Luke 6:6 MEANING

Luke 6:6
(6) It came to pass also on another sabbath.--See Notes on Matthew 12:9-14; Mark 3:1-6.

Whose right hand was withered.--St. Luke alone specifies which hand it was that was affected.

Verse 6. - And it came to pass also on another sabbath, that he entered into the synagogue and taught: and there was a man whose right hand was withered. This was the second part of his sabbath teaching. The first had taken place in the open country, in one of the corn-fields near the Lake of Gennesaret. The second was given in a synagogue possibly in the city of Capernaum. St. Luke inserts this scene, which may have taken place several weeks after the one above related, because it completes in a way the teaching of the Lord on this important point of the ceremonial law.

6:6-11 Christ was neither ashamed nor afraid to own the purposes of his grace. He healed the poor man, though he knew that his enemies would take advantage against him for it. Let us not be drawn either from our duty or from our usefulness by any opposition. We may well be amazed, that the sons of men should be so wicked.And it came to pass also on another sabbath,.... Whether the following sabbath, or some time after, is not certain,

that he entered into the synagogue. The Arabic version reads, "into their synagogue", as in Matthew 12:9 the synagogue of the Jews; in what place, whether at Capernaum, or some other city of Galilee, is not so clear:

and taught; explained the Scriptures to the people, and instructed them in the doctrines of the Gospel:

and there was a man whose right hand was withered; who was in the synagogue, and one of his hearers; See Gill on Matthew 12:10

Courtesy of Open Bible