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Paul; clearly the Lord here is talking about repentance and forgiveness, and having the wisdom to be prepared to meet our Maker! It only distracts from the intended point to try to find hidden meanings in things like whether this is referring to Purgatory. A good rule for understanding the Scriptures is to read them with respect to the whole context of what was written and apply that to ourselves.
Verse 13: This man had the opportunity to actually meet Jesus in person and ask him questions and learn from him. He chose to focus on himself and material things.
Verse 20: This man's material things could not save his life and would not benefit him after his death. We need to develop a balanced view of material things.
"Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings (assarions), and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows." An assarion was 1/10th of a drachma, and in today's market a Greek drachma is 0.0034165810711665 dollars. Five sparrows was a very poor person's dinner. None is too small to God!
Thinking of how tiny a sparrow is and how we may not even notice them, this verse is very heartwarming. No matter how much we feel we don't matter or how small we feel, Jehovah God notice everything thing about us and he values individuals.
My comment is, When we sin, and we are convicted, I don't believe its God telling us it's imminent doom...However, I do believe it is a warning to stop doing what we are doing, because if we continue that behavior, Yes, imminent doom will eventually come. You don't want to scare your viewers, you want to help them to understand, especially Newcomers! Draw them in, not scare them away. I'm a firm believer, and a sinner as we all are. It needs to be conveyed that we are saved by Grace, but that we need to come to the foot of the cross and ask for forgiveness to receive it. Thank you!:
Verse 2: No matter how much one may try to hide a certain action, this verse shows that God will make sure that all things are revealed and dealt with.
Steve Marrow, Amen. So, fearing the Lord with trembling before his word has been established. "after He hath killed" Do you believed he kills people as in; wars, 911, heart attacks, etc.?
It please Father to give us His Kingdom, this reminds me of Matt 6:33 seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all other things shall be added.. As a disciple of Christ, I honesty think that throughout our Lives here on Earth, 2 things we should seek. .As of Matt 6:33 GOD'S kingdom and His Righteousness. . As we do this Father is pleased to give us the Kingdom
Luke 12;1-5 Jesus warns me; and I trust him. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.I hope with all my heart that I will never forget it, reject it, or speak against it, If the Lord is willing he will continue to give me understanding in this matter, I have his peace in this. His mercy endures forever. Every word of God is pure. There is no fear in love, I love him and I fear him,trembling
This chapter is exceedingly rich in the Words of Jesus calling us to service, to know that He cares for us in spite of our frailties and failings and to be ever watchful for He could return for His Bride any time.
This chapter foretells who shall enter the kingdom of God, and it will be those who watch for His coming. But it is not in the flesh but spiritual just as the heart Jesus speaks of is not a pump. He forewarns that what we do on earth in our lifetime predicts what becomes of our soul. Jesus is NOT coming to earth again to rule. Read the parables and learn that how we are is where we will go
To disciple - You spend a lot of time instructing others - back at cha', disciple; we're pretty much alike - in that respect. I am telling the truth as I say this: I pray for all of those on here - you are part of 'all'. The peace and love of Jesus be with you this Saturday, disciple, have a blessed day.
Irene, have you not read the part where the Lord Jesus warns against blasphemy of the Holy Ghost? This terrible warning of eternal damnation concerns those who said Jesus had an unclean spirit; and who were NEVER saved Christians! You spend a lot of time "instructing" others; but the foundation and building of understanding knowledge of the Spirit of Truth must be irrefutable as Whom we speak for.
I really don't see how, through writing, talking, anyone could 'force' anyone to do anything. If that were the case - you better talk to God, Bruce; His 'language' is much more 'forceful' than mine. I'm not angry with you; Please believe that. I pray that your day will be blessed of God - in Jesus name, Amen
Irene:The Scripture says he that speaks evil of the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness-,describes came down and they said, Jesus has a devil: that's saying The Holy Ghost is a devil: Mark 3:22-30/ Are you trying to force people to believe what you do? Where in scripture does it say the things you said?/ Hebrews 9:12 redemption through his blood forever Revelations 1:5 washed by his blood/ 1John 1:9
V. 10 - One who blasphemes against the Holy Ghost is one who has been saved, walked with Jesus for a time, then for one 'worldly' reason or another, has left the church and then began teaching friends, family, that it's all a lie, i.e. the healing, the answered prayer, the receiving of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in tongues, and etc.
To Steph - I have to ask (and this is an honest, sincere question) why do you think the Bible has hung around for 2,000 yrs., give or take a hundred, if no one should read it?
V. 1 - " ..... there were an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another ..... " ; can you imagine?! Hungry, honest souls as well as the Pharisees and Sadducees. The Lord God just shone His light on Jesus for all to see. Even the false prophets that came before Jesus didn't have such a following. People KNEW Jesus was - different.
This is the truth on steroids. God is a heart knower. He kniws that all are in sin. Christians misconstrue that Jesus exonerated us on the cross. Do you really think that he died so as to prevent us from striving against the Devil. He has forewarned us that all must watch which means we must search our own hearts for the evil therein. Judge for yourself the times. Our leader is an evil liar
To Lew on Lk. 12:42-47 -- The 'servant' is the pastor/minister of a church. The house is the church/people. These vs. are similar to Rev. 1:20 where the "angels' of the 7 churches are the pastors.
Lew: Hebrews 10:10-15,v:12-- offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God;-- John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father--draw him:-- 1John 1:9 ask forgiveness-- Matthew 3:11 baptized with fire:-- 2nd Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old things are passed away;behold all things are become new. You will know!
Sin again 1John1:9
to Lew - not sure what you're asking, did JESUS die for our/your/my sin? His sacrifice was only a sin offering as in Leviticus, to cleanse us of our sin before the LORD, opening the way for all of us to salvation, grace is the LORD's gift, you are given a choice then, forward or back. However, there will still be a reckoning, we must each of us present ourselves to the LORD, just my opinion.
Please give more insight on like 12 42-47. I understand do as God wills and your blessed. And condemned for sin. But did Jesus die for our sin? If we are in sin, backsliding for example, are we not still saved, because in our hearts God knows we believe in his sacrifice for our sin? I understand we must turn, but the passage makes it sound like God will come and judge when we are in sin
All my times are in thy hands, all events at thy command,
He who formed me in the womb, He shall guide me to the tomb
All my times shall ever be, ordered by His wise decree. Amen
Sin again 1John1:9
He who formed me in the womb, He shall guide me to the tomb
All my times shall ever be, ordered by His wise decree. Amen