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Mark Chapter 12 Discussion Page 3

Mark Chapter 12 Discussion Page 3

  • Ella on Mark 12 - 8 years ago
    I love God He means the world to me I will pray to him I will do anything for him Amen
  • Michael C. on Mark 12 - 8 years ago
    Mark 12:38-44
    What a picture; the Lord Jesus sitting by and watching, to see how we give! Thinking about His teachings on the same subject in the Sermon on the Mount; it is the the deception and error of spirit of hypocrisy, that assumes that praise of men confirms that lasting righteousness which must also carry us to the heights in heaven, and so our superiority to others. Honor comes from God.
  • Geraldine cole on Mark 12 - 9 years ago
    Obey the word and love ye one another pray for the sin sick soul because all soul belong to Jesus. He is no respectable person some will accept Jesus some will not we have free will so we cannot judge other remember only Jesus can draw a person to him well do not let no one change your mind about living for the Lord Jesus .the devil job is to change your mine test the spirit to see if its really Jesus
  • John Edward Patterson on Mark 12 - 9 years ago
    Folks are too hung up on dividing the three "parts" of God we call the trinity. There is the invisible God who dwells inside the visible Christ who emanates the Holy Spirit. Each is identifiable, yet only one is visible. Yet they are all the same being. Also this part of the verse was in red letter and it should be black.. "And the common people heard him gladly."
  • Kathyl on Mark 12 - 9 years ago
    I like mark, it is an interesting chapter of the bible because my pastor preaches it every Sunday.
  • Todd k on Mark 12:44 - 9 years ago
    This really makes me stop and think. Am I giving to God my abundance or when I give does it hurt? Is it my first fruit? I have work to do.
  • Eric on Mark 12 - 9 years ago
    It matters not that the "Trinity " be not mentioned in the Bible. It has been a help to those souls, that want to understand know that Jesus, the Holy Spirit God are one in the same. It is but a helpful tool. It is not an affront to our understanding of our Lord. In all things praise God. Amen
  • Anonymous on Mark 12:14 - 10 years ago
    They did not relieve in Him
  • Brianna on Mark 12:30 - 10 years ago
    Mark 12:30-32 is really amazing and simple. It summed up the entire mosaic law In two simple commandments. These are the founding principals of God 's commandments. The law of Christ did. It have tablets in which it was inscribed, but it relied o. It being inscribed in people 's hearts. This was accomplished by using principles such as these.
  • Capricon on Mark 12 - 10 years ago
    In 29 expressive statement by Jessus lor our God is one, this is the same message that given by all the prophets, if trinity exist this was the time Jessus should say There is no trinity. The word "Trinity " exists no where in the bible. There is only one God. St. Mark 12 verse 29 says it all. So best not to waste time finding any ancient artifacts to contradict this, the word of the Lord
  • John on Mark 12:29 - 10 years ago
    There is no trinity. The word "Trinity " exists no where in the bible. There is only one God. St. Mark 12 verse 29 says it all. So best not to waste time finding any ancient artifacts to contradict this, the word of the Lord
  • Rev. Autrey on Mark 12 - 10 years ago
    How many Christian Gods do we have, one, two, or three? Jesus said that we have only one God. This is what he said in Mark 12 29, 'The first commandment of all is, Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is one God. ' But most preachers ignore this by preaching two Gods when they say that the Father is a separate God from Jesus the Son. Then they go on to say that the Son is a lesser figure than the Father. This is pure paganism. Paganism is the worship of more than one God. This false belief was introduced into the Christian church in the 4th century by a false preacher from Alexandria, Africa by the name of Dr. Arius. The church condemned it, but it did not die out. Aranism spread to Northern Europe, England, and finally to America. And we see it in our churches today. The problem is, it sets up two Gods, and takes us away from the worship of Jesus by saying that he is not our God. Since Jesus is the way God speaks to us, if we miss Jesus we miss God. And if we miss God, we by default make Satan our God. Please consider this!
  • Joshua on Mark 12 - 10 years ago
    God 's world for man is an opportunity for we to understand is wille. Because whatever we are doing or trying to do has aready be writen in the will of God. God is disame yesterday today and forever more.for heaven and heath will pass away but God 's world willnever pass away. God Is a great God. By his stribes we are hill
  • Leon katz on Mark 12:17 - 10 years ago
    The Father has ordained the Govt. to care for a nation of people, we are reasonably responsible too obey the laws of the govt. and render our taxes ect. too make our govt strong in leadership. But as called and some chosen we are reasonably responsible for perfecting our consciousness of mind towards obeying the laws of God 's Govt. Both in mind and spirit, as we are returning back to the source of our existence. This was Jesus earthly ministry to make us aware of the Father 's divine Love and authority in and over our earthly lives. Amen
  • Jon on Mark 12 - 10 years ago
    if you read into it some ...verses 30 and 31 pretty much tie up all the commandments..30 the 1st 5 and 31 the rest
  • Dessu Delesa on Mark 12:3 - 10 years ago
    Mark memorizes me that Christ was beaten and killed in my behalf. I have also my part in killing the Son of God. It is for my sin that He died. I see how much God is full of love and mercy and He finally punish sinners those who cling to rebellion!
  • Samuel on Mark 12:7 - 11 years ago
    Surel bGod is merciful because after men killed HIS own begotten son God still loves us most in such a way that we do not perish
  • Jim on Mark 12:25 - 11 years ago
    Jesus is teaching here that "they", the risen ones, neither marry etc., but shall be "as" the angels which are in heaven. Thus allowing that not all spouses will rise together and be saved.
  • Hope Yibor on Mark 12:42 - 11 years ago
    I personally believe that what the widow did was more of the spirit than of the flesh. How could Jesus have known she what dropped in the offering bowl if not for the spiritual eye.
    When we begin to see that our giving has a spiritual connotation or what it does in the realms of the spirit am sure we would reconsider our giving attitude.
    I believe again that though she was materially or financially poor she was spiritually rich. A reference to Matthew 5:3. explains my point deeply. Having had her mentioned in the Bible heaven has recognised her work of giving.
  • Lanre Ibrahim on Mark 12 - 11 years ago
    It tells us that lord GOD is one and ONE alone.......
  • Susie on Mark 12:30 - 11 years ago
    It seems pitiful that this had to be a commandment, because it should be a joy!
  • Kidza on Mark 12 - 11 years ago
    Putting All meant putting all her faith in GOD.
  • Dee on Mark 12 - 11 years ago
    Bethany, you see the Trinity at the baptism of Jesus. The Father speaks, then there is Jesus, as well as the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove; that's Father, Son, and Holy Spirit together.
  • Lorenzo agadan on Mark 12:41 - 11 years ago
    giving by whole hearth not half or any percent.
  • Jay on Mark 12 - 12 years ago
    @Bethany and Bill,
    On verse 29, the 3 distinct persons of the godhead ( Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20, Colossians 2:9) do always act as one in unison, they never act separate from the other persons in the godhead. 3 in 1 person ( I John 5:7-8).
  • Elias on Mark 12 - 12 years ago
    The LORD just wants us to be pure from heart to Him i.e. Love Him with all our being even though in front of other we may be of no importance but as LORD saw the heart of widow and gave us parable through her. So, He will see our heart for Him and will give us importance. So do we children of Most High need favor from human....? If LORD is with us what else do we need? Praise The LORD.
  • Debra Hubbard on Mark 12:38 - 12 years ago
    Sadly, believe it or not, this is happening in our churches today. And one of the problems, is that some of them in authority, can be just as wicked and deceitful as anyone else, but their sins are not uncovered like others. I am a Christian, and I cannot go into much detail, (for the sake of God and others), but I sinned against God and the authority, (leaders are very proud, and if you cross them in any way, they'll retaliate. I am not trying to speak evil against them, but what can I do in a situation , when my voice is not heard). I was publicly disciplined (verbal), in front of the whole congregation in 2008, and I am still trying to heal from it! I've repented to the Lord, and to them, but that doesn't seem good enough to them.
  • Shirley B Dean on Mark 12:42 - 12 years ago
    The detailed commentary is both informative and encouraging. It has changed my attitude about giving what in earthly terms amounts to a very small amount - comparable to the widow's small gift. It is also a reminder that as far as God is concerned, "it's a heart thing!" Thank you.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Mark 12 - 12 years ago
    Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord. Thou shalt love the Lord with all thy heart, soul, mind, and strength. This is the first commandment, and the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. The whole law of God rest on these two commandments. Do not argue about the trinity. Just as water(h2O) has three states: Liquid, solid, and vapor. God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one Lord. Pay your taxes to the government, and give to the work of the Lord. Jesus said a new commandment I give unto you is to love one another as I have loved you. Jesus loved us enough to die on the Cross for our sins, and rose the third day for our justification. Jesus taught us how to love, and demonstrated at the same time. We know in part now, but when he that is perfect shall come, we will know as we are known.
    Remember our religion must exceed that of the scribes for us to get to heaven. True religion is to visit the fatherless, and the widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself from being apart of this worldly system. As Jesus said the widow gave all her living to the Lord. We must do the same to be accepted by him.
  • Bethany on Mark 12:29 - 13 years ago
    How can God be a Trinity then?

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