  • Insight777 on Leviticus 4 - 7 years ago
    Jesus came to dispel laws of sacrifice because the true temple of God is in your heart and mind not in a building built with hands. Gods kingdom is in his heaven and the entire earth is under his feet. How does one put a roof over God? God does not allow it. If a temple made by hands is not required then an altar with the blood of dead animals on it is not required. Join together but with truth.
  • Munaaph khan on Leviticus 4 - 8 years ago
    I really thank the Lord for His mercy towards us by fogivness of the cross so we can be free to share His love to a world that needs salvation
  • Lila Evans on Leviticus 4 - 8 years ago
    thank God for the love. that he has for us.for if God didn't love us the way that he do our sin would have taking us straight to hell.thank you Lord for giving the world another chance.
  • Irene123 on Leviticus 4 - 8 years ago
    To Tony on Lev, 4 - all the O.T. was a 'schoolteacher' to bring us to Christ. It's all a 'shadow' of the N.T. Jesus' sacrifice was the fulfillment of the O.T. The shedding of blood in the Old was foretelling of Jesus shed blood. That' why the old had to be repeted many times - because it was not PERFECT; Jesus was PERFECT.
  • Rebecca on Leviticus 4 - 9 years ago
    Animal sacrifices provided a means via which the Israelites could be forgiven of sins, because Christ had not yet died. The animals were sacrificed as a substitute for the sinner (because the wages of sin is death), in much the same way that Jesus was sacrificed in order that our sins can be forgiven. So Jesus fulfilled the sin offering by dying in our place, allowing us access to eternal life.
  • Robert W. on Leviticus 4 - 9 years ago
    Tony, this chapter deals with instructions to the children of isreal on how to atone to sins through ignorance. This only applies to Hebrews.
    Read the first verse.
  • Tony on Leviticus 4 - 9 years ago
    This chapter 4 of Leviticus is strange. What is the symbolic meaning of this chapter? I can't reconcile this in any way with our LORD's sacrifice. There has to be a deeper meaning that I cannot understand at this time. Anybody?
  • Ruth on Leviticus 4 - 10 years ago
    I enjoyed reading this scripture because its to the point.
  • Kingsley on Leviticus 4 - 10 years ago
    sin is a very serious isue more serious than a carnal mind can imagine
  • Margaret on Leviticus 4 - 11 years ago
    Thank Almighty God for his perfect sacrifice
  • Mary mari on Leviticus 4 - 14 years ago
    the sins of ignorance committed by a common person,needed a sacrifice; the greatest are not above, the meanest are not below divin justice.we need to use frequent self-examination,with serious study of the scriptures.

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