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I have seen many places where there are comments on How God can say to hate . Over the years many words used in Biblical times meanings are different than those we believe them to be in now "modern times ". God says to hate those in your family in verse 26.From what I have learned and studied God is most likely saying is to "love those less than you love God , If God is not the 1st love in your heart you can not be a disciple and follower of God. God should be 1st in everyone 's hearts, then family such as spouse , children, friends etc. When God is 1st in our lives he will guide us along the path he has chosen for us, he knows what our days are before they happen, he knows who we will care for and he tells us let him guide us believe fully on him and we will be part of his kingdom. He chapter 12 verse 30 he says seek ye 1st the kingdom of God and these things will be added onto you and in verse 34 of that chapter , it says where your treasure is, that is where your heart is. God will give us all the treasures he feels we deserve if he is our 1st love.. Thank you
To the western mind these are feeble excuses but to the eastern mind they are justifiable reasons for declining the invitation Eastern religious custom very strictly adhered to dictated that the first two dedicate their property and animals before putting them to use The third man by marriage customs was not allowed to accept a meal invitation from anyone but his parents or in laws for the first year of marriage The lesson here is not so simple as just not giving lame excuses It is that even apparently righteous excuses are less than sufficient reason for declining an invitation to dine with the Master Note that the audience of this parable includes Pharisees a group so convinced of their own righteousness that they did not even recognize the Messiah standing before them
I feel this verse is saying that those who separate themselves from the world, or change some bad habits, but don't die daily and become fruitful are neither fit for the world, or for the Lord's use either. You have to put him first always!
luke14 vs23 lets go out on highways and hedges as Christians wining soul unto the Lord because the Holy Spirit was given unto us to do his job Allelujah
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Can you understand what he is saying? Would you be able to be one of Jesus disciples?
Unless you have suffered, been ridiculed and hated you can't understand what he is talking about.
I believe Jesus is saying ( Luke 14:27) that we must put God first in our lives and we must serve God in His name. We must love and help others around us. We must do as Jesus did and fulfill our purpose.
This is just my opinion. Could possibly mean: hate the way they / we are "of the worldly ways of living" because they / we will not consider ever inviting someone who is poor, blind, cripple, etc... to a wedding, etc., because we want to gain a social status amongst the many of higher living. One must first change to love all; not just, someone of higher living abilities. This is cost of being a disciple! Or, just being a good friend to someone / anyone; that, which they / we today lack. We do not want our associates looking down on us! On the flip side of this issue; who wants to be friends with criminals or terrorist or rapist or etc.. So, something must change our reality or way of life. My friends that is what Jesus was / would / will / is teaching us. He was / is telling us how to stop the madness of neglect. Please share! Basis necessities, things needed to be able to survive is what many lacked then and now (today). We know this to be true! Flip side of this: we may be too many in numbers / populations to maintain enough resources for everyone?! True or False?!
To carry your cross means to endure whatever your mission in life is. My twin brother and my siters and my parents are all unbelievers . But really what I have had to endure the most is Christians. They are my cross to bear. I have never suffered more that at the hands of Christians. I have been kicked out of churches, banned from discusions, black listed and persecuted for telling the truth. How do you feel when you read my words?
If any man is not willing to forsake his family for the sake of the kingdom he is not worthy. Jesus did this and if you do this your family will say why do you hate us but God says seek first the kingdom and all these things will be added onto you. It is a matter of setting your priorities first. If you walk away from your church or get kicked out for the sake of the kingdom you will be shunned but when the kingdom comes all things will be restored to you. He who loses his life gains it back in the kingdom. It is love to restore the kingdom which is the new age after the church age. The kingdom of God is inside you. No excuses.
One of the many bible versions changes the word "hate" to "disregard". Some apologetics argue that "hate" was a mis-translation, and that the idea was that you must renounce all your connections to the physical world(which would make some sense). But "hate" is such a strong term that it's really hard to accept any attempt to re-word the verse, Words mean things. And the old testament commandment of honoring thy father and mother doesn't seem to have any possible logical intersection with this verse. One must conclude that Luke was having a bad day when he penned this, because, to me, it is inconceivable the Jesus would say that.
(This is my response to David's comment dated 9/13/2013 at 10:08pm on Luke Chapter 14 about verse 26):.. LUKE 14:26 is NOT a saying.. it simply means, you CANNOT be His DISCIPLE if you LOVE your father, mother, wife, children, brethren, sisters, even your own life, MORE than HIM.
I am sure the cost of being a follower of Jesus should be reckoned with on a different scale than relations to life and on account for something higher than any of the people mentioned in verse 26. The truth is hate in Greek means "to differ to or disregard" and the English meaning puts exaggeration on how you should accept the invitation of discipleship rather than focusing on "how could Jesus expect that of anyone". I am encouraged by this verse because it challenges me both spiritually of what I am willing to give up to become a better soldier for Christ and in the natural life, it is still the battle of denying myself in order to follow Christ in the 21st century and all its challenges.
Doesnt this chapter kind of explain that we need to be humble. Offer others our support and caring without putting ourselves 1st. I also think that it also explains that we shouldnt make excuses for other things thru our day and we should make sure GOD is our priority each day. When God is asking or inviting we shouldnt have other things as a priority in our lives. In regards to hate i think it is more so saying that God again is our priority and that worldly things or others come second to God. God number 1, spouse number 2, family number 3.
We should always be ready in our hearts to meet God. It explains that we dont know that day as in the previous chapters. When we are invited to the table we should be ready to accept that invitation. Our hearts should be pure and ready to be accepted into heaven when God comes calling.
We should help others before ourselves, make God a priority even over family and always be ready when we are called home to Heaven.
No one can validate your own inclination. If you love Christ, you will love your family even more, because Christ is the height and depth of love. So please lay your question side by side with the Word of God and get your answer. Specifically read the entire short books of 1st, 2nd and Third John. Hope this helps.
Verse 26 - There is nothing more precious to me than my lovely wife, my two beautiful children, other members of my wonderful family and all of my fantastic friends. My life revolves around them and I love them more than anything, including Jesus. Does that make me a bad person?
i like when jesus heal the man that has dospy. And JESUS said to thelawyers and pharisees, jesus said to them is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day. The pharisees took for granted that they were righteous because they religiously observed the mosaic law.
Verse 26 means just what it said, you got to hate everything for God, because he does not take second to any one. Roman 9:13, as it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. God hated Esau because he sold his birth right to Jacob, his younger brother.
Comment on verse 26:
1. This is a very misunderstood passage simply because people continue to make remarks about biblical scriptures without research and studying ( 2 Timothy 2:15);
2. Can anyone of reason truly believe that Jesus is teaching us that we must hate our family members in order to love and follow him?
3. Only an antichrist that rejects God's word and the truth of biblical philosophy would come to that conclusion;
4. The meaning behind the word hate is the same found in Genesis 29:30,31. Jacob truly loved Rachel more than Leah in verse 30, but noticed the word hate used by God in his description of how Jacob feels towards Leah in verse 31;
5. There are times when God uses the word hate in his describing of a feeling of one person over another when it is just a matter of a person having a more affectionate preference over someone else;
6. To get the true description of Jesus is saying in verse 26, go to Colossians 3:1-4;
7. True example of God's hatred about someone or something can be found in Proverbs 6:16-19.
Okeoghene Grace Dietake on Luke 14:26 - 12 years ago
Knowing you Jesus; there is no greater thing. Nothing (death, life, tribulations, family, wealth, self esteem, wealth, famine, hunger,..) shall separate me from your love... Romans 8:35-39. Whatever stands deceitfully to take your place in my life, I consider as dung and am ready to turn away from even if it is my own life. This is my solemn declaration and this is a light in a sense of what Luke 14:26 means. That nothing else matters; that all is NOTHING compared to the priceless blessings of knowing Jesus and that without this mentality, one is not even qualified to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
My earthly family may not be my eternal family. Some posts here come from a wordly point of view. What does a believer in Jesus and his word have in common with anybody who hates Jesus?
My Thoughts is that everything is God's he made us for is purpose not for our purpose.And when realize this and know how much He loved us we won't have problems putting Him first. For God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten a Son that he that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 and this was His great gift to us. so our gift to Him is to put HIm first
Has anyone ever heard of the word fideism? according to Merriam-Webster FIDEISM. : reliance on faith rather than reason in pursuit of religious truth. — fi·de·ist -ˌdā-ist noun. — fi·de·is·tic ˌfē-(ˌ)dā-ˈis-tik ... To hate my mother or my father or anyone else is in my opinion a Jim Jones hypocrisy - where people are lead like blind sheep to mass slaughters and suicides - to contort or interpret this to mean anything other than the acceptance of unsound reasoning. To "know thy self" the great Imhotep proclaimed is where one learns all things as self being the building of that temple towards The Creator. If you "hate" yourself, your mother etc..you tear away the foundation of understanding and forgiveness which is even contrary to Christian theology. No matter how you slice it, if according to your own Bible Matthew 5:37 says," But let your Yes be Yes and your No, ' No. For whatever is more than these is from the evil one".
Can you understand what he is saying? Would you be able to be one of Jesus disciples?
Unless you have suffered, been ridiculed and hated you can't understand what he is talking about.
He is telling the truth!
because He is the first in our lives to come, but some times we don't feel that,we want ourselves or our parents.
We should always be ready in our hearts to meet God. It explains that we dont know that day as in the previous chapters. When we are invited to the table we should be ready to accept that invitation. Our hearts should be pure and ready to be accepted into heaven when God comes calling.
We should help others before ourselves, make God a priority even over family and always be ready when we are called home to Heaven.
No one can validate your own inclination. If you love Christ, you will love your family even more, because Christ is the height and depth of love. So please lay your question side by side with the Word of God and get your answer. Specifically read the entire short books of 1st, 2nd and Third John. Hope this helps.
1. This is a very misunderstood passage simply because people continue to make remarks about biblical scriptures without research and studying ( 2 Timothy 2:15);
2. Can anyone of reason truly believe that Jesus is teaching us that we must hate our family members in order to love and follow him?
3. Only an antichrist that rejects God's word and the truth of biblical philosophy would come to that conclusion;
4. The meaning behind the word hate is the same found in Genesis 29:30,31. Jacob truly loved Rachel more than Leah in verse 30, but noticed the word hate used by God in his description of how Jacob feels towards Leah in verse 31;
5. There are times when God uses the word hate in his describing of a feeling of one person over another when it is just a matter of a person having a more affectionate preference over someone else;
6. To get the true description of Jesus is saying in verse 26, go to Colossians 3:1-4;
7. True example of God's hatred about someone or something can be found in Proverbs 6:16-19.