(14) He was much displeased.--The word, as used by our Lord, is peculiar to St. Mark; St. Matthew uses it of the disciples (Matthew 20:24; Matthew 26:8) and of the chief priests (Matthew 21:15).
Verse 14. - Butwhen Jesus saw it (ἰδὼν δὲ ὁ Ἰησοῦς). The Greek shows that there was no interval between the acts of the parents and the disciples, and our Lord's seeing it. The parents were bringing the children, the disciples were rebuking them, Jesus was perceiving. He was much displeased (ἠγανάκτησε); literally, he was moved with indignation. His words imply eagerness and earnestness: Suffer the little children to come unto me; forbid them not. The copulative καὶ is not to be found in the best authorities. The omission adds force and vividness to the words. The simplicity, candour, and innocence of little children are very attractive. This narrative shows with what care children should be educated. For of such is the kingdomof God; that is, of such little children as these. The kingdom of heaven belongs in a peculiar manner to little children. We know for certain that little children who have been brought to Christ in Holy Baptism, if they die before they are old enough for moral accountableness, are undoubtedly saved. They pass at once into a nearer position to the throne. "They are without fault before the throne of God."
10:13-16 Some parents or nurses brought little children to Christ, that he should touch them, in token of his blessing them. It does not appear that they needed bodily cures, nor were they capable of being taught: but those who had the care of them believed that Christ's blessing would do their souls good; therefore they brought them to him. Jesus ordered that they should be brought to him, and that nothing should be said or done to hinder it. Children should be directed to the Saviour as soon as they are able to understand his words. Also, we must receive the kingdom of God as little children; we must stand affected to Christ and his grace, as little children to their parents, nurses, and teachers.
But when Jesus saw it,.... Observed that his disciples reproved those that brought their children to, him,
he was much displeased; with his disciples, who took too much upon them; for they ought first, to have known their master's will; whether it was his pleasure to grant the favour desired for these children, and not to have forbid them of themselves:
and said unto them; the disciples, as the Persic version reads:
suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God; or "of them who" are, , "as these", as the Syriac version, renders the words; or, as the Arabic, who "are like to these"; and the Persic, who are "like to these little children"; in innocence and humility; See Gill on Matthew 19:14.
he was much displeased; with his disciples, who took too much upon them; for they ought first, to have known their master's will; whether it was his pleasure to grant the favour desired for these children, and not to have forbid them of themselves:
and said unto them; the disciples, as the Persic version reads:
suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God; or "of them who" are, , "as these", as the Syriac version, renders the words; or, as the Arabic, who "are like to these"; and the Persic, who are "like to these little children"; in innocence and humility; See Gill on Matthew 19:14.