Luke 19:47 MEANING

Luke 19:47
(47) And he taught daily in the temple.--Literally, He was teaching.

The chief of the people.--Literally, the first of the people. The word is the same as in Mark 6:21, for "the chief estates" of Galilee. Here, apparently, it denotes those who, whether members of the Sanhedrin or not, were men of mark--notables, as it were--among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. As to the purpose ascribed to them, see Note on Mark 11:18.

Verse 47. - And he taught daily in the temple. This and the following verses give, after the manner of St. Luke, both in his Gospel and in the Acts, a general picture of the Lord's life in these last days of his public ministry in Jerusalem; anal of the effect of his last teaching (l) upon the priests and scribes, etc., and

(2) upon the mass of the people. The Greek word rendered "very attentive to hear (him)" is an expressive one, and describes the intense attention with which the people generally listened to the last solemn public utterances of the Master. It means literally, "they hung upon his lips."

19:41-48 Who can behold the holy Jesus, looking forward to the miseries that awaited his murderers, weeping over the city where his precious blood was about to be shed, without seeing that the likeness of God in the believer, consists much in good-will and compassion? Surely those cannot be right who take up any doctrines of truth, so as to be hardened towards their fellow-sinners. But let every one remember, that though Jesus wept over Jerusalem, he executed awful vengeance upon it. Though he delights not in the death of a sinner, yet he will surely bring to pass his awful threatenings on those who neglect his salvation. The Son of God did not weep vain and causeless tears, nor for a light matter, nor for himself. He knows the value of souls, the weight of guilt, and how low it will press and sink mankind. May he then come and cleanse our hearts by his Spirit, from all that defiles. May sinners, on every side, become attentive to the words of truth and salvation.And he taught daily in the temple,.... Every day till the passover came, and only in the day; for at night he went out of the city to Bethany, or to the Mount of Olives: some of his discourses in the temple, the parables he delivered, and his disputations with the doctors, are recorded in Matthew 21:27,

but the chief priests, and the Scribes, and the chief of the people; or "the elders of the people", as the Syriac version renders it; that is, the whole sanhedrim:

sought to destroy him; met and consulted together how to get him into their hands, and what charges to bring against him, in order to put him to death.

Courtesy of Open Bible