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This is the text and a scan of the actual, original, first printing of the 1611 King James Version, the 'HE' Bible, for Luke Chapter 12. The KJV does not get more original or authentic than this. View Luke Chapter 12 as text-only. Click to switch to the standard King James Version of Luke Chapter 12
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1 Christ preacheth to his disciples to auoid hypocrisie, and fearefulnesse in publishing his doctrine: 13 Warneth the people to beware of couetousnes, by the parable of the rich man who set vp greater barnes. 22 We must not be ouer carefull of earthly things, 31 but seeke the kingdome of God, 33 giue almes, 36 bee ready at a knocke to open to our Lord whensoeuer he commeth. 41 Christs ministers are to see to their charge, 49 and looke for persecution. 54 The people must take this time of grace, 58 because it is a fearefull thing to die without reconciliation.
1 In the meane time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one vpon another, he began to say vnto his disciples first of all, Beware yee of the leauen of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisie.1
2 For there is nothing couered, that shall not be reuealed, neither hid, that shall not be knowen.2
4 And I say vnto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that, haue no more that they can doe.4
6 Are not fiue sparrowes solde for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?6
8 Also I say vnto you, Whosoeuer shall confesse me before men, him shall the Sonne of man also confesse before the Angels of God.8
9 But he that denieth me before men, shalbe denied before the Angels of God.
11 And when they bring you vnto the Synagogues, and vnto Magistrates, & powers, take yee no thought how or what thing ye shall answere, or what ye shall say:11
12 For the holy Ghost shal teach you in the same houre, what ye ought to say.
14 And he said vnto him, Man, who made mee a iudge, or a diuider ouer you?
20 But God said vnto him, Thou foole, this night thy soule shal be required of thee: then whose shal those things be which thou hast prouided?20
21 So is he that laieth vp treasure for himselfe, and is not rich towards God.
22 ¶ And he said vnto his disciples, Therefore I say vnto you, Take no thought for your life what yee shall eate, neither for the body what yee shall put on.22
23 The life is more then meate, and the body is more then raiment.
25 And which of you with taking thought can adde to his stature one cubite?
26 If yee then bee not able to doe that thing which is least, why take yee thought for the rest?
29 And seeke not yee what yee shall eate, or what ye shall drinke, neither be ye of doubtfull minde.29
31 ¶ But rather seeke yee the kingdome of God, and all these things shall be added vnto you.
32 Feare not, litle flocke, for it is your fathers good pleasure to giue you the kingdome.
33 Sell that yee haue, and giue almes: prouide your selues bagges which waxe not old, a treasure in the heauens that faileth not, where no theefe approcheth, neither moth corrupteth.33
34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
35 Let your loines be girded about, and your lights burning,35
39 And this know, that if the good man of the house had knowen what houre the theefe would come, he would haue watched, and not haue suffred his house to be broken thorow.39
40 Be yee therefore ready also: for the sonne of man commeth at an houre when yee thinke not.
41 ¶ Then Peter said vnto him, Lord, speakest thou this parable vnto vs, or euen to all?
43 Blessed is that seruant, whom his Lord when he commeth, shall find so doing.
44 Of a trueth, I say vnto you, that hee will make him ruler ouer all that he hath.
46 The Lord of that seruant will come in a day when hee looketh not for him, and at an houre when hee is not ware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the vnbeleeuers.46
49 ¶ I am come to send fire on the earth, and what will I, if it be already kindled?
50 But I haue a baptisme to be baptized with, and how am I straitned till it be accomplished?50
51 Suppose yee that I am come to giue peace on earth? I tell you, Nay, but rather diuision.51
54 ¶ And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the West, straightway yee say, There commeth a showre, and so it is.54
55 And when ye see the Southwind blow, ye say, There will be heat, and it commeth to passe.
57 Yea, and why euen of your selues iudge ye not what is right?
58 ¶ When thou goest with thine aduersary to the magistrate, as thou art in the way, giue diligence that thou mayest be deliuered from him, lest hee hale thee to the Iudge, and the Iudge deliuer thee to the officer, and the officer cast thee into prison.58
59 I tell thee, Thou shalt not depart thence, till thou hast payd the very last mite.59
Luke Chapter 12 Sidenote References (from Original 1611 KJV Bible):
1 Mat. 16.6.
2 Matth. 10. 26.
4 Matth. 10 28.
6 See Matt. 10.29.
8 Matth. 10 32. 2.tim. 2. 12.
11 Matth.10. 19.
20 Gre. doe they require thy soule.
22 Mat. 6. 25.
29 Or, liue not in carefull suspence.
33 Mat. 6. 20.
35 1.Pet.1. 13.
39 Mat. 24. 43.
46 Or, cut him off.
50 Or, pained.
51 Matt. 10. 34.
54 Matt. 16. 2.
58 Matth. 5. 25.
59 See Mar. 12.42.
* Some content on this page courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
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